Головной мозг. Нейрорадиология. Fri, 02/08/2013 - 20:54 #1 Катенёв Валенти... Offline Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago Joined: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Posts: 54876 Deep Brain Stimulator: Appropriate Placent on Plain Film and CT ScanFindings: CXR: The two subcutaneous generators are seen. Lateral Skull: The three intracerebral electrodes are seen entering... HIV Encephalitis with Lesions on MRIFindings: There is ventriculomegaly and prominent sulci. There are multiple high signal white matter lesions. ... HIV: Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML) on CT and MRI ScansFindings: The CT scan demonstrates a focus of low attenuation in the right frontal lobe. The MRI demonstrates white matter... Retinal Detachment on CT ScanFindings: There is a large subretinal hematoma. Discussion: Retinal detachment describes the separation of the... Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Retinitis at Endstage on MRI ScanFindings: The MRI scan demonstrates globes that are small (R>L) with heterogeneous vitreous humor. Both retinae are detached. HIV Encephalitis on SPECT ScanFindings: The SPECT scan demonstrates markedly decreased radiotracer uptake, especially in the frontal regions of the... HIV: Primary CNS Lymphoma on CT ScansFindings: The CT scans demonstrate multiple ring enhancing lesions throughout the cerebral cortex with surrounding low... Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) on MRI ScanFindings: There are high signal intensity abnormalities in both occipital lobes. Discussion: This patient shows... Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) Shunt: Fractured VP ShuntFindings: The fractured / disconnected shunt is coiled in the abdomen. The proximal end should ascend to the... Epidural Hemorrhage (EDH) on CT ScansFindings: The CT scans show a lens-shaped, biconvex high attenuation collection in the posterior left parietal lobe exerting... Fri, 02/08/2013 - 20:56 #2 Катенёв Валенти... Offline Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago Joined: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Posts: 54876 HIV Toxoplasmosis on CT ScansFindings: The CT scans demonstrate multiple ring enhancing lesions in the basal ganglia, right temporal lobe and left... Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Acute Lesions on MRI Scans Over TimeFindings: The MRI scans show a focal enhancing lesion suggestive of an acute lesion. Discussion: Multiple... Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) on CT ScanFindings: There is high attenuation blood along the frontal parietal horn at the Sylvian fissure. Discussion:... Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) Complications: Berry Aneurysm on CT Scan, Diverticulitis on BEFindings: The CT demonstrates a berry aneurysm off the Circle of Willis. The BE demonstrates diverticulosis of the sigmoid... Glioblastoma Multiforme on MRI ScansFindings: The MRI scans show a rim-enhancing mass lesion in the right frontal lobe with surrounding edema. Mass effect is... HIV: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Retinitis on MRI ScanFindings: The MRI scan demonstrates a bright focus of signal in the central portion of the vitreous of the left globe caused... Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Dawson's Fingers on MRI ScansFindings: The MRI scans show increased signal with the classic “Dawson’s fingers” appearance in the periventricular... Toxoplasmosis on MRI ScansFindings: The MRI scans demonstrate numerous ring-enhancing lesions in the right thalamus and basal ganglia with associated... Glioblastoma Multiforme on CT ScanFindings: The CT scan shows a large oval mass in the right frontal lobe with surrounding edema. There is a leftward midline... HIV: CNS Lymphoma on MRI ScansFindings: The MRI scans demonstrate multiple ring enhancing lesions. Discussion: The differential diagnosis of... Fri, 02/08/2013 - 20:57 #3 Катенёв Валенти... Offline Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago Joined: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Posts: 54876 Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Black Hole Lesion on MRIFindings: The MRI scans show a focal lesion with low signal intensity on T1, bright on T2. This lesion is known as a “black... Subarachnoid hemorrhage secondary to AVM on CT and CTAFindings: There is a subarachnoid hemorrhage in the fourth ventricle. There is an arteriovenous malformation above the... Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis on CT ScansFindings: There is low attenuation in the right cavernous sinus due to thrombus. There is mild enlargement of the superior... Hemorrhagic Stroke on CT ScansFindings: There is a large hemorrhagic lesion in the right parietal lobe with surrounding edema more marked... HIV: Intracerebral Bleed on CT and MRI ScansFindings: The CT and MRI scans demonstrate a large bleed into the right basal ganglia with surrounding edema. ... Pituitary Adenoma on MRI ScanFindings: The MRI scan demonstrates an isointense enlargement in the region of the pituitary characteristic of a pituitary... Tuberculosis (TB): Lesion in the Brain on MRI ScansFindings: The MRI scans show a focal ring enhancing mass. Discussion: The differential for ring enhancing... Epidural Hematoma on CT scansFindings: The CT scans demonstrate a left frontal epidural hematoma. Discussion: Epidural hematomas arise in the... HIV Meningitis on MRI ScansFindings: The MRI scans demonstrate dura adjacent to both temporal lobes and along the posterior margin of the tentorium is... Ischemic Infarct of the Motor Region on MRI ScansFindings: There is a left frontal lobe lesion with high signal intensity on diffusion weighted MRI and low signal intensity... Fri, 02/08/2013 - 20:58 #4 Катенёв Валенти... Offline Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago Joined: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Posts: 54876 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) Filling the Basal Cisterns on CT ScanFindings: The CT scan shows high attenuation blood in the basal cisterns. Discussion: The subarachnoid space is... Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis on MRI and MRAFindings: There is thrombosis in the cavernous sinus resulting in obliteration of the right internal carotid artery... HIV Encephalitis on MRI ScansFindings: The MRI scans demonstrate enlarged ventricles (ventriculomegaly) and sulci are prominent. There are no focal... HIV: Leukoencephalopathy on MRI Scan and PathologyFindings: The MRI scan demonstrates diffusely increased signal throughout the white matter, which corresponds with the... Plasmacytoma in the Frontal Cortex on CT ScanFindings: There is a well-circumscribed osteolytic soft tissue mass emerging from the right frontal calvarium. The mass is... Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) Shunt: Appropriate Placement of a VP ShuntFindings: The intraperitoneal portion of the VP shunt is well seen. Discussion: A VP shunt is used for chronic... Mon, 02/09/2013 - 22:09 #5 Катенёв Валенти... Offline Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago Joined: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Posts: 54876 Головной мозг Case 1 Cavernous malformation Case 2 Carbon monoxide poisoning Case 3 Capillary telangiectasia Case 5 Ruptured pseudoaneurysm Case 7 Brainstem glioma Case 15 Dural sinus thrombosis Case 16 Embolic ischemia Case 18 Juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma Case 20 Intraventicular meningioma Case 21 Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor Case 23 Superficial siderosis Case 24 Choroid plexus papilloma Case 25 Schizencephaly Case 27 Intracranial lipoma Case 28 Acute posterior cerebral artery infarct Case 29 Hemorrhagic conversion of ischemic stroke Case 30 Colloid cyst Case 36 Primary CNS lymphoma Case 37 Craniosynostosis Case 38 Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage Case 39 Pott's puffy tumor Case 40 Epidermoid Case 43 Medulloblastoma Case 44 Multiple sclerosis Case 45 Cerebral amyloid angiopathy Case 49 Arteriovenous malformation Case 50 Astrocytoma, obstructing hydrocephalus Case 52 Traumatic intracranial hemorrhage Case 53 Primary CNS lymphoma Case 54 Neurocysticercosis Case 55 Central neurocytoma Case 56 Hurler's syndrome Case 57 Ependymoma Case 58 Ruptured dermoid Case 59 Multiple sclerosis Case 60 Intracranial hypotension Case 61 Developmental venous anomaly Case 63 Idiopathic intracranial hypertension Case 64 Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy Case 