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Изображения.  ЛОР

Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Был на сайте: 6 лет 1 месяц назад
Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876

Case 1. Left acute otomastoiditis

label.Left_OM_axial.jpg label.Left_OM_cor.jpg

Case 2. Right coalescent otomastoiditis

Right_OM_axial.jpg Right_OM_cor.jpg

Case 3. Dural sinus thrombosis (post-contrast axial CT and axial 2D-TOF MRV)

Left_OM_thrombosis_axial.jpg Left_OM_sinusthrombosis_MRV.jpg

Case 4. Intracranial abscess

(post-contrast axial CT and Cor T1 gad MR)

Left_OM_abscess_axial.jpg label.corT1gad.jpg

Case 5. External otitis and acute otomastoiditis

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Case 6. Right pars flaccida cholesteatoma

Right_PFC_axial.jpg Right_PFC_cor.jpg

Case 7. Left pars tensa cholesteatoma (*)

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Case 8. Labyrinthitis ossificans

(axial and coronal CT; axial T2 BFFE)

figure a. (*) ossified bony labyrinth and cochlea

Lab_Ossif_axial.jpg Lab_Ossif_cor.jpg Lab_Ossif_MR_BFFE.jpg

Case 9. Petrous apex cholesterol granuloma

(axial CT in bone window, NECT in soft tissue window and CECT in soft tissue window)

PA_chol_gran_axial1.jpg PA_chol_gran_axial2.jpg PA_chol_gran_axial3.jpg

Case 10. Axial T1, T2 and DWI of petrous apex cholesterol granuloma

Chol_gran_MRT1.jpg Chol_gran_MRT2.jpg Chol_gran_MRDWI.jpg

Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Был на сайте: 6 лет 1 месяц назад
Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876

Case 1. Bony external auditory atresia (EAC)

label.axial_EAC_atresia.jpg label.Cor_EAC_atresia.jpg

Case 2. Cochlear aplasia

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Case 3. Common cavity malformation

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Case 4. Incomplete partition - I

(cystic cochleovestibular malformation)

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Case 5. Incomplete partition - II

(classic Mondini malformation)

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Case 6. Incomplete partition variant

(presence of 1.5 turns of the cochlea, but the vestibular aquaduct is normal size)

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Case 7. Enlarged right vestibular aquaduct

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Case 8. CHARGE syndrome


  • Coloboma of the eye
  • Heart defects
  • Atresia of the choanae
  • Retardation of growth and/or development
  • Genital and/or urinary abnormalities
  • Ear abnormalities and deafness

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Case 9. Superior semicircular dehiscence

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Case 10. Aberrant ICA

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Case 11. Persistent stapedial artery

label.Axial.stapedial.art.jpg label.cor.stapedial.art.jpg

Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876

Case 1. Bilateral anterior longitudinal temporal bone fractures with ossicular injury

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Case 2. Left transverse temporal bone fracture with ossicular injury

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Case 3. Right complex temporal bone fracture

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Case 4. Right oblique temporal bone fracture

label.axial1.jpg label.cor1.jpg

Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876

Case 1. IAC schwannoma and meningioma in patient with NF-2

(axial CT in bone window, axial NECT in soft tissue window, and axial T1 gad MR)


axial_IAC_schwann.jpg axial_ST_schwann_mening.jpg AxialT1gad_schwann_mening.jpg

Case 2. Right geniculate ganglion facial nerve schwannoma

(axial CT in bone windows and Cor T1 gad MR)

Rt.facial_schwann1.jpg Rt.facialschwann2.jpg CorT1gad.facial_schwann.jpg


Case 3. Left tympanic segment facial nerve schwannoma

(cor CT in bone window, axial CT in bone window, Cor T1 gad MR)

Cor_facial_schwann.jpg label.axialCT.jpg CorT1gad_facial_schwann.jpg


Case 4. Glomus tympanicum

(axial and coronal CT in bone window, Cor T1 gad MR)

glomus_tympan_axial.jpg glomus_tympan_cor.jpg glomus_tympan_corT1.jpg


Case 5. Glomus jugulare

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Axial and coronal T1 gad MR images

