FIGURE 6-42. Variant architecture: Cortical bone. A: Symmetrical cortical thickening, periosteal and endosteal, second and third metatarsals. B: Asymmetrical and wavy periosteal, cortical thickening (arrowheads) of the second, third, and fourth metatarsals.
FIGURE 6-44. Os interphalangeus. A: Central location (arrowhead), large (DP view). B: Eccentric position (arrowhead), laterally. C: Rare superior position (arrowhead) isolated in lateral view. D: A pair (arrows).
FIGURE 6-45. Accessory sesamoids. A: Dorsoplantar view (arrowheads identify multiple accessory sesamoids: one at the second, third, and fourth metatarsophalangeal joints; a pair is seen at the fifth metatarsophalangeal joint). B: Sesamoid axial view, different patient.
FIGURE 6-40. “Gun-barrel” presentation of distal phalanx due to positioning.
FIGURE 6-41. Achilles tendon shadow (outlined by arrowheads) superimposed on distal tibia and talus in anteroposterior ankle view.
FIGURE 6-42. Variant architecture: Cortical bone. A: Symmetrical cortical thickening, periosteal and endosteal, second and third metatarsals. B: Asymmetrical and wavy periosteal, cortical thickening (arrowheads) of the second, third, and fourth metatarsals.
FIGURE 6-43. Variant architecture: Cancellous bone. A: First metatarsal distal metaphysis. B: Mosaiclike presentation in phalanges. C: Transverse trabeculations (arrows) in first metatarsal diaphysis.
FIGURE 6-44. Os interphalangeus. A: Central location (arrowhead), large (DP view). B: Eccentric position (arrowhead), laterally. C: Rare superior position (arrowhead) isolated in lateral view. D: A pair (arrows).
FIGURE 6-45. Accessory sesamoids. A: Dorsoplantar view (arrowheads identify multiple accessory sesamoids: one at the second, third, and fourth metatarsophalangeal joints; a pair is seen at the fifth metatarsophalangeal joint). B: Sesamoid axial view, different patient.
FIGURE 6-46. Os intermetatarseum (arrowheads). A: Long, linear. B: Large, triangular shape isolated in lateral view. C: Fused form. D: Rare position at second metatarsocuneiform joint.
FIGURE 6-47. Os cuneometatarsale I tibiale (arrowhead).
FIGURE 6-48. Tibialis anterior tendon sesamoid (arrowhead): Adjacent to medial surface of medial cuneiform.
FIGURE 6-49. Os Paracuneiforme (arrow).