65 Meningioma Case 66 Middle cerebral artery infarct Case 67 Meningioma Case 68 Pituitary microadenoma Case 69 Craniopharyngioma Case 70 Vestibular schwannoma Case 72 Brain metastases Case 74 Osmotic demyelination Case 75 Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome Case 76 Basilar artery infarct Case 77 Ectopic posterior pituitary Case 79 CNS toxoplasmosis Case 80 Mesial temporal sclerosis Case 81 Primary CNS arteritis Case 96 Pineal germinoma Case 101 Ependymal cyst Case 105 Epidermoid cyst Case 107 Arteriovenous malformation Case 108 Motion artifact Case 109 Cerebellopontine angle aneurysm Case 110 Hypertensive intracranial hemorrhage Case 111 Infected craniotomy and tissue expanders Case 113 Diffuse axonal injury Case 114 Arachnoid cyst Case 116 Oligodendroglioma Case 117 Brainstem glioma Case 118 Epidermoid cyst Case 120 Pars intermedia cyst Case 121 Meningioma Case 122 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Case 123 Arachnoid cyst Case 124 Primitive neuroectoderm tumor Case 127 Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis Case 128 Septooptic dysplasia Case 130 Atypical teratoid-rhabdoid tumor Case 131 Central neurocytoma Case 133 Benign external hydrocephalus Case 134 Pituitary macroadenoma Case 135 Intracranial lipoma Case 136 Subdural hygroma Case 137 CT perfusion acute infarct Case 139 Pineal germinoma Case 140 Fahr disease Case 143 Tumefactive multiple sclerosis Case 144 Cerebral abscess Case 147 Wallerian degeneration Case 148 Encephalocele Case 149 Persistent trigeminal artery Case 150 Radiation necrosis Case 151 Meningioma Case 152 Lymphocytic hypophysitis Case 153 Embolic ischemia Case 157 Pineoblastoma Case 158 Pachymeningeal metastases Case 163 Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome Case 168 Absence of corpus callosum Case 169 Pineal cyst Case 171 Post-infarct enhancement Case 173 Cavernous malformation Case 176 Hemangioblastoma Case 177 Subdural hematoma Case 178 Perimesencephalic nonaneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage Case 180 Neurosarcoid Case 182 Epidermoid cyst Case 183 Schizencephaly Case 188 Melanoma brain metastases Case 193 Pituitary macroadenoma Case 195 Depressed skull fracture Case 196 Meningioma Case 197 Metachromatic leukodystrophy Case 198 Teratoma Case 199 Plagiocephaly Case 200 Dural metastasis Case 203 Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage Case 204 Encephalitis human herpes virus 6 Case 205 Band gray matter heterotopia Case 206 Hypoxic ischemic injury adult Case 207 Subacute infarct Case 208 Ganglioglioma Case 209 Pituitary microadenoma Case 210 Glioblastoma multiforme Case 211 Dural sinus thrombosis Case 212 Encephalocele Case 215 Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis Case 217 Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy Case 218 Supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor Case 223 Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage Case 224 Glioblastoma multiforme Case 225 Normal pressure hydrocephalus Case 228 Hepatic encephalopathy Case 230 Lacunar infarction Case 232 Adult hypoxic ischemic injury Case 234 Posterior pituitary ectopia Case 235 Multiple sclerosis Case 241 Lacunar infarction Case 243 Pineal germinoma Case 244 Subdural empyema Case 245 Joubert syndrome Case 246 Rhomboencephalosynapsis Case 248 Superior cerebellar artery infarct Case 253 Tuberous sclerosis Case 254 Central neurocytoma Case 256 Brainstem pilocytic astrocytoma Case 257 Optic pathway glioma Case 260 Hemorrhagic brain metastases Case 264 Neurocysticercosis Case 265 Cavum velum interpositum, Neurosarcoid Case 267 Dural sinus thrombosis Case 269 Subacute infarct Case 271 Frontotemporal lobe degeneration Case 273 Low grade astrocytoma Case 274 Periventricular nodular heterotopic gray matter Case 275 Pilomyxoid astroctyoma Case 276 Pleomorphic Xanthroastrocytoma Case 279 Methanol toxicity Case 283 Lacunar infarction Case 284 Hemangioblastoma Case 286 Projectile head trauma Case 289 Colloid cyst Case 290 Gliomatosis cerebri Case 292 Pituitary apoplexy Case 293 Herpes simplex encephalitis Case 294 Hypertensive intracranial hemorrhage Case 296 Neurocysticercosis Case 297 Cephalocele Case 298 Dural sinus thrombosis Case 300 Posterior cerebral artery infarct Case 302 Cerebral