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Case 6. Endolymphatic sac tumor

(axial CT in bone windows, axial T1 and T2 MR images)

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Case 7. Early otospongiosis (retro-fenestral)



Case 8. Otospongiosis (fenestral and retro-fenestral)

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Case 9. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia

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Case 10. Fibrous dysplasia affecting the ossicles and facial nerve canal

FD_ossicles_axial.jpg FD_ossicles_cor.jpg


Case 11. Aneurysmal bone cyst of the temporal bone

(axial CT in bone window, axial T1 and axial T2 MR images)

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Case 12. Osteochondroma

Osteochond_axial.jpg Osteochond_cor.jpg

Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Был на сайте: 6 лет 1 месяц назад
Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876
Axial plane
Coronal plane
Parallel plane
Perpendicular plane


Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876

Sinusitis Imaging 


Визуализация заболеваний придаточных полостей носа


Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Был на сайте: 6 лет 1 месяц назад
Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876
Waters' view of the sinuses showing partial opacification of the right maxillary sinus, with an air-fluid level.
Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876
Coronal CT scan showing right maxillary sinus opacification.  Also, note the septal deviation to the right and the hypertrophy of the left inferior turbinate.
Coronal CT scan of the sinuses showing bilateral maxillary sinusitis.  The opacification is more prominent on the left side.  The septum is also deviated to the left
Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Был на сайте: 6 лет 1 месяц назад
Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876
Coronal MRI scan showing opacification of the left maxillary and ethmoid sinuses.
Axial MRI scan showing opacification of the left maxillary sinus.
Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Был на сайте: 6 лет 1 месяц назад
Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876

Варианты нормальной пневматизации клиновидной кости, имитирующие патологию.

(Sometimes, the prodigious apparatus of CT and MRI, that allow us to explore the most remote corners of the human body, play with us reproducing some images that simulate disease processes. The Radiologysts  and Radiologic Technologists, know much about these things, the mistakes we make and the increase of them when more scans are performed without proper clinical interpretation. These images, found in a craneoencephalic Computed Tomography scan, demonstrate how capricious hiperneumatización sphenoid sinus, converted a normal bullae in intracranial disturbing air bubbles (Figure 1).




FIGURA 1) En esta imagen la neumatización de las apófisis clinoides posterior y del techo del seno esfenoidal simula la existencia de burbujas aéreas intracraneales. Falsa imagen de neumocéfalo que puede inducir a error fácilmente.
(In this CT picture the pneumatization of the posterior clinoid process and sphenoid sinus roof simulates the presence of intracranial air bubbles. A false image of neumocephalus that can easily mislead).





FIGURA 2) Una imagen más caudal demuestra un seno muy neumatizado, con pequeñas bullas aéreas perifericas. Hay que tener en cuenta que el seno esfenoidal se encuentra inmediatamente por debajo del área selar y que la neumatización de las clinoides corresponde a una prolongación de la cavidad del seno.
(A more caudal image shows a highly pneumatized sphenoid sinus with small peripheral air bullae. Keep in mind, that the sphenoid sinus is located immediately below the sellar area and the pneumatization of the clinoid processes corresponds to an extension of the sphenoid sinus)




FIGURA 3) La imagen con reconstrución de hueso permite apreciar la extensión de las bullas (Flechas) producidas por la hiperneumatización del seno esfenoidal. Aparecen contorneadas por un borde escleroso que las distingue de las burbujas del neumocéfalo.
(The image permit to appreciate the extent of bullae (arrows) produced by the hiperneumatización of the sphenoid sinus.They appear outlined by a sclerotic rim that distinguishes them from the bubbles of pneumocephalus).


FIGURA 4) Más bullas aéreas en las apófisis clinoides posteriores.  
(More air bullae on the posterior clinoid processes).




FIGURA 5) Esta imagen demuestra el aspecto polilobulado del seno esfenoidal.  
(This image shows the lobulatedd appearance of the sphenoid sinus).

Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. (HUMS) Zaragoza.Spaiñ