About the Journal
"Diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy" is the first and only coming out at regular basis scientific and practical periodic journal officially registered in the Russian Federation and published in the Northwestern Federal District. Journal contains information about the main issues in the radiology (X-ray diagnostics, ultrasound diagnostics, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) and radiation therapy in a large number of scientific medical specialties (obstetrics and gynecology, internal medicine, cardiology, pediatrics, infectious disease, neurological disease, oncology, dentistry, traumatology and orthopedics, phthisiatrics, surgery, neurosurgery, urology, rheumatology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, public health and health care, human anatomy, pathological anatomy, etc.). There are four medical universities successfully operating in St. Petersburg (Russian State Medical University im.I.P.Pavlova, Mechnikov St. Petersburg State Academy, St. Petersburg Academy of Pediatrics, Medical Faculty of the Leningrad State University Lomonosov ), 17 research institutes, including the specialized agency - Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgical Technologies. All these institutions carry out scientific research related to the diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy. Many students are taught and participate in programs of post-graduate education for doctors, open internship, clinical residency, postgraduate and doctoral studies in the considered field. Materials published in articles are in full conformity with specialty and research areas.
The target readership of the magazine - the scientists involved in research related to the diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy; faculty of medical and biological universities graduate and undergraduate students.
Magazine "Diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy" has been published since 2010. It freely distributes original articles, scientific reviews, theses materials in Russian and English languages in all areas of science: medical, biological, socio-economic and public. Articles are reviewed by members of the editorial board and editorial council - the leading scientists in the field of science. The editorial board consists of 37 people, of which 6 - Academician, 6 - Corresponding Member of RAMS, 24 - professors, from 12 cities of the Russian Federation; Central Asia and Europe. The magazine is characterized by a wide geography - it has publications from authors representing Russia and a number of publications submitted by foreign authors by their own or in a joint research projects with Russian scientists.
The magazine is registered by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Broadcasting and Mass Communications, Registration certificate PI №FS77-38240 dated 26.11.2009 The journal is included in the international list of periodicals, ISSN 2079-5343
The Magazine is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, which should publish basic scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science and for the degree of Doctor of Science.
Distribution of the magazine to printed version subscribers is brought through: "Rospechat" agency - code for a subscription 57991; The combined catalog "Press of Russia" - code for a subscription 42178. Periodicity - 1 quarterly (4 issues per year). Printed journal can be sent with payment on on delivery under the order as amended. Subscription help: tel. +7 921-956-9255
Full-text electronic version is available by subscription on the site of the scientific electronic library http://elibrary.ru
The abstracts and articles in Russian and English are available on the following websites:
- Radiology portal (http://radiomed.ru/journal)
- Federal State Organization "Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Medicine" (http://www.iemrams.spb.ru);
- Baltic Medical Education Center (http://www.bmoc.spb.ru);
- First St. Petersburg State Medical University. Acad. IP Pavlov;
- St. Petersburg Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases (http://www.hiv-spb.ru).
Electronic versions are placed on the number of these sites simultaneously with the release of the print room, the full text is opened in 12 months.
Editor in Chief - Professor T. N. Trofimova
Deputy Editor - Academician A. Yu. Vasilyev
Professor V. I. Amosov
Professor V. M. Vinogradov
Executive secretary of the journal - E. P. Magonov
The editorial board invites authors and readers to an interesting collaboration!