Изображения. Инфекционные заболевания. Gillian Lieberman. +

Изображения.  Инфекционные заболевания. Gillian Lieberman

Bibasalar pneumonia with lateral spine signBibasalar pneumonia with lateral spine sign

Findings: Aspiration may cause pneumonia in the dependent basilar segments. On lateral CXR, the normal spine should appear...

Diverticulitis: Pelvic Abscess with FistulaeDiverticulitis: Pelvic Abscess with Fistulae

Findings: There is a large gas containing pelvic abscess with adjacent tiny collections of air and contrast in fistulous...

HIV Encephalitis on MRI ScansHIV Encephalitis on MRI Scans

Findings: The MRI scans demonstrate enlarged ventricles (ventriculomegaly) and sulci are prominent. There are no focal...

HIV: Leukoencephalopathy on MRI Scan and PathologyHIV: Leukoencephalopathy on MRI Scan and Pathology

Findings: The MRI scan demonstrates diffusely increased signal throughout the white matter, which corresponds with the...

Leg: Muscle Atrophy Secondary to Polio on Plain FilmsLeg: Muscle Atrophy Secondary to Polio on Plain Films

Findings: There is marked wasting of the muscle and soft tissue. The tibia and fibula are decreased in diameter with...

Aspergillus Pneumonia on CXR and CT ScanAspergillus Pneumonia on CXR and CT Scan

Findings: The CXR demonstrates cardiomegaly and bilateral interstitial infiltrates. The CT demonstrates cardiomegaly with...

Diverticulitis of the Sigmoid Colon with Fat Stranding on CT ScanDiverticulitis of the Sigmoid Colon with Fat Stranding on CT Scan

Findings: There are diverticula and thickening of the walls of the sigmoid colon with significant surrounding fat...

Hand: Spina Ventosa on Plain FilmsHand: Spina Ventosa on Plain Films

Findings: Spina ventosa is the term for an expansile, lytic lesion of a distal phalanx. Spina ventosa was originally used to...

HIV: Intracerebral Bleed on CT and MRI ScansHIV: Intracerebral Bleed on CT and MRI Scans

Findings: The CT and MRI scans demonstrate a large bleed into the right basal ganglia with surrounding edema.  ...

Left upper lobe collapseLeft upper lobe collapse

Findings: Lobar collapse presents as a wedge shaped density and signs of volume loss. LUL collapse presents as a left upper...

Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis on CT ScansPulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis on CT Scans

Findings: The CTs demonstrate extensive, patchy, bilateral, ground glass opacities, with superimposed intralobular and...

Aspergilloma aka Mycetoma on CXR and CT ScanAspergilloma aka Mycetoma on CXR and CT Scan

Findings: The CXR demonstrates left apical thickening with an adjacent pulmonary parenchymal process. The CT scan confirms...

Diverticulitis of the Sigmoid Colon with Extraluminal Air on CT ScanDiverticulitis of the Sigmoid Colon with Extraluminal Air on CT Scan

Findings: There are diverticula and thickening of the walls of the sigmoid colon with an adjacent extraluminal air pocket...

Foot: Septic Arthritis of the First Tarsometatarsal Joint on Plain FilmsFoot: Septic Arthritis of the First Tarsometatarsal Joint on Plain Films

Findings: The presentation film demonstrates osteoarthritis with mild joint space narrowing and osteophyte formation. Two...

HIV: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Retinitis on MRI ScanHIV: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Retinitis on MRI Scan

Findings: The MRI scan demonstrates a bright focus of signal in the central portion of the vitreous of the left globe caused...

Abscess s/p Appendectomy on CT ScansAbscess s/p Appendectomy on CT Scans

Findings: There is a gas containing mass in the RLQ compatible with abscess.   Discussion: This patient is four...

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Retinitis at Endstage on MRI ScanCytomegalovirus (CMV) Retinitis at Endstage on MRI Scan

Findings: The MRI scan demonstrates globes that are small (R>L) with heterogeneous vitreous humor. Both retinae are detached.

Esophageal Candidiasis in CREST Syndrome on BaSwEsophageal Candidiasis in CREST Syndrome on BaSw

Findings: The BaSw demonstrates the typical features of scleroderma / CREST of the esophagus with superimposed mucosal...

HIV Meningitis on MRI ScansHIV Meningitis on MRI Scans

Findings: The MRI scans demonstrate dura adjacent to both temporal lobes and along the posterior margin of the tentorium is...

Hyoid Fracture with Abscess Complicating a Blow to the Neck on CT ScansHyoid Fracture with Abscess Complicating a Blow to the Neck on CT Scans

Findings: The CT scans demonstrate a fractured hyoid bone, gas bubbles in an abscess producing mass effect, and narrowing of...

