Изображения. Стэнфордский университет. +

Иллюстрации. Stanford University

List of Images


1) Chest:
1: Structures of the Chest
2: Cross-sectional Anatomy (Graphic) [1 of 8]
3: Normal Contrast-Enhanced CT (Lung Window) [2 of 8]
4: Normal Contrast-Enhanced CT (Bone Window) [3 of 8]
5: Normal Unenhanced CT (Mediastinal Window) [4 of 8]
6: Normal Contrast-Enhanced CT (Lung Window) [5 of 8]
7: HRCT of Previous Image [6 of 8]
8: Normal Unenhanced CT (Mediastinal Window) [7 of 8]
9: Normal Contrast-Enhanced CT (Mediastinal Window) [8 of 8]
10: Positioning for Left Lateral Chest Radiograph [1 of 3]
11: Left Lateral Chest Radiograph Collimation for Imaging (Graphic) [2 of 3]
12: Normal Left Lateral Chest Radiograph [3 of 3]
13: Positioning for AP Chest Radiograph [1 of 2]
14: Normal AP Chest Radiograph [2 of 2]
15: Positioning for PA Chest Radiograph [1 of 3]
16: PA Chest Radiograph Collimation for Imaging (Graphic) [2 of 3]
17: Normal PA Chest Radiograph [3 of 3]
18: PA Chest Radiograph with Bullet [1 of 2]
19: Left Lateral Chest Radiograph with Bullet [2 of 2]
20: Normal PA Chest Radiograph on Inspiration [1 of 2]
21: Normal PA Chest Radiograph on Expiration [2 of 2]
22: Radiographic Densities on CXR
23: PA Chest Radiograph of Biventricular Pacemaker [1 of 3]
24: Portable AP Chest Radiograph [2 of 3]
25: Portable AP Chest Radiograph [3 of 3]
26: Normal anatomy of the lungs (Graphic) [1 of 8]
27: Normal mediastinal anatomy (Graphic) [2 of 8]
28: Normal mediastinal anatomy (Graphic) [3 of 8]
29: Normal mediastinal anatomy (Graphic) [4 of 8]
30: Normal mediastinal anatomy (Graphic) [5 of 8]
31: Normal mediastinal anatomy (Graphic) [6 of 8]
32: Normal anatomy of the lungs (CXR) [7 of 8]
33: Normal anatomy of the lungs (CXR) [8 of 8]
34: LLL Atelectasis [1 of 4]
35: LLL Atelectasis [2 of 4]
36: LLL Atelectasis [3 of 4]
37: LLL Atelectasis [4 of 4]
38: RUL Atelectasis, Consolidation and Cancer [1 of 3]
39: RUL Atelectasis, Consolidation and Cancer [2 of 3]
40: RUL Atelectasis, Consolidation and Cancer [3 of 3]
41: A 62 year-old male presents with chronic shortness of breath (Frontal Radiograph). [1 of 6]
42: A 62 year-old male presents with chronic shortness of breath (Frontal Radiograph). [2 of 6]
43: A 62 year-old male presents with chronic shortness of breath (Lateral Radiograph). [3 of 6]
44: A 62 year-old male presents with chronic shortness of breath (Axial HRCT). [4 of 6]
45: A 62 year-old male presents with chronic shortness of breath (Axial HRCT). [5 of 6]
46: A 62 year-old male presents with chronic shortness of breath (Coronal HRCT). [6 of 6]
47: Paraseptal Emphysema & Bullous Disease [1 of 2]
48: Paraseptal Emphysema & Bullous Disease [2 of 2]
49: Hilar and Paratracheal Nodes in Sarcoidosis [1 of 3]
50: Hilar Nodes in Sarcoidosis [2 of 3]
51: Hilar and Paratracheal Nodes in Sarcoidosis [3 of 3]
52: Calcified Hilar Nodes, Remote Granulomatous Infection [1 of 4]
53: Calcified Hilar Nodes, Remote Granulomatous Infection [2 of 4]
54: Calcified Hilar Nodes, Remote Granulomatous Infection [3 of 4]
55: Calcified Hilar Nodes, Remote Granulomatous Infection [4 of 4]
56: Hilar Nodes in Lung Cancer [1 of 3]
57: Hilar Nodes in Lung Cancer [2 of 3]
58: Hilar Nodes in Lung Cancer [3 of 3]
59: Right Apical Lung Cancer, CXR [1 of 3]
60: Right Apical Lung Cancer, Chest CT (Mediastinal Window) [2 of 3]
61: Right Apical Lung Cancer, Chest CT (Lung Window) [3 of 3]
62: Subtle LLL Retrocardiac Opacity (CXR) [1 of 2]
63: Subtle LLL Retrocardiac Opacity (Chest CT, Lung Window) [2 of 2]
64: Left Empyema (PA CXR) [1 of 2]
65: Left Empyema (Left Lateral Decubitus CXR) [2 of 2]
66: Large, Loculated Pleural Effusion [1 of 3]
67: Large, Loculated Pleural Effusion [2 of 3]
68: Large, Loculated Pleural Effusion [3 of 3]
69: Pleural Effusion, Small to Moderate [1 of 5]
70: Pleural Effusion, Small to Moderate [2 of 5]
71: Pleural Effusion, Small to Moderate [3 of 5]
