Голова. Череп. Мозг. Сосуды. Раданатомия
Lateral skull
Lateral skull
Skull- lateral
Skull- lateral
Sinuses- waters view
Sinuses- waters view
Water's view
Water's view
Sinuses-caldwell view
Sinuses-caldwell view
Mandible- oblique
Mandible- oblique
Soft tissue neck-AP
Soft tissue neck-AP
Soft tissue neck-lateral
Soft tissue neck-lateral
Sinuses-Axial view
Sinuses-Axial view
CT Sinuses-axial
CT Sinuses-axial
CT Sinuses-coronal
CT Sinuses-coronal
CT Temporal bone and ear-coronal
CT Temporal bone and ear-coronal
CT Temporal bone and ear-axial
CT Temporal bone and ear-axial
CT Facial bones-axial
CT Facial bones-axial
Coronal MRI inner ear
Coronal MRI inner ear
Coronal MRI inner ear
Coronal MRI inner ear
Coronal MRI inner ear
Coronal MRI inner ear
Coronal MRI inner ear
MRI Face-sagittal
MRI Face-sagittal
MRI Orbits
MRI Orbits
MRI Soft tissue neck
MRI Soft tissue neck
MRI Soft tissue neck
MRI Soft tissue neck
MRI Head-sagittal
MRI Head-sagittal
MRI Head-coronal
MRI Head-axial
MRI Head-axial
Transverse sonogram - neck
Transverse sonogram - neck
Transverse sonogram - neck
Transverse sonogram - neck
Transverse sonogram - neck
Transverse sonogram - neck
Angiogram right internal carotid artery AP & lat
Angiogram right internal carotid artery AP & lat
Angiogram right internal carotid artery AP & lat
Angiogram right internal carotid artery AP & lat
Thoracic aortogram
Thoracic aortogram
Right carotid arteriogram- AP
Right carotid arteriogram- AP
Right carotid arteriogram-lateral
Right carotid arteriogram-lateral
Right carotid arteriogram-lateral
Right carotid arteriogram-lateral
Right carotid arteriogram-lateral
Right carotid arteriogram-lateral
Cerebral arteriogram-AP venous phase
Cerebral arteriogram-AP venous phase
Cerebral arteriogram-AP arterial phase
Cerebral arteriogram-AP arterial phase
Cerebral arteriogram-lateral arterial phase
Cerebral arteriogram-lateral arterial phase
Cerebral arteriogram-lateral venous phase
Cerebral arteriogram-lateral venous phase
Carotid arteriogram-lateral
External carotid arteriogram-lateral
Carotid arteriogram-oblique
3D MRA Circle of Willis-multiple views
3D MRA Circle of Willis-multiple views
3D MRA Circle of Willis-multiple views
3D MRA Circle of Willis-multiple views
3D MRA Circle of Willis-multiple views
3D MRA Circle of Willis-multiple views
3D MRA Circle of Willis-multiple views
3D MRA Circle of Willis-multiple views
3D MRA Circle of Willis-multiple views
MRA carotids & vertebrals- contrast enhanced
MRA carotids & vertebrals- contrast enhanced
MRA carotids & vertebrals- contrast enhanced
MRA carotids & vertebrals- contrast enhanced
MRA carotids & vertebrals- contrast enhanced
MRA carotids & vertebrals- contrast enhanced
Lumbar Myelogram-lateral
Lumbar Myelogram-lateral
Lumbar myelogram-AP
Lumbar myelogram-AP
Lumbar myelogram-AP
Lateral lumbar spine
Lateral lumbar spine
AP Lumbar spine
AP Lumbar spine
Lateral lumbar spine
Lateral lumbar spine
AP lumbar spine
AP lumbar spine
Oblique lumbar spine
Oblique lumbar spine
Lateral cervical spine
Lateral cervical spine
Oblique cervical spine
Oblique cervical spine
AP cervical spine
AP cervical spine
Lateral cervical spine
Lateral cervical spine
Open mouth odontoid view
Open mouth odontoid view
Lateral thoracic spine
Lateral thoracic spine
AP thoracic spine
AP thoracic spine
Lumbar spine-lateral
Lumbar spine-lateral
CT Lumbar spine-axial
CT Cervical spine-axial
MRI Lumbar spine-sagittal T1
MRI Lumbar spine-sagittal T1
MRI Lumbar spine-sagittal T2
MRI Lumbar spine-sagittal T2
MRI Cervical spine-sagittal T2
MRI Cervical spine-sagittal T2
MRI Cervical spine-T2 axial gradient
MRI Cervical spine-T2 axial gradient
MRI Lumbar spine-coronal
Грудная клетка
PA chest
PA chest
PA chest
PA chest
PA chest
PA chest
PA chest
PA chest
Lateral chest
Lateral chest
Lateral chest
Lateral chest
Lateral chest
Lateral chest
Lateral chest
Lateral chest
Lateral chest
Lateral chest
Lateral chest
PA chest
PA chest
Lateral chest
Lateral Chest
Lateral Chest
Lateral Chest
Lateral Chest
Lateral Chest
Lateral Chest
PA Chest
PA Chest
PA Chest
PA Chest
PA Chest
PA Chest
PA Chest
PA Chest
PA Chest
PA Chest
Sternum- right anterior oblique
Sternum- right anterior oblique
AP Chest
AP Chest
Lateral Chest
Lateral Chest
CT Chest with contrast
CT Chest with contrast
CT Chest with contrast
CT Chest with contrast