Lung collapse vs. pleural effusionLung collapse vs. pleural effusion

Findings: A whiteout of a hemithorax is frequently due to a large pleural effusion or total lung collapse. The direction of...

Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis on CT ScansCavernous Sinus Thrombosis on CT Scans

Findings: There is low attenuation in the right cavernous sinus due to thrombus. There is mild enlargement of the superior...

Dropped Radiolucent Gallstones in Abscess after Distant Cholecystectomy on CT and MRI ScansDropped Radiolucent Gallstones in Abscess after Distant Cholecystectomy on CT and MRI Scans

Findings: The CT and MRI scans show a cystic mass with enhancing wall. The CT shows clips from a prior...

HIV Encephalitis on SPECT ScanHIV Encephalitis on SPECT Scan

Findings: The SPECT scan demonstrates markedly decreased radiotracer uptake, especially in the frontal regions of the...

HIV: Primary CNS Lymphoma on CT ScansHIV: Primary CNS Lymphoma on CT Scans

Findings: The CT scans demonstrate multiple ring enhancing lesions throughout the cerebral cortex with surrounding low...

Lingular consolidationLingular consolidation

Findings: Infiltrates in the lingula silhouette out the upper left heart border.

Right lower lobe collapseRight lower lobe collapse

Findings: Lobar collapse presents as a wedge shaped density and signs of volume loss. RLL collapse presents as a wedge...

Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis on MRI and MRACavernous Sinus Thrombosis on MRI and MRA

Findings: There is thrombosis in the cavernous sinus resulting in obliteration of the right internal carotid artery...

Echinococcus aka Hydatid Pulmonary Cyst on CXR and CT ScanEchinococcus aka Hydatid Pulmonary Cyst on CXR and CT Scan

Findings: The CXR and CT demonstrate a thin-walled cystic lesion with a solid focus and air crescent.  ...

HIV Encephalitis with Lesions on MRIHIV Encephalitis with Lesions on MRI

Findings: There is ventriculomegaly and prominent sulci. There are multiple high signal white matter lesions.  ...

Катенёв Валентин Львович's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
Joined: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Posts: 54876
HIV: Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML) on CT and MRI ScansHIV: Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML) on CT and MRI Scans

Findings: The CT scan demonstrates a focus of low attenuation in the right frontal lobe. The MRI demonstrates white matter...

Liver Abscess, Pneumobilia, and Portal Vein Thrombosis on CT ScansLiver Abscess, Pneumobilia, and Portal Vein Thrombosis on CT Scans

Findings: There is a large abscess in the left and caudate lobes of the liver containing fluid and air. There is resultant...

Right lower lobe consolidationRight lower lobe consolidation

Findings: A right lower lobe infiltrate usually silhouettes out the right hemidiaphragm on frontal and/or lateral views. A...

Right tension pneumothorax with collapsed lungRight tension pneumothorax with collapsed lung

Findings: A tension pneumothorax is life threatening and requires urgent decompression. Radiologically, a tension...

Tuberculosis (TB): Disseminated Lymphadenopathy on CT ScansTuberculosis (TB): Disseminated Lymphadenopathy on CT Scans

Findings: There is hilar, mediastinal, and retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy.   Discussion: Disseminated...

Right inferior pneumothorax with underlying lung infiltrateRight inferior pneumothorax with underlying lung infiltrate

Findings: Black air without lung markings is noted in a subpulmonic location- highlighted in the box. The right lung shows...

Right upper lobe consolidationRight upper lobe consolidation

Findings: The right upper lobe is densely consolidated demonstrating air bronchograms pathognomonic of alveolar...

Tuberculosis (TB): Genitourinary TB on CT and MRI ScansTuberculosis (TB): Genitourinary TB on CT and MRI Scans

Findings: The CT and MRI scans show a complex cystic mass in the right kidney with a focus of calcification.  ...

Left lower lobe consolidationLeft lower lobe consolidation

Findings: A left lower lobe infiltrate usually silhouettes out the left hemidiaphragm on frontal and/or lateral views. A...

Pulmonary abscessPulmonary abscess

Findings: A pulmonary abscess is usually roundish and frequently shows an air-fluid level, highlighted with an arrow. There...

Right middle lobe pneumonia vs. collapseRight middle lobe pneumonia vs. collapse

Findings: Both right middle lobe pneumonia and right middle lobe collapse present as wedge-shaped densities overlying the...

Toxoplasmosis on MRI ScansToxoplasmosis on MRI Scans

Findings: The MRI scans demonstrate numerous ring-enhancing lesions in the right thalamus and basal ganglia with associated...


Round pneumoniaRound pneumonia

Findings: A pulmonary infiltrate due to pneumonia may infrequently present as a round mass- like density. The differential...

Tuberculosis (TB): Lesion in the Brain on MRI ScansTuberculosis (TB): Lesion in the Brain on MRI Scans

Findings: The MRI scans show a focal ring enhancing mass.   Discussion: The differential for ring enhancing...