72: Pleural Effusion, Small to Moderate [4 of 5]
73: Pleural Effusion, Small to Moderate [5 of 5]
74: Left Upper Lobe Pneumonia [1 of 2]
75: Left Upper Lobe Pneumonia [2 of 2]
76: Pneumothorax [1 of 2]
76a: Pneumothorax [2 of 2]
77: Chest Pain 
77a: Kerley B Lines
78: Volume Rendered CT of the Chest [1 of 2]
79: Volume Rendered CT of the Chest [2 of 2]
80: Acute Pulmonary Emboli (CT Pulmonary Angiogram) [1 of 3]
81: Acute Pulmonary Emboli (CT Pulmonary Angiogram) [2 of 3]
82: Acute Pulmonary Emboli (CT Pulmonary Angiogram) [3 of 3]
83: Silhouette Sign, LLL Pneumonia (PA CXR) [1 of 2]
84: Silhouette Sign, LLL Pneumonia (Lateral CXR) [2 of 2]
85: Silhouette Sign, RML Pneumonia (PA CXR) [1 of 4]
86: Silhouette Sign, RML Pneumonia (Lateral CXR) [2 of 4]
87: Silhouette Sign, RML Pneumonia (Chest CT) [3 of 4]
88: Silhouette Sign, RML Pneumonia (Chest CT) [4 of 4]
89: PA of Normal Trachea and Bronchi [1 of 5]
90: CT of Normal Trachea and Bronchi [2 of 5]
91: CT of Normal Trachea and Bronchi [3 of 5]
92: CT of Normal Trachea and Bronchi [4 of 5]
93: CT of Normal Trachea and Bronchi [5 of 5]
94: Normal mediastinal anatomy (Graphic) [1 of 2]
95: Normal mediastinal anatomy (Graphic) [2 of 2]
96: Normal Mediastinum, Aortopulmonary Window (PA CXR) [1 of 5]
97: Normal Mediastinum (Axial CT) [2 of 5]
98: Normal Mediastinum (Axial CT) [3 of 5]
99: Normal Mediastinum (Axial CT) [4 of 5]
100: Normal Mediastinum (Axial CT) [5 of 5]
101: Thymus, Normal Infant (CXR) [1 of 2]
102: Thymus, 8 Months (Chest CT) [2 of 2]
103: Normal Thymus, 15 Year Old (Chest CT) [1 of 3]
104: Normal Thymus, 20 Year Old (Chest CT) [2 of 3]
105: Normal Thymus, 22 Year Old (Chest CT) [3 of 3]
106: Mediastinal mass, thymoma [1 of 3]
107: Mediastinal mass, thymoma [2 of 3]
108: Mediastinal mass, thymoma [3 of 3]
109: Mediastinal Lymph Nodes in NHL (Axial CT) [1 of 4]
110: Mediastinal Lymph Nodes in NHL (Axial CT) [2 of 4]
111: Mediastinal Lymph Nodes in NHL (Axial CT) [3 of 4]
112: Mediastinal Lymph Nodes in NHL (Axial CT) [4 of 4]
113: Diffuse Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy in Hodgkin's (Chest CT)
114: Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy, Lung Cancer (PA CXR) [1 of 3]
115: Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy, Lung Cancer (Chest CT) [2 of 3]
116: Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy, Lung Cancer (Chest CT) [3 of 3]
117: Aorta (Aortography)
118: Normal anatomy of the aorta (CXR) [1 of 5]
119: Normal anatomy of the aorta (CXR) [2 of 5]
120: Normal antomy of the aorta (Axial CT) [3 of 5]
121: Normal antomy of the aorta (Axial CT) [4 of 5]
122: Normal antomy of the aorta (Axial CT) [5 of 5]
123: Aortic Enlargement and Tortuosity [1 of 2]
123a: Aortic Enlargement and Tortuosity [2 of 2]
124: Aortic Dissection (Axial CT) [1 of 3]
124a: Aortic Dissection (CT Aortogram) [2 of 3]
124b: Aortic Dissection [3 of 3]
125: Coronal CT Angiography (Mediastinal Window) [1 of 2]
126: Sagittal CT Angiography (Mediastinal Window) [2 of 2]
127: Aortic Stenosis [1 of 2]
128: Aortic Stenosis [2 of 2]
129: Normal Heart Anatomy (Graphic)
130: Normal Heart (PA CXR) [1 of 6]
131: Normal Heart (Lateral CXR) [2 of 6]
132: Normal Heart (CT) [3 of 6]
133: Normal Heart (CT) [4 of 6]
134: Normal Heart (CT) [5 of 6]
135: Normal Heart (CT) [6 of 6]
136: Cardiothoracic Ratio in Normal Heart [1 of 2]
137: Cardiothoracic Ratio in Cardiomegaly [2 of 2]
138: Anatomy of Left Heart Valves (Graphic) [1 of 5]
139: Aortic Valve (CT) [2 of 5]
140: Aortic Valve (CT) [3 of 5]
141: Prosthetic Aortic & Mitral Valves (PA CXR) [4 of 5]
142: Prosthetic Aortic & Mitral Valves (Lateral CXR) [5 of 5]
143: Pericardium (Anatomy) [1 of 8]
144: Pericardium (Anatomy) [2 of 8]
145: Normal Pericardium (Axial CT) [3 of 8]
146: Normal Pericardium (Axial MR) [4 of 8]
147: Normal Pericardium (Sagittal MR) [5 of 8]
148: Pericardial Effusion [6 of 8]
149: Pericardial Effusion [7 of 8]
150: Pericardial Effusion [8 of 8]


Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876



2) Abdominal Wall:
151: Anterior Wall Muscles, Graphic [1 of 9]
152: Posterior Abdominal Wall Normal Anatomy, Graphic [2 of 9]
153: Abdominal Wall Muscles Normal Anatomy, Axial CT [3 of 9]
154: Abdominal Wall Muscles Normal Anatomy, Axial CT [4 of 9]
155: Abdominal Wall Muscles Normal Anatomy, Axial CT [5 of 9]
156: Abdominal Wall Muscles Normal Anatomy, Axial CT [6 of 9]
157: Abdominal Wall Muscles Normal Anatomy, Coronal CT [7 of 9]
158: Abdominal Wall Muscles Normal Anatomy, Coronal CT [8 of 9]
159: Abdominal Wall Muscles Normal Anatomy, Coronal CT [9 of 9]
160: 77 year-old woman presents with abdominal pain,vomiting, fever, and tachycardia [1 of 3]
161: 77 year-old woman presents with abdominal pain,vomiting, fever, and tachycardia [2 of 3]
162: 77 year-old woman presents with abdominal pain,vomiting, fever, and tachycardia [3 of 3]
163: 59 year-old male presents with an abdominal mass and pain. [1 of 5]
164: 59 year-old male presents with an abdominal mass and pain. [2 of 5]
165: 59 year-old male presents with an abdominal mass and pain. [3 of 5]
166: 59 year-old male presents with an abdominal mass and pain. [4 of 5]
167: 59 year-old male presents with an abdominal mass and pain. [5 of 5]
168: 66 year-old male presents with a protruding abdominal mass and pain. [1 of 2]
169: 66 year-old male presents with a protruding abdominal mass and pain. [2 of 2]

