Gillian Lieberman
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) on CT Scans
Findings: This patient presents with marked enlarged kidneys bilaterally with multiple well-defined round macrocysts. ...
Diverticulitis of the Sigmoid Colon on CT Scan
Findings: There are diverticula and thickening of the walls of the sigmoid colon compatible with uncomplicated...
Findings: There is a radio-opaque gastric band. The esophagus demonstrates tertiary peristalsis. Discussion: In...
Diverticulitis of the Sigmoid Colon with Colovesical Fistula on CT Scans
Findings: The sigmoid shows diverticula and is attached to the dome of the bladder. A fistulous tract is seen filled with...
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) on MRI Scan
Findings: The MRI scans demonstrate hepatic cysts and enlarged kidneys with multiple renal cysts. Discussion:...
Esophageal Adenocarcinoma on BaSws and PET CT Scan
Findings: The BaSw demonstrates a polypoid mass (filling defect) in the lower esophagus. The PET CT scan demonstrates...
Hereditary Angioedema Manifesting in the Small Bowel on CT Scans
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate ascites and bowel wall thickening with intramural low attenuation. ...
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) on CT Scan and US
Findings: The CT demonstrates an enlarged kidney and liver containing multiple cysts, one of which is calcified. The US...
Diaphragmatic Rupture with Nasogastric Tube Displacement on Plain Film and CT Scans
Findings: This patient presents with an abnormal position of a nasogastric tube (NGT) overlying the left hemithorax. This...
Dropped Radioopaque Gallstones after Distant Cholecystectomy on CT Scans
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate clips in the gallbladder fossa secondary to the distant cholecystectomy. There are...
Findings: This CT demonstrates the classic Rigler’s Triad of gallstone ileus: Pneumobilia (air in the biliary tract), low...
Liver Laceration, Gallbladder Devascularization, and Adrenal Hemorrhage on CT Scans
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate ascites and a large low attenuation area in the left lobe of the liver with contrast...
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) Complications: Berry Aneurysm on CT Scan, Diverticulitis on BE
Findings: The CT demonstrates a berry aneurysm off the Circle of Willis. The BE demonstrates diverticulosis of the sigmoid...
Femoral Hernia with Small Bowel Obstruction on CT Scans
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate a bowel loop in the femoral canal with proximal small bowel dilatation. ...
Dropped Radiolucent Gallstones in Abscess after Distant Cholecystectomy on CT and MRI Scans
Findings: The CT and MRI scans show a cystic mass with enhancing wall. The CT shows clips from a prior...
Liver Laceration with Active Bleeding s/p MVA on CT Scans
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate a large low attenuation area in the left lobe of the liver. A central high attenuation...
Abscess s/p Appendectomy on CT Scans
Findings: There is a gas containing mass in the RLQ compatible with abscess. Discussion: This patient is four...
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) on Plain Films, UGI, and BE
Findings: The plain film, UGI, and BE demonstrate mass effect from a markedly enlarged left kidney. There are surgical...
Diverticulitis of the Sigmoid Colon with Extraluminal Air on CT Scan
Findings: There are diverticula and thickening of the walls of the sigmoid colon with an adjacent extraluminal air pocket...
Esophageal Adenocarcinoma on CT Scans
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate an esophageal mass obstructing the mid esophagus with a markedly dilated gas-filled...
Hereditary Angioedema Manifesting in the Stomach and Small Bowel on CT Scans
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate ascites with diffuse low attenuation gastric wall thickening and small bowel wall...
Acute Pancreatitis, Balthazar Grade E, on CT Scans
Findings: There are multiple poorly organized peri- and intrapancreatic fluid collections. Discussion: The...
Bowel Wall Hemorrhage and Obstruction from Coumadin Overdose on CT Scans
Findings: The proximal small bowel is enlarged with high-density intramural thickening and regularly thickened folds. The...
Dropped Radiolucent Gallstones after Distant Cholecystectomy on CT Scans
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate clips in the gallbladder fossa secondary to the distant cholecystectomy. There is a...
Findings: There are tortuous and dilated esophageal varices. Discussion: Esophageal varices result from portal...
Findings: Both the arterial phase and delayed phase CTs show active bleeding into the laceration involving the left lobe of...
Partial Large Bowel Obstruction on CT Scan
Findings: This patient is s/p sigmoid resection with surgical sutures noted at the anastamosis. Proximal bowel loops are...
Findings: There is a fatty infiltration of the pancreas with prominent peripancreatic stranding along Gerotta’s...
Findings: The contrast enhanced CTs show air in the bowel wall and portal venous system, which is classic for bowel ischemia...
Findings: There is a large gas containing pelvic abscess with adjacent tiny collections of air and contrast in fistulous...
Findings: The BaSw demonstrates the typical features of scleroderma / CREST of the esophagus with superimposed mucosal...
Findings: There is a large abscess in the left and caudate lobes of the liver containing fluid and air. There is resultant...