MRI Chest-oblique sagittal T1
MRI Chest-oblique sagittal T1
MRI Chest-coronal T1
MRI Chest-coronal T1
Aortic arch angiogram
Aortic arch angiogram
Left pulmonary angiogram-arterial phase
Left pulmonary angiogram-arterial phase
Left pulmonary angiogram-arterial phase
Left pulmonary angiogram-arterial phase
Left pulmonary angiogram-venous phase
Left pulmonary angiogram-venous phase
Right pulmonary angiogram-arterial phase
Right pulmonary angiogram-arterial phase
Right pulmonary angiogram-arterial phase
Right pulmonary angiogram-arterial phase
Right pulmonary angiogram-venous phase
Right pulmonary angiogram-venous phase
Thoracic aortogram
Aortic arch angiogram
Aortic arch angiogram
Aortic arch angiogram
Aortic arch angiogram
Aortic arch angiogram
Thoracic aortogram
MRA Aortic arch & great vessels- contrast enhanced
MRA Aortic arch & great vessels- contrast enhanced
MRA Aortic arch & great vessels- contrast enhanced
MRA Aortic arch & great vessels- contrast enhanced
MRA Aortic arch & great vessels- contrast enhanced
Abdomen- AP Supine
Abdomen- AP Supine
Abdomen- AP Supine
Abdomen- AP Supine
Abdomen- AP Upright
Abdomen- AP Upright
Abdomen- AP Uprigt
Abdomen- AP Uprigt
Abdomen- AP Upright
Abdomen- AP Upright
Abdomen-AP Supine
Abdomen-AP Supine
Abdomen- AP Supine
Abdomen- AP Supine
Abdomen- AP Supine
Abdomen- AP Supine
Abdomen- AP supine
CT Abdomen with contrast
CT Abdomen with contrast
CT Abdomen
CT Abdomen
MRI Abdomen- coronal
MRI Abdomen- axial
MRI Abdomen- Coronal
Abdomen ultrasound
Abdomen ultrasound
Abdomen ultrasound
Celiac arteriogram
Celiac arteriogram
Celiac arteriogram
Celiac arteriogram
Abdominal aortogram-lateral
Abdominal aortogram-lateral
Abdominal aortogram-AP
Abdominal aortogram-AP
Celiac arteriogram
Celiac arteriogram
Abdominal aortogram
Abdominal aortogram
Abdominal aortogram
Abdominal aortogram
Abdominal aortogram
Abdominal aortogram
Celiac arteriogram
SMA arteriogram
Celiac arteriogram
Portal venogram
Portal venogram
SMA arteriogram
SMA arteriogram
Small bowel study
Small bowel study
Upper GI study
Upper GI study
Upper GI study
Upper GI study
Upper GI study
Upper GI study
Barium enema-air contrast
Barium enema-air contrast
Barium enema-air contrast
Barium Enema
Barium Enema
Таз, область таза
AP Pelvis
AP Pelvis
AP Pelvis
AP Pelvis
AP Pelvis
AP Pelvis
AP Pelvis
AP Pelvis
AP Pelvis
AP Pelvis
AP Pelvis
Pelvis-AP (Male)
Pelvis- AP
CT Pelvis
CT Pelvis
CT Pelvis
CT Pelvis
CT Pelvis
CT Pelvis
MRI Pelvis
MRI Pelvis
Pelvic ultrasound
Iliac arteriogram
Iliac arteriogram
Iliac arteriogram
Iliac arteriogram
Верхняя конечность
AP Shoulder
AP Shoulder
AP Shoulder
Axial Shoulder
Axial Shoulder
Axial Shoulder
AP shoulder with abduction
Elbow- AP & oblique
Elbow- AP & oblique
Elbow- AP & oblique
Elbow- AP & oblique
Lateral elbow
Lateral elbow
Left hand
Left hand
Left hand
Left hand
MRI Wrist-coronal T1
MRI shoulder- coronal
MRI Shoulder-T1 coronal
MRI Shoulder- oblique sagittal T1
MRI Shoulder-oblique sagittal T1
MRI Elbow- coronal
MRI Elbow- coronal
MRI Elbow- sagittal T1
MRI Wrist- axial T1
MRI Wrist- axial T1
Arteriogram-upper extremity
Arteriogram-upper extremity
Arteriogram-upper extremity
Arteriogram-upper extremity
Arteriogram-upper extremity
Arteriogram-upper extremity
Нижняя конечность
Lateral ankle
Lateral ankle
Lateral ankle
Oblique ankle
Oblique ankle
Oblique ankle
AP Hip (prox femur)
AP Hip (prox femur)
AP Hip (prox femur)
AP Hip (prox femur)
Lateral hip/prox femur
Lateral hip/prox femur
Lateral hip/prox femur
AP Knee
AP Knee
AP Knee
AP Knee
AP Knee
Lateral Knee
Lateral Knee
Lateral Knee
Lateral Knee
Lateral Knee
Lateral Foot
Lateral Foot
Foot- AP/oblique
Foot- AP/oblique
Foot- AP/oblique
Foot- AP/oblique
Foot/Ankle- lateral
MRI Ankle/foot- axial T1
MRI Ankle/foot- axial T1
MRI Ankle/foot- sagittal T1
MRI Ankle/foot-sagittal T1
MRI Ankle/foot- coronal T1
MRI Ankle/foot-coronal T1
MRI Knee- sagittal
MRI Knee- sagittal
MRI Bilateral hips-coronal
MRI Left Hip- axial T1
MRI Knee- axial T1
MRI Knee- coronal T1
Femoral arteriogram
Femoral arteriogram
Lower extremity arteriogram
Lower extremity arteriogram
Left Femoral arteriogram
Lower extremity arteriogram
Lower extremity arteriogram
MR Angiogram- contrast enhanced
Iliac/Femoral MR Angiogram- contrast enhanced
Iliac/Femoral MR Angiogram- contrast enhanced
Случаи для самоконтроля с имеющимся ответом
Голова, шея.