3) Peritoneal Cavity:
170: Greater and Lesser Omentum, Graphic [1 of 6]
171: Peritoneal cavity , Graphic (axial) [2 of 6]
172: Peritoneal cavity , Graphic (sagittal) [3 of 6]
173: 77 year-old woman with a history of ovarian cancer presents with increasing abdominal girth. [4 of 6]
174: 77 year-old woman with a history of ovarian cancer presents with increasing abdominal girth. [5 of 6]
175: 77 year-old woman with a history of ovarian cancer presents with increasing abdominal girth. [6 of 6]

4) Vessels and Nodes:
176: Abdominal Aorta, IVC and iliac arteries and veins (graphic) [1 of 6]
177: IVC (graphic) [2 of 6]
178: Abdominal Vessels, axial CT [3 of 6]
179: Abdominal Aorta, CT arteriogram (volume-rendered) [4 of 6]
180: Abdominal Vessels, CT angiogram (volume-rendered) [5 of 6]
181: Gastric vessels (Coronal volume-rendered image) [6 of 6]
182: Retroperitoneal Lymph Nodes (Graphic) [1 of 3]
183: 26 year-old male presents with night sweats, weight loss and fever. [2 of 3]
184: 26 year-old male presents with night sweats, weight loss and fever. [3 of 3]

5) Esophagus:
185: Upper GI tract and thoracic cavity , graphic (sagittal) [1 of 2]
186: Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), graphic [2 of 2]
187: Upper barium GI series, Paraesophageal Hernia [1 of 2]
188: Paraesophagial Hernia, axial CT [2 of 2]
189: Hiatal Hernia, Barium Study [1 of 2]
190: Hiatal Hernia, Barium Study [2 of 2]

6) Stomach:
191: Normal Stomach, graphic [1 of 2]
192: Duodenum, graphic [2 of 2]
193: Barium Upper GI Study, normal stomach
194: Normal Stomach, axial CT [1 of 4]
195: Normal Stomach, axial CT [2 of 4]
196: Normal Stomach, axial CT [3 of 4]
197: Normal Stomach, axial CT [4 of 4]
198: 56 year-old male presents with abdominal pain and weight loss [1 of 5]
199: 56 year-old male presents with abdominal pain and weight loss [2 of 5]
200: 56 year-old male presents with abdominal pain and weight loss [3 of 5]
201: 56 year-old male presents with abdominal pain and weight loss [4 of 5]
202: 56 year-old male presents with abdominal pain and weight loss [5 of 5]

7) Pancreas:
203: Pancreas, normal graphic
204: Normal Pancreas, Axial MRI [1 of 3]
205: Normal Pancreas, Axial MRI [2 of 3]
206: Normal Pancreas, Axial MRI [3 of 3]
207: Normal Pancreas, Axial CT [1 of 5]
208: Normal Pancreas, Axial CT [2 of 5]
209: Normal Pancreas, Axial CT [3 of 5]
210: Normal Pancreas, Axial CT [4 of 5]
211: Normal Pancreas, Axial CT [5 of 5]
212: Normal Pancreas, Coronal CT [1 of 3]
213: Normal Pancreas, Coronal CT [2 of 3]
214: Normal Pancreas, Coronal CT [3 of 3]
215: MR cholangiopancreatogram (coronal)
216: Pancreatic Carcinoma of the Head, Graphic [1 of 4]
217: 56 year-old male with painless jaundice [2 of 4]]
218: 56 year-old male with painless jaundice [3 of 4]
219: 56 year-old male with painless jaundice [4 of 4]
220: 56 year-old male presents with painless jaundice [1 of 7]
221: 56 year-old male presents with painless jaundice [2 of 7]
222: 56 year-old male presents with painless jaundice [3 of 7]
223: 56 year-old male presents with painless jaundice [4 of 7]
224: 56 year-old male presents with painless jaundice [5 of 7]
225: 56 year-old male presents with painless jaundice [6 of 7]
226: 56 year-old male presents with painless jaundice [7 of 7]
227: Pancreatic Pseudocyst [1 of 3]
228: Pancreatic Pseudocyst [2 of 3]
229: Pancreatic Pseudocyst [3 of 3]
230: 32-year-old man with severe epigastric pain after heavy partying [1 of 2]
231: 32-year-old man with severe epigastric pain after heavy partying [1 of 2]

Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876



232: Layers of bowel wall, graphic [1 of 3]
233: Small Intestine Arteries, graphic [2 of 3]
234: Small Intestine Veins, graphic [3 of 3]
235: Barium Small Bowel Follow Through, Normal [1 of 3]
236: Barium Small Bowel Follow Through, Normal Terminal Ileum [2 of 3]
237: Malrotation, Barium small bowel follow through [3 of 3]
238: 27 year-old male with a history of an appendectomy presents with nausea, vomiting, colicky abdominal pain, and diarrhea. [1 of 3]
239: 27 year-old male with a history of an appendectomy presents with nausea, vomiting, colicky abdominal pain, and diarrhea. [2 of 3]
240: Small Intestinal Obstruction, axial CT [3 of 3]
241: 26 year-old female presents with chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain and weight loss. [1 of 2]
242: 26 year-old female presents with chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain and weight loss. [2 of 2]
243: Small Bowel Infarction, axial CT [1 of 2]
244: 65 year-old male presents with a sudden onset of abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. [2 of 2] 
245: 56 year-old male with Crohns Disease presents with persistent abdominal pain and diarrhea. [1 of 4]
246: 56 year-old male with Crohns Disease presents with persistent abdominal pain and diarrhea. [2 of 4]
247: 56 year-old male with Crohns Disease presents with persistent abdominal pain and diarrhea. [3 of 4]
248: 56 year-old male with Crohns Disease presents with persistent abdominal pain and diarrhea. [4 of 4]

9) Ureter and Bladder:
249: Urinary system, graphic [1 of 3]
250: Male Bladder, graphic view (coronal) [2 of 3]
251: Female Bladder, graphic view (coronal) [3 of 3]
252: Excretory Urogram
253: Duplication of Ureters, Urographic image [1 of 2]
254: Hydronephrotic kidney, excretory urogram [2 of 2]
255: Ectopic duplicated ureter, plain film
256: Hydronephrotic kidney [1 of 4]
257: Hydronephrotic left kidney, axial CT [2 of 4]
258: Congenital obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction (UPJ), axial CT [3 of 4]
259: Hydronephrotic kidney [4 of 4]
260: Bladder cancer, non-enhanced CT [1 of 2]
261: Bladder Cancer, contast-enhanced CT [2 of 2]
262: Bladder upture, cystogram [1 of 2]
263: Intraperitoneal rupture of bladder, CT (sagittal) [2 of 2]

10) Colon:
264: Colon and Mesentery, graphic [1 of 2]
265: Ileocecal Region, graphic [2 of 2]
266: Large Intestine and arteries, graphic [1 of 3]
267: Large Intestine and veins, graphic [2 of 3]
268: Rectum, graphic [3 of 3]
269: Air constrast barium enema [1 of 2]
270: Air constrast barium enema [2 of 2]
271: Sigmoid Volvulus, graphic [1 of 2]
272: Sigmoid Volvulus, film [2 of 2]
273: Cecal Volvulus, graphic [1 of 3]
274: Cecal Volvolus, plain radiograph [2 of 3]
275: Cecal Volvolus, plain radiograph [3 of 3]
276: 60 year-old male presents with hematochezia and weight loss. [1 of 2]
277: 60 year-old male presents with hematochezia and weight loss. [2 of 2]
278: 65 year-old male presents with fever and LLQ pain. [1 of 5]
279: 65 year-old male presents with fever and LLQ pain. [2 of 5]
280: 65 year-old male presents with fever and LLQ pain. [3 of 5]
281: 65 year-old male presents with fever and LLQ pain. [4 of 5]
282: 65 year-old male presents with fever and LLQ pain. [5 of 5]
283: Normal Appendix, CT (coronal) [1 of 6]
284: Normal Appendix, CT (coronal) [2 of 6]
285: Normal Appendix, CT (coronal) [3 of 6]
286: Normal Appendix, CT (axial) [4 of 6]
287: Appendix behind Ascending Colon, CT (axial) [5 of 6]
288: Appendix behind Ascending Colon, CT (axial) [6 of 6]
289: 18 year-old male presents with a sudden onset of RLQ pain and rebound tenderness. [1 of 5]
290: 18 year-old male presents with a sudden onset of RLQ pain and rebound tenderness. [2 of 5]
291: 18 year-old male presents with a sudden onset of RLQ pain and rebound tenderness. [3 of 5]
292: 18 year-old male presents with a sudden onset of RLQ pain and rebound tenderness. [4 of 5]
293: 18 year-old male presents with a sudden onset of RLQ pain and rebound tenderness. [5 of 5]

