FIGURE 6-50. Os intercuneiforme (arrow) (bilateral and symmetrical).
FIGURE 6-51. Os cuboid (arrowhead).
FIGURE 6-52. Os vesalianum (arrowhead) (lateral view).
FIGURE 6-53. Persistent fifth metatarsal apophysis (arrowhead).
FIGURE 6-54. Os peroneum (arrowhead): Typical size and location adjacent to cuboid.
FIGURE 6-55. Os infranaviculare. A: DP view (arrowhead). B: Medial oblique view (arrow) (different patient).
FIGURE 6-56. Os supranaviculare (arrowhead).
FIGURE 6-57. Os supratalare (arrowhead).
FIGURE 6-58. Accessory navicular. A: Type I: Bipartite sesamoid (arrowheads) in tendon. B: Type II (arrow). C: Type III (arrowhead).
FIGURE 6-59. Type II accessory navicular subtypes. A: Type IIA. B: Type IIB.
FIGURE 6-50. Os intercuneiforme (arrow) (bilateral and symmetrical).
FIGURE 6-51. Os cuboid (arrowhead).
FIGURE 6-52. Os vesalianum (arrowhead) (lateral view).
FIGURE 6-53. Persistent fifth metatarsal apophysis (arrowhead).
FIGURE 6-54. Os peroneum (arrowhead): Typical size and location adjacent to cuboid.
FIGURE 6-55. Os infranaviculare. A: DP view (arrowhead). B: Medial oblique view (arrow) (different patient).
FIGURE 6-56. Os supranaviculare (arrowhead).
FIGURE 6-57. Os supratalare (arrowhead).
FIGURE 6-58. Accessory navicular. A: Type I: Bipartite sesamoid (arrowheads) in tendon. B: Type II (arrow). C: Type III (arrowhead).
FIGURE 6-59. Type II accessory navicular subtypes. A: Type IIA. B: Type IIB.