contusion Case 303 Neurofibromatosis type I Case 305 Hemorrhagic arteriovenous malformation Case 306 Meningitis Case 311 Multiple myeloma Case 312 Juvenile pilocytic astroctyoma Case 313 Chiari I malformation Case 315 Carotid artery thrombus Case 316 Posteroinferior cerebellar artery infarct Case 317 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Case 318 Anaplastic astrocytoma Case 320 Meningioma Case 323 Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy Case 325 Epidermoid cyst Case 326 Oligodendroglioma Case 329 Pituitary microadenoma Case 331 Subdural hematoma Case 332 Developmental venous anomaly Cavernous malformation Middle cerebral artery infarct Case 334 Pituitary microadenoma apoplexy Case 339 Pontine infarct Case 340 Sturge Weber syndrome Case 341 Middle cerebral artery infarct Case 343 Neurosarcoid Case 344 Septo-optic dysplasia Case 346 Internal carotid artery dissection Case 347 Acute thalamic infarct Case 348 Cavum septum pellucidum et vergae Case 349 Meningioma Case 352 Hyperostosis frontalis interna Case 357 Subdural hygroma Case 358 Dural sinus thrombosis and parenchymal hemorrhage Case 359 Arachnoid cyst Case 360 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Case 361 Meningioma Case 362 Arachnoid cyst Case 363 Primary CNS lymphoma Case 364 Bell palsy Case 365 Cavum septum pellucidum Case 366 Central neurocytoma Case 367 Cerebral abscess Case 368 Choroid plexus cyst Case 369 Descending transtentorial herniation Case 370 Brain metastases Case 372 Brainstem glioma Case 374 Metachromatic leukodystrophy Case 375 Cavernous malformation Case 376 Chordoid glioma Case 377 Arachnoid granulation Case 378 Chiari I malformation Case 381 Brain metastases Case 385 Craniopharyngioma Case 387 Ganglioglioma Case 388 Oligodendroglioma Case 389 Rathke cleft cyst Case 391 Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage Case 393 Choroid plexus papilloma Case 394 Hypoxic ischemic injury adult Case 398 Epidermoid cyst Case 400 Normal pressure hydrocephalus Case 402 Intracranial lipoma Case 404 Nodular heterotopic gray matter Case 408 Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome Case 409 Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis Case 410 Subdural empyema and cerebral abscess Case 411 Intracranial hypotension Case 413 Arachnoid granulation Case 414 Central neurocytoma Case 415 Epidural hematoma Case 421 Watershed infarction Tue, 03/09/2013 - 16:32 #6 Катенёв Валенти... Offline Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago Joined: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Posts: 54876 Иллюстрации по системам органов. Радиопедия НЕЙРОРАДИОЛОГИЯ Allergic fungal sinusitisAlzheimer diseaseAnaplastic astrocytomaArachnoid cystArteriovenous malformation (AVM)CADASILCavernomaCavum septum pellucidum and cavum vergaeCerebral aneurysmCerebral infarctCerebral metastasisColloid cystConcha bullosaCSF flow artifactDevelopmental venous anomaly (DVA)DiscitisDissectionEpidermoidEpidural hematomaGangliogliomaHemangiopericytomaHyperostosis frontalis internaICA pseudoaneurysmIntracerebral hemorrhageInverted papillomaJoubert syndromeMega cisterna magnaMoyamoyaOligodendrogliomaOsteoid osteomaParotitisPeriventricular leukomalacia (PVL)Pilocytic astrocytomaPosterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES)Remote cerebellar hemorrhageRetinal detachmentRetinal hemorrhageSchizencephalySchwannomaSubarachnoid hemorrhageSubdural hematomaTarlov cystThyroglossal duct cystThyroid eye diseaseToxic leukoencephalopathy Tue, 03/09/2013 - 16:32 #7 Катенёв Валенти... Offline Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago Joined: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Posts: 54876 НЕЙРОРАДИОЛОГИЯ (продолжение) Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)Approach to brain tumorsApproach to head and neckBranchial cleft cystChiari malformationChordomaCT basicsCT perfusionDegenerative disk disease (DDD)Diffuse axonal injuryDural ectasiaGlomus tumorsHallervorden SpatzHydranencephalyHoloprosencephalyLefort fractureLhermitte DucloseLyme diseaseMeningesMisc DiagramsMRI basicsMRI spectroscopyNeck lymphadenopathyOpportunistic infections (AIDS)PhakomatosisNeurofibromatosisTuberous sclerosisSturge-Weber syndromeVon Hippel-Lindau syndromeParotid tumorsPineal tumorsPituitary