11) Liver:
294: Liver, graphic [1 of 2]
295: Liver, graphic [2 of 2]
296: Hepatic Arterial Variants, graphic [1 of 3]
297: Hepatic Arterial Variants, graphic [2 of 3]
298: Vascular Supply of Liver, Reformated CT angiogram (coronal) [3 of 3]
299: Normal Liver, Ultrasound ( axial ) 
300: Normal Liver, CT ( axial ) [1 of 9]
301: Normal Liver, CT ( axial ) [2 of 9]
302: Normal Liver, CT ( axial ) [3 of 9]
303: Normal Liver, CT ( axial ) [4 of 9]
304: Normal Liver, CT ( axial ) [5 of 9]
305: Normal Liver, CT ( axial ) [6 of 9]
306: Normal Liver, CT ( axial ) [7 of 9]
307: Normal Liver, CT ( axial ) [8 of 9]
308: Normal Liver, CT ( axial ) [9 of 9]
309: Normal Vessels, CT ( Axial ) [1 of 5]
310: Normal Vessels, CT ( Axial ) [2 of 5]
311: Normal Liver, CT ( coronal ) [3 of 5]
312: Normal Liver, CT ( coronal ) [4 of 5]
313: Portal Venous System, CT ( coronal ) [5 of 5]
314: Portal and Hepatic Vein (Coronal maximum intensity projection images) [1 of 2]
315: Portal and Hepatic Vein (Coronal maximum intensity projection images) [2 of 2]
316: Normal Liver (T1-Weighted MR) [1 of 4]
317: Normal Liver (T1- Weighted MR) [2 of 4]
318: Normal Liver (T2- Weighted MR) [3 of 4]
319: Normal Liver (T2- Weighted MR) [4 of 4]
320: Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension, CT ( axial ) [1 of 3]
321: Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension, CT ( axial ) [2 of 3]
322: Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension, CT ( axial ) [3 of 3]
323: 67 year-old male presents with weight loss, fatigue and jaundice. [1 of 2]
324: 67 year-old male presents with weight loss, fatigue and jaundice. [2 of 2]
325: Liver metastases, CT ( axial ) [1 of 3]
326: Liver metastases, CT ( axial ) [2 of 3]
327: Liver metastases, color doppler ultrasound [3 of 3]
328: 46 year-old male presents with increasing abdominal girth. [1 of 2]
329: 46 year-old male presents with increasing abdominal girth. [2 of 2]

12) Biliary:
330: Biliary System, graphic [1 of 2]
331: Biliary System, graphic [2 of 2]
332: MR Cholangio-Pancreatogram
333: Intra- and extrahepatic ducts, cholangiogram
334: 65-year-old male presents with painless jaundice. [1 of 5]
335: 65-year-old male presents with painless jaundice. [2 of 5]
336: 65-year-old male presents with painless jaundice. [3 of 5]
337: 65-year-old male presents with painless jaundice. [4 of 5] 
338: 65-year-old male presents with painless jaundice. [5 of 5]
339: Cholelithiasis, graphic [1 of 2]
340: Ductal Calculus [2 of 2]
341: 40-year-old obese female presents with colicky right upper quadrant pain [1 of 2]
342: 40-year-old obese female presents with colicky right upper quadrant pain [2 of 2]
343: Acute Cholecystitis, CT [1 of 2]
344: 67-year-old diabetic male with a long history of colicky RUQ pain presents with a sudden onset of increased abdominal pain. [2 of 2]
345: Cholelithiasis, CT 
346: Cholelithiasis, Axial T2 weighted MRI