Tuberculosis (TB): Hilar and Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy on PET CTTuberculosis (TB): Hilar and Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy on PET CT

Findings: There is bilateral hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy with radiotracer uptake which proved to be secondary to...

Right lung collapse causing white out of the hemithoraxRight lung collapse causing white out of the hemithorax

Findings: Complete opacification or “white out” of the hemithorax is usually caused by a large pleural effusion or complete...

Shoulder: Necrotizing Fasciitis on CXR and CT scanShoulder: Necrotizing Fasciitis on CXR and CT scan

Findings: The CXR shows gas in the soft tissues of the right upper chest wall, i.e. subcutaneous emphysema, overlying the...

Tuberculosis (TB): Paraesophageal Lymphadenopathy on PET CTTuberculosis (TB): Paraesophageal Lymphadenopathy on PET CT

Findings: There is paraesophageal lymphadenopathy with radiotracer uptake, which proved to be due to TB.  ...

Acute Bacterial Pyelonephritis on CT ScanAcute Bacterial Pyelonephritis on CT Scan

Findings: There are multiple wedge-shaped low-attenuation areas in the left kidney.   Discussion: Wedge-shaped,...

Катенёв Валентин Львович's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
Joined: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Posts: 54876
Diverticulitis of the Sigmoid Colon on CT ScanDiverticulitis of the Sigmoid Colon on CT Scan

Findings: There are diverticula and thickening of the walls of the sigmoid colon compatible with uncomplicated...

Foot: Osteomyelitis of the Distal Phalanx on Plain FilmsFoot: Osteomyelitis of the Distal Phalanx on Plain Films

Findings: This patient demonstrates soft tissue swelling and bone destruction of the distal phalanx of the great toe due to...

HIV Toxoplasmosis on CT ScansHIV Toxoplasmosis on CT Scans

Findings: The CT scans demonstrate multiple ring enhancing lesions in the basal ganglia, right temporal lobe and left...

Knee: Patellar Fracture and Septic Arthritis on Plain FilmKnee: Patellar Fracture and Septic Arthritis on Plain Film

Findings: The presentation views demonstrate an acute fracture of the patella. The follow up view demonstrates generalized...


TB: Low Attenuation Lymph Nodes and Splenic Lesions on CT and MRI ScansTB: Low Attenuation Lymph Nodes and Splenic Lesions on CT and MRI Scans

Findings: There is retroperitoneal and cervical lymphadenopathy with low-attenuation centers.   Discussion: This...

Right middle lobe collapseRight middle lobe collapse

Findings: Lobar collapse presents as a wedge shaped density and signs of volume loss. On lateral CXR, RML collapse presents...

Tuberculosis (TB): Pulmonary Lesions on PET CTTuberculosis (TB): Pulmonary Lesions on PET CT

Findings: There are bilateral pulmonary lesions with radiotracer uptake, which proved to be secondary to TB.  ...

Acute Pyelonephritis on USAcute Pyelonephritis on US

Findings: The kidney is enlarged with inhomogenous echotexture and loss of corticomedullary differentiation.  ...

Diverticulitis of the Sigmoid Colon with Colovesical Fistula on CT ScansDiverticulitis of the Sigmoid Colon with Colovesical Fistula on CT Scans

Findings: The sigmoid shows diverticula and is attached to the dome of the bladder. A fistulous tract is seen filled with...

Foot: Osteomyelitis on Plain FilmsFoot: Osteomyelitis on Plain Films

Findings: Frontal and lateral views of the foot show a soft tissue ulcer with adjacent osseous destruction.  ...

HIV: CNS Lymphoma on MRI ScansHIV: CNS Lymphoma on MRI Scans

Findings: The MRI scans demonstrate multiple ring enhancing lesions.   Discussion: The differential diagnosis of...

Left lower lobe collapseLeft lower lobe collapse

Findings: Lobar collapse presents as a wedge shaped density and signs of volume loss. LLL collapse presents as a left lower...

Partial right upper lobe collapsePartial right upper lobe collapse

Findings: Lobar collapse presents as a wedge shaped density and signs of volume loss. RUL collapse presents as a right upper...

Right middle lobe consolidationRight middle lobe consolidation

Findings: An infiltrate in the RML silhouettes out the right heart border. On frontal view, RML consolidation has a straight...

Thigh: Pyomyositis on CT ScansThigh: Pyomyositis on CT Scans

Findings: Coronal and axial contrast enhanced CT images of the thigh show a rim-enhancing fluid collection within the vastus...

Tuberculosis (TB): Pulmonary Sequelae on Plain FilmTuberculosis (TB): Pulmonary Sequelae on Plain Film

Findings: The CXR demonstrates subtle increased markings of the right upper lobe with a calcified granuloma.  ...