Изображения. Грудная клетка 4. Gillian Lieberman
Left pneumothorax producing deep sulcus sign on supine views
Findings: A pneumothorax is air between the visceral and parietal pleura. Air is lucent (jet black) on plain film. A...
Pneumothorax and Pelvic Fracture s/p MVA on CT Scans
Findings: The axial chest CT demonstrates a pneumothorax anteriorly. The coronal abdominal CT demonstrates a right pelvic...
Findings: The CXR shows a right tension pneumothorax with air in the pleural space, secondary lung collapse, and a flattened...
Bilateral subcutaneous emphysema
Findings: Air is lucent (jet black) on plain film. There is streaky air in the subcutaneous tissue bilaterally.
Pneumomediastinum, Deep Cervical Emphysema, and Subcutaneous Emphysema on CXR
Findings: This patient developed a “spontaneous” pneumomediastinum during an asthma attack. The CXR demonstrates lucencies...
Right skin folds mimicking pneumothorax
Findings: Elderly or cachectic patients have loose skin which may fold. A skin fold presents as a line which may be confused...
Lung Laceration and Pneumothorax on CT Scans
Findings: This patient received a stab wound to the left chest. The CT scans demonstrate the resultant subcutaneous...
Right inferior pneumothorax with underlying lung infiltrate
Findings: Black air without lung markings is noted in a subpulmonic location- highlighted in the box. The right lung shows...
Lung Contusion, Rib Fractures, and Aberrant Air Collections on CXR and CT Scan
Findings: The CXR demonstrates aberrant air collections: pneumomediastinum, deep cervical emphysema, and subcutaneous...
Right hydropneumothorax on upright view
Findings: The presence of both air and fluid within the pleural space is called a hydropneumothorax. A hydropneumothorax...
Left skin fold mimicking pneumothorax
Findings: Elderly or cachectic patients have loose skin which may fold. A skin fold presents as a line which may be confused...
Findings: A pneumothorax presents as a white visceral pleural line with black on either side and absent peripheral lung...
A right pneumothorax on upright view
Findings: Pneumothorax: air within the pleural space Typically located in a non-dependent location Primary Sign: white...
Findings: Air in the mediastinum is called pneumomediastinum. Pneumomediastinum may rupture into the pleural space and cause...
Right pneumothorax on left lateral decubitus view
Findings: If in doubt, a nondependent lateral decubitus view may be performed to help identify a pneumothorax. A...
Findings: A pneumothorax is air between the visceral and parietal pleura. Air is lucent (jet black) on plain film. Air in...
Pneumopericardium vs. pneumomediastinum
Findings: Pneumopericardium presents radiologically with a black line (air) adjacent to the heart border and then a white...
Subcutaneous emphysema and air within the pectoralis muscle
Findings: Air is lucent (jet black) on plain film. There is streaky air in the subcutaneous tissue on the right. Notice the...
Boerhaave's Syndrome on CXR and BaSw
Findings: The CXR shows aberrant air secondary to the perforated esophagus; subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum....
Findings: Pneumopericardium is air in the pericardial sac between the visceral and parietal pericardium. Pneumopericardium...
Right tension pneumothorax with collapsed lung
Findings: A tension pneumothorax is life threatening and requires urgent decompression. Radiologically, a tension...
Патология грудной стенки
Findings: There is an air-fluid level evident in the large sliding esophageal hiatus hernia.
Findings: There is diffuse osteopenia, fractures, and bowing deformities of many bones. The femur, tibia, and fibula are...
Findings: Air is lucent (jet black) on plain film. There is streaky air in the subcutaneous tissue bilaterally.
Findings: The CT demonstrates a mass with bony destruction of the left third rib. The RN scan shows increased radiotracer...
Findings: Pectus excavatum causes density in the lung adjacent to the right heart border. There is no infiltrate; the lung...
Findings: The axial chest CT demonstrates a pneumothorax anteriorly. The coronal abdominal CT demonstrates a right pelvic...
Findings: This patient presents with a sternomanubrial dislocation as demonstrated: There is posterior dislocation of the...
Findings: This patient presents with two 9 mm bullets as outlined on plain film and CT scans: Bullet 1 is just deep to the...
Findings: Air is lucent (jet black) on plain film. There is streaky air in the subcutaneous tissue on the right. Notice the...
Findings: This patient presents with an abnormal position of a nasogastric tube (NGT) overlying the left hemithorax. This...
Сердечно-сосудистая недостаточность, застой
Findings: CHF frequently presents radiologically with cardiomegaly and/or pleural effusions. The effusions may be bilateral....
Findings: CHF frequently presents radiologically with cardiomegaly and/or pleural effusions. The effusions may be bilateral....
Findings: CHF frequently presents radiologically with cardiomegaly and/or pleural effusions. The effusions may be bilateral....
Findings: There are multiple bilateral basal bullae with vascular pruning and loss of lung parenchyma. ...