Findings: The contrast-enhanced portal vein demonstrates the low attenuation filling defect due to a clot. The liver is...
Findings: The IV contrast enhanced abdominal CT scans show dilated fluid-filled bowel loops with thickened enhancing...
Findings: The BaSw demonstrates an extrinsic mass impression on the right posterior esophagus. The CT demonstrates an...
Findings: The liver has a nodular contour and relative left lobe enlargement compatible with cirrhosis. There are ascites,...
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate a bowel loop projecting into the sciatic foramen with proximally dilated small bowel...
Findings: There is retroperitoneal and cervical lymphadenopathy with low-attenuation centers. Discussion: This...
Findings: The small bowel loops are on the right side. The cecum and colon are on the left side. Discussion:...
Findings: The CT scan demonstrates bowel wall thickening in the terminal ileum and free hemorrhagic peritoneal...
Findings: The CT Scans demonstrate a thrombus in the splenic vein, thrombosis of the left inferior mesenteric vein, and...
Findings: The CXR demonstrates cardiomegaly, increased pulmonary markings, RUQ surgical clips, and a prominent gastric air...
Findings: The CT scans show a heterogeneous, hypodense lesion in the right kidney. There is extension of the abscess into...
Findings: There are surgical clips and a gas containing collection in the RUQ/gallbladder fossa. Discussion:...
Findings: There are two pancreatic ducts: the dorsal pancreatic duct is superior, the ventral pancreatic duct is inferior....
Findings: The distal ileum shows bowel wall thickening, prominent vasa rectae, and fat stranding/fibrosis. ...
Findings: Multiple radiopaque markers are evident throughout the GI tract. Discussion: Sitz markers are given to...
Findings: The BaSw demonstrates a dilated esophagus with tertiary contractions and a bird beak appearance to the lower...
Findings: The CXR shows aberrant air secondary to the perforated esophagus; subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum....
Findings: There are diverticula and thickening of the walls of the sigmoid colon with significant surrounding fat...
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate eccentric thickening of the esophagus with punctate internal calcifications. ...
Findings: There is a long-segment intussusception of the 1st through 3rd parts of the duodenum, evidenced by the classic...
Findings: There is a hypodense mass in the uncinate process of the pancreas. There is no fat plane between the mass and the...
Findings: The presentation CT demonstrates bowel wall hemorrhage and free fluid. The four-day CT demonstrates increased...
Findings: The CT scans show a right lateral ventral hernia containing a small bowel loop. The hernia is causing small bowel...
Findings: The sigmoid volvulus shows the classic "coffee bean" appearance to the dilated, gas filled, closed loop sigmoid...
Findings: The CTs show active bleeding from the splenic laceration. There is hemoperitoneum. Discussion: The...
Острый аппендицит
ID: 9417 Acute appendicitis Dr Hani Alsalam - 15 Apr 2010 A young female patient with acute appendicitis.
ID: 12326 Acute appendicitis Dr Hani Alsalam - 10 Nov 2010 Acute appendicitis.
ID: 13030 Acute appendicitis Dr Bruno Di Muzio - 20 Feb 2011 The prevalence of appendicitis in patients who present with abdominal pa...
ID: 22892 Acute appendicitis Dr David Ferreira - 1 May 2013 The findings consistent with acute appendicitis.
ID: 9072 Acute appendicitis Dr Hani Alsalam - 15 Mar 2010 Acute appendicitis.
ID: 9308 Acute appendicitis Dr Hani Alsalam - 3 Apr 2010 3 year old girl presented with history of abdominal pain, anorexia and v...
ID: 13043 Acute appendicitis Dr Maulik S Patel - 21 Feb 2011 Findings of acute appendicitis with fluid -debris level affecting distal...
ID: 10498 Acute appendicitis Dr Hani Alsalam - 17 Aug 2010 Acute appendicitis.
ID: 20592 Acute appendicitis Dr Saeed Soltany Hosn - 27 Nov 2012
ID: 7966 Acute appendicitis Dr Frank Gaillard - 24 Dec 2009 Typical appearances of acute appendicitis in a 45 year old woman.
ID: 23280 Acute appendicitis Dr Jack Ren - 2 Jun 2013 This patient had a strikingly enlarged and thickened appendix, so much s...
ID: 8195 Acute appendicitis Dr Hani Alsalam - 17 Jan 2010 18-year-old male with acute abdomen. Abdomen CT confirm the presen...
ID: 16447 Acute appendicitis - detected on transvaginal ultrasound Dr Chris O'Donnell - 19 Jan 2012
ID: 12826 Acute appendicitis - paediatric Brendan Cullinane - 15 Jan 2011 A 6 year old male was referred for an abdominal ultrasound to confirm cl...
ID: 19970 Acute appendicitis arising from a malrotated caecum Dr Chris O'Donnell - 26 Oct 2012 Findings typical of appendicitis with thickening of the wall and surroun...