Nasal bones - lateral
Nasal bones - lateral
Nasal bones - lateral
AP Skull
Lateral skull
Facial bones-AP
Sinuses- Water's view
Sinuses-Water's view
CT Facial bones-coronal
CT Sinuses
CT Head
CT Head
CT Head
CT Head
CT Head
CT Head
MRI Head
MRI Head
Случаи для самоконтроля с имеющимся ответом
Lumbar spine- lateral
Lumbar spine- lateral
Lumbar spine- lateral
Lumbar spine-lateral
Lumbar spine-lateral
MRI lumbar spine - sagittal
MRI Lumbar spine- axial/coronal
MRI Lumbar spine- sagittal
MRI Lumbar spine- sagittal
Случаи для самоконтроля с имеющимся ответом
Грудная клетка
PA Chest
Lateral chest
AP Chest
PA Chest
Lateral Chest
PA Chest
Lateral Chest
Right ribs- oblique
Right ribs- oblique
AP Chest
AP Chest
PA Chest
Lateral Chest
PA Chest
PA Chest
PA Chest
PA Chest
PA Chest
AP Chest
AP Chest
PA Chest
PA Chest
PA Chest
Lateral Chest
PA Chest
Lateral Chest
PA Chest
Lateral Chest
PA Chest
Lateral Chest
PA Chest
Lateral Chest
CT Chest
CT Chest
CT Chest
CT Chest
CT Chest
CT Chest
MRI Chest- coronal T1
MRI Chest-axial T1
MRI Chest-sagittal T1
Thoracic Aortogram
Thoracic Aortogram
Случаи для самоконтроля с имеющимся ответом
IVP- AP Supine
Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP)
Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP)
Intravenous pyelogram (IVP)
Abdomen- AP upright
Abdomen- AP supine
Abdomen- AP upright
Abdomen- AP supine
Abdomen- AP upright
Abdomen- AP supine
Abdomen- AP upright
Abdomen- AP supine
Abdomen- AP Supine
Abdomen- AP Upright
CT Abdomen
CT Abdomen
CT Abdomen
CT Abdomen
CT Abdomen
CT Abdomen
CT Abdomen
CT Abdomen/pelvis
MRI Abdomen- coronal/axial
Barium enema
Barium enema
Barium enema
Barium enema
Barium enema
Barium enema
Upper GI
Upper GI
Upper GI
Upper GI spot films
Upper GI spot films
Upper GI spot films
Случаи для самоконтроля с имеющимся ответом
Таз, область таза
AP Pelvis
Pelvis-Outlet view
Pelvis-Inlet view
Pelvis- AP
Pelvis- AP/Oblique
Pelvis- AP/Oblique
CT Pelvis
CT Pelvis
Случаи для самоконтроля с имеющимся ответом
Верхняя конечность
Wrist- PA,oblique
Wrist- PA,oblique
Wrist- PA, oblique, lateral
Wrist- PA, oblique, lateral
Wrist- PA, oblique, lateral
Left Wrist- PA/lateral
Left Wrist- PA/lateral
Elbow- lateral
Forearm arteriogram
Forearm arteriogram
Случаи для самоконтроля с имеющимся ответом
Нижняя конечность
AP Knee
Lateral Knee
Lateral Knee
Lateral Knee
Ankle-AP, oblique
Ankle-AP, oblique
Foot- AP/Oblique
Foot- AP/Oblique
Lower leg- Lateral
Lower leg- AP
Lower leg- lateral
Lower leg-AP
Lower leg-lateral
MRI Knee-coronal
Lower extremity arteriogram
Lower extremity arteriogram
Lower extremity arteriogram
Lower extremity arteriogram