Радиологический модуль обучения Мичиганского университета
L3 CT after myelography
Lumbar Cross Zoom
Lumbar myelogram AP
Lumbar myelogram lateral
Lumbar Spine MRI Zoom
Lumbar Spine Zoom 1
Lumbar Spine Zoom 2
Breast cancer and axillary nodes
Mammogram and Lymph Nodes
Aortic arch 3D zoom
Chest CT Great vessels
Chest CT Heart
Chest Pneumothorax
Chest Valves and Catheter
Chest Xray
Collapsed lung Child
Heart CT 1
Heart CT 2
Heart CT 3
Heart CT 4
Heart CT 5
Lung Cancer
Lung CT 1
Lung 3D Enlarge Axial
Lung 3D Enlarge Coronal
Tracheal Bifurcation
Tracheal Cancer
Scapular Fracture
Arm And Hand Angiogram
Arm MRI Zoom
Axilla Angiogram
Elbow Collateral Vessels
Elbow Dislocation
Elbow Extended
Elbow Flexed
Elbow Growth Plates
X-ray Two Views
Hand Angiogram
Hand Angiogram Arches
Radius & Ulna Fracture
Shoulder Bones
Shoulder CT 1
Shoulder CT 2
Shoulder CT 3
Shoulder CT 4
Shoulder CT 5
Shoulder MRI Zoom
Upper Limb Venogram
Wrist Colles Fracture
Growth Plates
Wrist hand X ray
Ankle MRI Zoom
Femoral Artery Occlusion
Knee Cross Zoom
Knee MRI Saggital
Knee Sagittal Zoom
Abdomen Cross 1
Abdomen Cross 2
Abdomen Cross 3
Abdomen Cross 6
Kidney MRI Coronal
Kidney Removed
A C Barium Enema
Abdomen Cross 1
Abdomen Cross 2
Abdomen Cross 3
Abdomen Cross 6
Breast cancer and axillary nodes
Mammogram and Lymph Nodes
Male Urethrogram
Pelvic Arteriogram
Pelvic Radiogram
Orbital Floor Fracture
Cervical Spine Cross Zoom
Cervical Spine Zoom
Orbital Floor Fracture
Cervical Spine Cross Zoom
Cervical Spine Zoom
Head Angiogram
Head CT Coronal
Head MRI Coronal
Head MRI Internal Capsules
Head MRI Midline
Head MRI Pons