Findings: The CTs demonstrate bronchiectasis in fourth and higher-order bronchi. There are signet ring signs of...
Findings: The non-enhanced axial CTs demonstrate subpleural honeycombing with apico-basilar gradient, traction...
Findings: Both CT scans demonstrate a RLL ground glass opacity. There has been mild enlargement over the 1 year period,...
Findings: CXR: There is a moderate-sized right pleural effusion. CT: There is right lung atelectasis and pleural effusion....
Findings: Lobar collapse presents as a wedge shaped density and signs of volume loss. LUL collapse presents as a left upper...
Findings: The CTs demonstrate extensive, patchy, bilateral, ground glass opacities, with superimposed intralobular and...
Findings: There are bilateral pulmonary cysts, largely replacing normal parenchyma. Discussion: Pulmonary...
Findings: There are patchy bilateral ground glass infiltrates, small nodules, and bronchiectasis. Discussion:...
Findings: The non-contrast axial CT demonstrates honeycombing in the right lower lobe, thickened walls, ground glass...
Findings: This patient received a stab wound to the left chest. The CT scans demonstrate the resultant subcutaneous...
Findings: The CT scans show multiple filling defects within the contrast enhanced pulmonary arteries compatible with...
Findings: The CXR and CTs demonstrate a dilated feeding branch of the right pulmonary artery leading to a pulmonary...
Findings: Patient 1: This patient’s CXR demonstrates a geographic configuration of interstitial opacities in the right...
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate diffuse ground-glass opacities and consolidation in the RLL. There is anterior bulging of...
Findings: There is bilateral peripheral/subpleural honeycombing.
Findings: A whiteout of a hemithorax is frequently due to a large pleural effusion or total lung collapse. The direction of...
Findings: The CXR demonstrates a dilated pulmonary artery leading to a three centimeter opacity superimposed over the right...
Findings: The CXR demonstrates left apical thickening with an adjacent pulmonary parenchymal process. The CT scan confirms...
Findings: The CT demonstrates right circumferential pleural thickening with nodulation. The mediastinum is shifted to the...
Findings: The CTs demonstrate multiple nodular densities predominating in both upper lung fields. Some nodules have...
Findings: The abdominal plain film and abdominal CT scans demonstrate a persistent nephrogram and enhancement of the walls...
Findings: The CXR demonstrates cardiomegaly and bilateral interstitial infiltrates. The CT demonstrates cardiomegaly with...
Findings: The CXR and CT demonstrate a thin-walled cystic lesion with a solid focus and air crescent. ...
Findings: Lobar collapse presents as a wedge shaped density and signs of volume loss. LLL collapse presents as a left lower...
Findings: The CT demonstrates innumerable bilateral lung nodules.
Findings: Lobar collapse presents as a wedge shaped density and signs of volume loss. RUL collapse presents as a right upper...
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate extensive bilateral pulmonary emboli involving the main pulmonary arteries, segmental and...
Findings: Complete opacification or “white out” of the hemithorax is usually caused by a large pleural effusion or complete...
Findings: The presentation CXR shows hazy opacification of the RLL. The six month follow up CXR shows worsening of the RLL...
Findings: Hand: There is acro-osteolysis of the distal tufts of all 5 fingers. There is also ankylosis of the PIP joint of...
Findings: Infiltrates in the lingula silhouette out the upper left heart border.
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate high density material in the pulmonary vasculature with resultant decreased distal...
Findings: There are bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities. There is a “crazy paving” pattern on CT, which is caused by...
Findings: Lobar collapse presents as a wedge shaped density and signs of volume loss. RUL collapse presents as a right upper...
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate extensive bilateral pulmonary emboli involving the main pulmonary arteries, segmental and...
Findings: Complete opacification or “white out” of the hemithorax is usually caused by a large pleural effusion or complete...
Findings: Both CT scans demonstrate a RLL ground glass opacity. There has been mild enlargement over the 1 year period,...
Findings: CXR: There is a moderate-sized right pleural effusion. CT: There is right lung atelectasis and pleural effusion....
Findings: Lobar collapse presents as a wedge shaped density and signs of volume loss. LUL collapse presents as a left upper...
Findings: The CTs demonstrate extensive, patchy, bilateral, ground glass opacities, with superimposed intralobular and...
Findings: There are bilateral pulmonary cysts, largely replacing normal parenchyma. Discussion: Pulmonary...
Findings: Complete opacification or “white out” of the hemithorax is usually caused by a large pleural effusion or complete...
Findings: The I-131 full body scan demonstrates foci of increased radiotracer uptake in the neck and both lungs.
Findings: A tension pneumothorax is life threatening and requires urgent decompression. Radiologically, a tension...
Findings: This patient demonstrates the typical findings on frontal CXR: 1) Apparent elevation of hemidiaphragm 2) Blunting...
Findings: CXR: There are bilateral perihilar interstitial opacities. CT: There are bilateral diffuse ground-glass opacities,...