tumorsRanulaSATCHMOSepto-optic dysplasia (DeMorsier's syndrome)Spinal lesionsVentriculoperitoneal shunt (VP shunt)Wernicke encephalopathy Sun, 26/11/2017 - 15:11 #8 Катенёв Валенти... Offline Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago Joined: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Posts: 54876 Изображения из коллекции Стенфордского университета. Церебральные полушарии: 483: Боковая поверхность головного мозга 484: Церебральные полушария, КТ (нормальные) [1 из 6] 485: Basal Ganglia and Thalamus, CT [2 of 6] 486: Frontal and temporal lobes, CT [3 of 6] 487: Cerebral Hemispheres, CT (normal) [4 of 6] 488: Cerebral Hemispheres, CT (normal) [5 of 6] 489: Cerebral Hemispheres, Axial CECT (normal) [6 of 6] 490: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [1 of 9] 491: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [2 of 9] 492: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [3 of 9] 493: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [4 of 9] 494: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [5 of 9] 495: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [6 of 9] 496: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [7 of 9] 497: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [8 of 9] 498: Sagittal view of cerebral hemispheres, MR [9 of 9] Sun, 26/11/2017 - 15:12 #9 Катенёв Валенти... Offline Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago Joined: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Posts: 54876 Изображения из коллекции Стенфордского университета. Менинги и CSF: 499: краниальные лептоменинги, графический дисплей [1 из 8] 500: черепные менинги (нормальный) [2 из 8] 501: черепные менинги (нормальный) [3 из 8] 502: тенториальный incisura [4 из 8 ] 503: Краниальные менинги (нормальные) [5 из 8] 504: черепные менинги (нормальные) [6 из 8] 505: черепные менинги (нормальные) [7 из 8] 506: черепные менинги (нормальные) [8 из 8] Sun, 26/11/2017 - 15:13 #10 Катенёв Валенти... Offline Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago Joined: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Posts: 54876 Изображения из коллекции Стенфордского университета. Церебральные артерии: 507: Круг Уиллиса, графический (нормальная анатомия) [1 из 6] 508: Круг Уиллиса, графический (нормальная анатомия) [2 из 6] 509: Круг Виллиса (нормальная анатомия) [3 из 6] 510: Круг Уиллиса (MRA) [4 из 6] 511: Круг Уиллиса (MRA) [5 из 6] 512: Круг Виллиса (нормальная анатомия) [6 из 6] 513: сонные артерии, графические (нормальные) [1 из 5] 514: сонные артерии (нормальные) [2 из 5] 515: сонные артерии (нормальные) [3 из 5] 516: сонные артерии (нормальные) [4 из 5] 517: Каротидные артерии (нормальные) [5 из 5] Sun, 26/11/2017 - 15:14 #11 Катенёв Валенти... Offline Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago Joined: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Posts: 54876 Изображения из коллекции Стенфордского университета. Нейро, Мозг: 518: 44-летний афроамериканец-мужчина представил внезапное начало сильной головной боли и невнятной речи. [1 из 3] 519: 44-летний афро-американский мужчина представил внезапное начало сильной головной боли и невнятной речи. [2 из 3] 520: внутричерепное кровотечение, спонтанное [3 из 3] 521: субдуральная гематома, графическая [1 из 4] 522: 55-летняя женщина представляет в отделение неотложной помощи после автомобильной аварии [2 из 4] 523: 55 year old female presents to the emergency room after a car accident [3 of 4] 524: 55 year old female presents to the emergency room after a car accident [4 of 4] 525: Subdural Hematoma [1 of 3] 526: Subdural Hematoma [2 of 3] 527: Subdural Hematoma [3 of 3] 528: 44 year old with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia presents with a headache. [1 of 3] 529: 44 year old with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia presents with a headache. [2 of 3] 530: Cerebral AVM [3 of 3] 531: Neuroblastoma, metastasis 532: Glioblastoma Multiforme, graphic [1 of 2] 533: Glioblastoma Multiforme [2 of 2] 534: Meningioma, graphic [1 of 2] 535: 77 year old female presents with a chronic headache [2 of 2] 536: Гематома 537: Fatal травма головы
Findings: CXR: The two subcutaneous generators are seen. Lateral Skull: The three intracerebral electrodes are seen entering...