13) Spleen:
347: Spleen , graphic
348: Normal spleen, axial view (CT) [1 of 5]
349: Normal spleen, axial view (CT) [2 of 5]
350: Normal spleen, axial view (CT) [3 of 5]
351: Normal spleen, coronal view (CT) [4 of 5]
352: Normal spleen, coronal view (CT) [5 of 5]
353: 35-year-old male with sickle cell anemia and abdominal pain . 
354: 35-year-old male with sickle cell anemia presents with abdominal pain . 
355: Acute splenic infarction (CT)
356: 23-year-old male presents with blunt abdominal trauma after a motor vehicle accident [1 of 3]
357: 23-year-old male presents with blunt abdominal trauma after a motor vehicle accident [2 of 3]
358: 23-year-old male presents with blunt abdominal trauma after a motor vehicle accident [3 of 3]
359: 25-year-old male with mononucleosis presents with acute left upper quadrant pain
360: 26-year old presents with night sweats and fever. [1 of 2]
361: 26-year old presents with night sweats and fever. [2 of 2]
362: Heterogeneous Splenic Enhancement [1 of 2]
363: Heterogeneous Splenic Enhancement [2 of 2]

Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Был на сайте: 6 лет 4 месяцев назад
Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876



14) Kidney:
364: Normal kidneys, graphic [1 of 3]
365: Cross-sectional image of kidney, graphic [2 of 3]
366: Normal kidney,coronal view [3 of 3]
367: Cross-sectional abdominal image [1 of 9]
368: Renal Fascia [2 of 9]
369: Normal kidney, axial image [3 of 9]
370: Renal Fascia [4 of 9]
371: Normal kidney, CT [5 of 9]
372: Normal kidneys, CT [6 of 9]
373: Normal kidneys, CT [7 of 9]
374: Normal kidneys, CT [8 of 9]
375: Right kidney, sagittal view (CT) [9 of 9]
376: Coronal image of kidneys, CT
377: Normal kidney, Sagittal view (Ultrasound)
378: 65-year-old male with painless hematuria [1 of 5]
379: 65-year-old male with painless hematuria [2 of 5]
380: 65-year-old male with painless hematuria [3 of 5]
381: 65-year-old male with painless hematuria [4 of 5]
382: 65-year-old male with painless hematuria [5 of 5]
383: 67-year-old male with flank mass and hematuria [1 of 4]
384: 67-year-old male with flank mass and hematuria [2 of 4]
385: 67-year-old male with flank mass and hematuria [3 of 4]
386: 67-year-old male with flank mass and hematuria [4 of 4]
387: 67-year-old male with flank mass and hematuria [1 of 3]
388: 67-year-old male with flank mass and hematuria [2 of 3]
389: 67-year-old male with flank mass and hematuria [3 of 3] 
390: 67-year-old male with flank mass and hematuria [1 of 3]
391: 67-year-old male with flank mass and hematuria [2 of 3]
392: 67-year-old male with flank mass and hematuria [3 of 3]
393: Horseshoe kidney, graphic [1 of 4]
394: 12-year-old-male presents with occasional abdominal discomfort [2 of 4]
395: 12 year old male presents with occasional abdominal discomfort [3 of 4]
396: 12 year old male presents with occasional abdominal discomfort [4 of 4]
397: 40-year-old woman with progressive renal failure and palpable abdominal masses [1 of 2]
398: 40-year-old woman with progressive renal failure and palpable abdominal masses [2 of 2]

15) Adrenal:
399: Adrenal glands, graphic [1 of 3]
400: Cross-sectional graphic [2 of 3]
401: Cross-sectional graphic of adrenal gland [3 of 3]
402: Normal Adrenal glands, CT [1 of 3]
403: Normal Adrenal glands, CT [2 of 3]
404: Normal Adrenal glands, CT [3 of 3]
405: Adrenal glands (coronal, CT)
406: 24-year-old-female presents with a 2 year history of an abdominal mass [1 of 3]
407: 24-year-old-female presents with a 2 year history of an abdominal mass [2 of 3]
408: 24-year-old-female presents with a 2 year history of an abdominal mass [3 of 3]
409: 42-year-old-male presents with episodic headache, diaphoresis, and tachycardia. [1 of 3]
410: 42-year-old-male presents with episodic headache, diaphoresis, and tachycardia. [2 of 3]
411: 42-year-old-male presents with episodic headache, diaphoresis, and tachycardia. [3 of 3]

16) Pelvis Nodes and Nerves:
412: Sacral plexus [1 of 3]
413: Sacral plexus [2 of 3]
414: Sacral plexus [3 of 3]
415: 40 year old male presents with lymphadenopathy and unexpected weight loss [1 of 4]
416: 40 year old male presents with lymphadenopathy and unexpected weight loss [2 of 4]
417: 40 year old male presents with lymphadenopathy and unexpected weight loss [3 of 4]
418: 40 year old male presents with lymphadenopathy and unexpected weight loss [4 of 4]