ID: 16172 Acute appendicitis complicated by ovarian vein thrombophlebitis Dr Hani Alsalam - 26 Dec 2011
ID: 23662 Acute appendicitis with appendicolith Dr J. Ray Ballinger - 1 Jul 2013 The peak incidence of acute appendicitis is in the late childhood and ad...
ID: 21148 Acute appendicitis with appendicoliths Dr MT Niknejad - 6 Jan 2013 Typical appearances of acute appendicitis in a 25 year old male.
ID: 21474 Acute appendicitis with CT arrowhead sign Dr Bita Abbasi - 25 Jan 2013 Acute appendicitis is one of the commonest causes of an ‘‘acute abdomen’...
ID: 16732 Appendicitis Dr M Osama Yonso - 16 Feb 2012
ID: 23220 Appendicitis Dr Augusto César Vieira Teixeira - 29 May 2013 Related articleAppendicitis
ID: 17279 Appendicitis Dr M Osama Yonso - 31 Mar 2012
ID: 17309 Appendicitis Dr M Osama Yonso - 2 Apr 2012
ID: 22792 Appendicitis Dr M Osama Yonso - 24 Apr 2013 Related articleAppendicitis
ID: 12510 Appendicitis Dr Frank Gaillard - 7 Dec 2010 This case illustrates how a less common location of the appendix (in thi...
ID: 17348 Appendicitis Dr T Shawn Sato - 5 Apr 2012
ID: 23594 Appendicitis Dr Omar Giyab - 26 Jun 2013 Appendicitis mainly affects ch
Ректальные инородные тела.
ID: 13331 Rectal foreign body Dr Frank Gaillard - 29 Mar 2011 Although these are referred to as rectal foreign objects, they often mig...
ID: 23993 Rectal foreign body Dr Paul Simkin - 23 Jul 2013 The patient went to theatre to have the orange removed. Who says fruit i...
ID: 20346 Rectal foreign body Dr Frank Gaillard - 14 Nov 2012 One could be forgiven for thinking that this chap was still finding the ...
ID: 13892 Rectal foreign body Dr Stefan Ludwig - 28 May 2011
ID: 17127 Rectal foreign body Dr Frank Gaillard - 19 Mar 2012 This case illustrates the benefits of orthogonal views... after all with...
ID: 18321 Rectal foreign body (vibrator) Dr Sajoscha Sorrentino - 29 Jun 2012 Rectal foreign bodies are not uncommon in emergency departments around t...
ID: 2656 Rectal foreign body - aerosol can Dr Frank Gaillard - 7 May 2008 Aerosol cans are a relatively common improvised rectal foreign body. Why...
ID: 14974 Rectal foreign body - butt plug Dr Frank Gaillard - 11 Sep 2011 Perhaps attaching these to a surfboard leash, with a Velcro around the a...
Бодров Юрий Дмитриевич
Больная В. 38 лет Диагноз: «Карциноид тела желудка малых размеров 11х9мм» (подтверждён гистологически).
2.-Компьютерная пневмогастротомограмма
3.-2D -изображения с раздуванием желудка воздухом
4.-3D-реконструкция раздутого воздухом желудка (вид сзади)
5.-Виртуальная КТ-гастроскопия
6.- Гастроскопия. Фото представлены с разрешения доктора эндоскопического отделения ГБУЗ ЯО «ОКОБ» Д.В. Гусева.
Гастроскопия в режиме узкоспектральной эндоскопии (NBI)
-Нейроэндокринная опухоль ЖКТ с высокой и низкой степенью дифференцировки, секретирующая серотонин и другие медиаторы.
- Возраст 40-60 лет;
- Составляют 2% опухолей ЖКТ (при этом 85-90% карциноидов являются опухолями ЖКТ);
- 2-я по частоте опухоль тонкого кишечника: (подвздошная кишка - 25%, прямая кишка - 14%,аппендикс - 12%, редко в желудке, 12п кишке, поджелудочной железе)
- Обладают медленным ростом;
-Опухоли гиперваскуляризированы;
- Мелкие опухоли характеризуются подслизистым ростом;
- 70% карциноидов являются злокачественными опухолями,
- 20-30% опухолей менее 1 см. дают метастазы;
- Метастазирует в лимфатические узлы и печень;
- 30% многоочаговые поражения;
- 10 % карциноидный синдром (приливы, диарея, астма и отёк, сердечные осложнения);
- 5-летняя выживаемость 50%.
КТ-картина: гиперваскуляризированые опухолевые узлы. За пределами ЖКТ (брыжейка и т.д.) в виде нечётко определяемых объёмных новообразований с кальцификатами и расходящимися узлами соединительной ткани, создающими «звёздчатый паттерн».
Диф. Диагностика от GIST:
- локализуется в тощей и подвздошной кишке;
- часто крупная опухоль;
- с областям центрального некроза.
-Лучевая диагностика «Желудочно -кишечный тракт» Ханс -Юрген Брамбс. Перевод с английского. Под общей редакцией проф. М.Ю. Валькова. Москва «МЕД пресс-инфарм» 2010г.