Findings: There is ventriculomegaly and prominent sulci. There are multiple high signal white matter lesions. ...
Findings: The CT scan demonstrates a focus of low attenuation in the right frontal lobe. The MRI demonstrates white matter...
Findings: There is a large subretinal hematoma. Discussion: Retinal detachment describes the separation of the...
Findings: The MRI scan demonstrates globes that are small (R>L) with heterogeneous vitreous humor. Both retinae are detached.
Findings: The SPECT scan demonstrates markedly decreased radiotracer uptake, especially in the frontal regions of the...
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate multiple ring enhancing lesions throughout the cerebral cortex with surrounding low...
Findings: There are high signal intensity abnormalities in both occipital lobes. Discussion: This patient shows...
Findings: The fractured / disconnected shunt is coiled in the abdomen. The proximal end should ascend to the...
Findings: The CT scans show a lens-shaped, biconvex high attenuation collection in the posterior left parietal lobe exerting...
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate multiple ring enhancing lesions in the basal ganglia, right temporal lobe and left...
Findings: The MRI scans show a focal enhancing lesion suggestive of an acute lesion. Discussion: Multiple...
Findings: There is high attenuation blood along the frontal parietal horn at the Sylvian fissure. Discussion:...
Findings: The CT demonstrates a berry aneurysm off the Circle of Willis. The BE demonstrates diverticulosis of the sigmoid...
Findings: The MRI scans show a rim-enhancing mass lesion in the right frontal lobe with surrounding edema. Mass effect is...
Findings: The MRI scan demonstrates a bright focus of signal in the central portion of the vitreous of the left globe caused...
Findings: The MRI scans show increased signal with the classic “Dawson’s fingers” appearance in the periventricular...
Findings: The MRI scans demonstrate numerous ring-enhancing lesions in the right thalamus and basal ganglia with associated...
Findings: The CT scan shows a large oval mass in the right frontal lobe with surrounding edema. There is a leftward midline...
Findings: The MRI scans demonstrate multiple ring enhancing lesions. Discussion: The differential diagnosis of...
Findings: The MRI scans show a focal lesion with low signal intensity on T1, bright on T2. This lesion is known as a “black...
Findings: There is a subarachnoid hemorrhage in the fourth ventricle. There is an arteriovenous malformation above the...
Findings: There is low attenuation in the right cavernous sinus due to thrombus. There is mild enlargement of the superior...
Findings: There is a large hemorrhagic lesion in the right parietal lobe with surrounding edema more marked...
Findings: The CT and MRI scans demonstrate a large bleed into the right basal ganglia with surrounding edema. ...
Findings: The MRI scan demonstrates an isointense enlargement in the region of the pituitary characteristic of a pituitary...
Findings: The MRI scans show a focal ring enhancing mass. Discussion: The differential for ring enhancing...
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate a left frontal epidural hematoma. Discussion: Epidural hematomas arise in the...
Findings: The MRI scans demonstrate dura adjacent to both temporal lobes and along the posterior margin of the tentorium is...
Findings: There is a left frontal lobe lesion with high signal intensity on diffusion weighted MRI and low signal intensity...
Findings: The CT scan shows high attenuation blood in the basal cisterns. Discussion: The subarachnoid space is...