Findings: A pulmonary infiltrate due to pneumonia may infrequently present as a round mass- like density. The differential...
Findings: The CXR and CT scans demonstrate multiple bilateral diffuse tiny nodules. Discussion: Talcosis is a...
Findings: A right lower lobe infiltrate usually silhouettes out the right hemidiaphragm on frontal and/or lateral views. A...
Findings: The CXR demonstrates the typical 1,2,3 hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy and bilateral reticular nodular...
Findings: The CXR demonstrates a superioanterior mediastinal mass causing tracheal displacement to the right. There are...
Findings: Black air without lung markings is noted in a subpulmonic location- highlighted in the box. The right lung shows...
Findings: The right upper lobe is densely consolidated demonstrating air bronchograms pathognomonic of alveolar...
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate a right upper lobe spiculated lung cancer with metastases to the mediastinum, SVC...
Findings: Both right middle lobe pneumonia and right middle lobe collapse present as wedge-shaped densities overlying the...
Findings: The CXR and CT demonstrate a single dominant nodule in both upper lobes. The margins are spiculated and therefore...
Findings: The CXR demonstrates subtle increased markings of the right upper lobe with a calcified granuloma. ...
Findings: The CXR demonstrates left apical thickening with an adjacent pulmonary parenchymal process. The CT scan confirms...
Findings: The CT demonstrates right circumferential pleural thickening with nodulation. The mediastinum is shifted to the...
Findings: The CTs demonstrate multiple nodular densities predominating in both upper lung fields. Some nodules have...
Findings: The abdominal plain film and abdominal CT scans demonstrate a persistent nephrogram and enhancement of the walls...
Findings: Mediastinal windows: there are bilateral filling defects in the pulmonary arteries. Lung windows: there is a...
Findings: The CXRs and CT demonstrate large bilateral lung nodules. Discussion: These cannonball metastases...
Findings: An infiltrate in the RML silhouettes out the right heart border. On frontal view, RML consolidation has a straight...
Findings: There are bilateral hilar masses with adjacent fibrosis. There are bilateral nodular densities. ...
Findings: There are bilateral pulmonary lesions with radiotracer uptake, which proved to be secondary to TB. ...
Рак молочной железы, лимфангит карциноматозный
ID: 13268 Tuberculosis Dr Hani Alsalam - 19 Mar 2011 frontal chest radoiograph shows bilateral calcified (healed) granulomas ...
ID: 7893 Tuberculosis Dr Hani Alsalam - 21 Dec 2009 12 year-old-female with history of recurrent chest infection for 3 years...
ID: 16097 Tuberculosis Dr Hani Alsalam - 18 Dec 2011
ID: 12171 Tuberculosis - cervical lymph nodes and lung Dr Alexandra Stanislavsky - 27 Oct 2010 CT of the neck demonstrates a large, centrally necrotic, lobulated mass ...
ID: 10206 Tuberculosis - involving multiple sites Dr Hani Alsalam - 22 Jul 2010 Tuberculosis with right supraclavicular and the chest wall abscesses as ...
ID: 12569 Tuberculosis - left upper lobe Dr Frank Gaillard - 17 Dec 2010 Chest x-ray demonstrates consolidation in the left upper lobe. Two dense...
ID: 8646 Tuberculosis gross pathology - Ghon lesion Dr Yale Rosen - 19 Feb 2010 Sub-pleural fibro-calcific nodule (Ghon focus)Author: Yale Rosen, M.D.Or...
ID: 8737 Tuberculosis of the chest wall Dr Hani Alsalam - 26 Feb 2010 A 21-year-old patient presented with right anterior chest wall swelling....
ID: 13241 Tuberculosis with consolidation Dr Jeremy Jones - 17 Mar 2011 Bibasal consolidation widespread reticulonodular change and a subcarinal...
ID: 8407 Tuberculosis with mediastinal abscess Dr Frank Gaillard - 28 Jan 2010 Mediastinal abscess (TB)
ID: 6408 Tuberculosis with psoas abscess Dr Jeremy Jones - 21 Jun 2009 This patient with known TB presented with back pain and problems mobilis...
ID: 13236 Tuberculosis with small bowel obstruction Dr Jeremy Jones - 17 Mar 2011 The abdominal film demonstrates subacute small bowel obstruction with mu...
ID: 13931 Tuberculous discitis + osteomyelitis Dr Frank Gaillard - 1 Jun 2011 This case demonstrates typical appearances of tuberculous discitis / ost...
ID: 22415 Tuberculous Enteritis Dr Franco Ruales - 30 Mar 2013
ID: 2659 Tuberculous neck nodes Dr Frank Gaillard - 7 May 2008 CT through the neck and chest demonstrates large nodes particularly on t...
ID: 13396 Tuberculus osteomyelitis of sternum Dr Maulik S Patel - 5 Apr 2011 Xray - Sternum - No bony abnormality noted.US - Cortical erosion present...