Findings: There is thrombosis in the cavernous sinus resulting in obliteration of the right internal carotid artery...
Findings: The MRI scans demonstrate enlarged ventricles (ventriculomegaly) and sulci are prominent. There are no focal...
Findings: The MRI scan demonstrates diffusely increased signal throughout the white matter, which corresponds with the...
Findings: There is a well-circumscribed osteolytic soft tissue mass emerging from the right frontal calvarium. The mass is...
Findings: The intraperitoneal portion of the VP shunt is well seen. Discussion: A VP shunt is used for chronic...
Головной мозг
Иллюстрации по системам органов. Радиопедия
Изображения из коллекции Стенфордского университета.
Церебральные полушарии:
483: Боковая поверхность головного мозга
484: Церебральные полушария, КТ (нормальные) [1 из 6]
485: Basal Ganglia and Thalamus, CT [2 of 6]
486: Frontal and temporal lobes, CT [3 of 6]
487: Cerebral Hemispheres, CT (normal) [4 of 6]
488: Cerebral Hemispheres, CT (normal) [5 of 6]
489: Cerebral Hemispheres, Axial CECT (normal) [6 of 6]
490: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [1 of 9]
491: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [2 of 9]
492: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [3 of 9]
493: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [4 of 9]
494: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [5 of 9]
495: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [6 of 9]
496: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [7 of 9]
497: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [8 of 9]
498: Sagittal view of cerebral hemispheres, MR [9 of 9]
Изображения из коллекции Стенфордского университета.
Менинги и CSF:
499: краниальные лептоменинги, графический дисплей [1 из 8]
500: черепные менинги (нормальный) [2 из 8]
501: черепные менинги (нормальный) [3 из 8]
502: тенториальный incisura [4 из 8 ]
503: Краниальные менинги (нормальные) [5 из 8]
504: черепные менинги (нормальные) [6 из 8]
505: черепные менинги (нормальные) [7 из 8]
506: черепные менинги (нормальные) [8 из 8]
Изображения из коллекции Стенфордского университета.
Церебральные артерии:
507: Круг Уиллиса, графический (нормальная анатомия) [1 из 6]
508: Круг Уиллиса, графический (нормальная анатомия) [2 из 6]
509: Круг Виллиса (нормальная анатомия) [3 из 6]
510: Круг Уиллиса (MRA) [4 из 6]
511: Круг Уиллиса (MRA) [5 из 6]
512: Круг Виллиса (нормальная анатомия) [6 из 6]
513: сонные артерии, графические (нормальные) [1 из 5]
514: сонные артерии (нормальные) [2 из 5]
515: сонные артерии (нормальные) [3 из 5]
516: сонные артерии (нормальные) [4 из 5]
517: Каротидные артерии (нормальные) [5 из 5]
Изображения из коллекции Стенфордского университета.
Нейро, Мозг:
518: 44-летний афроамериканец-мужчина представил внезапное начало сильной головной боли и невнятной речи. [1 из 3]
519: 44-летний афро-американский мужчина представил внезапное начало сильной головной боли и невнятной речи. [2 из 3]
520: внутричерепное кровотечение, спонтанное [3 из 3]
521: субдуральная гематома, графическая [1 из 4]
522: 55-летняя женщина представляет в отделение неотложной помощи после автомобильной аварии [2 из 4]
523: 55 year old female presents to the emergency room after a car accident [3 of 4]
524: 55 year old female presents to the emergency room after a car accident [4 of 4]
525: Subdural Hematoma [1 of 3]
526: Subdural Hematoma [2 of 3]
527: Subdural Hematoma [3 of 3]
528: 44 year old with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia presents with a headache. [1 of 3]
529: 44 year old with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia presents with a headache. [2 of 3]
530: Cerebral AVM [3 of 3]
531: Neuroblastoma, metastasis
532: Glioblastoma Multiforme, graphic [1 of 2]
533: Glioblastoma Multiforme [2 of 2]
534: Meningioma, graphic [1 of 2]
535: 77 year old female presents with a chronic headache [2 of 2]
536: Гематома
537: Fatal травма головы