17) Male Pelvis:
419: Male reproductive system, graphic [1 of 4]
419a: Testis, graphic [2 of 4]
419b: Testis, ultrasound [3 of 4]
419c: Ovoid shape of testis, ultrasound [4 of 4]
420: 26-year-old-male presents with scrotal swelling and pain. [1 of 2]
420a: 26-year-old-male presents with scrotal swelling and pain. [2 of 2]
421: 28-year-old man with left-sided testicular swelling. [1 of 2]
421a: 28-year-old man with left-sided testicular swelling. [2 of 2]
422: Mixed germ cell tumor [1 of 2]
423: Testicular Tumor metastasis [2 of 2]
424: Scrotal Calculus
425: Acute Testicular Torsion [1 of 3]
426: Acute Testicular Torsion [2 of 3]
427: Acute Testicular Torsion [3 of 3]
428: Edpididymo-orchitis [1 of 2]
429: Edpididymo-orchitis [2 of 2]

18) Female Pelvis:
430: Female Reproductive Organs, graphic [1 of 5]
431: Female Reproductive Organs ( T2 weighted MR, sagittal) [2 of 5]
432: Broad ligaments [3 of 5]
433: Transabdominal Ultrasound [4 of 5]
434: Female Reproductive Organs, Ultrasound [5 of 5]
435: Ovary, graphic [1 of 4]
436: Cross-sectional view of ovary, graphic [2 of 4]
437: Ovary (T2 weighted MR, coronal) [3 of 4]
438: Right Ovary (T2 weighted MR) [4 of 4]
439: Ovary (T2 weighted MR)
440: 28 year old female with excessive hair growth on her face and abdomen presents with irregular vaginal bleeding. [1 of 2]
441: 28 year old female with excessive hair growth on her face and abdomen presents with irregular vaginal bleeding. [2 of 2]
442: Uterus, graphic [1 of 4]
443: Uterus (T2 weighted MR, sagittal) [2 of 4]
444: Uterus (T2 weighted MR, coronal) [3 of 4]
445: Anteverted uterus, ultrasound [4 of 4]
446: Bicornuate uterus, graphic [1 of 2]
447: Bicornuate uterus (T2 weighted MR) [2 of 2]
448: Subserosal leiomyomas [1 of 2]
449: Subserosal leiomyomas [2 of 2]
450: 1st trimester pregnancy [1 of 3]
451: 1st trimester pregnancy [2 of 3]
452: 1st trimester pregnancy [3 of 3]
453: 3rd trimester fetus

19) Spine:
454: Cervical Spine, graphic [1 of 8]
455: Cervical Spine, graphic (Coronal view) [2 of 8]
456: Cervical Spine [3 of 8]
457: Cervical Spine, plain film (AP view) [4 of 8]
458: Cervical Spine, plain film (oblique view) [5 of 8]
459: Sagittal T2 Weighted MR [6 of 8]
460: Cervical Spine [7 of 8]
461: Cervical Spine, C5 level [8 of 8]
462: Hyperflexian injury of cervical spine (graphic) [1 of 2]
463: Hyperflexian injury of cervical spine, plain film [2 of 2]
464: Thoracic Spine, plain film (AP view) [1 of 3]
465: Lumbar Spine, plain film (lateral view) [2 of 3]
466: Sagittal CT Myelogram, thoracic spine [3 of 3]
467: Lumbar Spine, plain film (AP view) [1 of 4]
468: Lumbar Spine, plain film (lateral view) [2 of 4]
469: Lumbar Spine, plain film (oblique view) [3 of 4]
470: Lumbar Spine (MRI) [4 of 4]
471: Flexion-distraction injury, graphic
472: Scoliosis, graphic (coronal view)
473: 12 year old girl with back pain
474: 40 year-old man who fell from a tall ladder complains of back pain [1 of 2]
475: 40 year-old man who fell from a tall ladder complains of back pain [2 of 2]

20) Scalp and Skull:
476: Cross-sectional graphic of scalp [1 of 7]
477: Inner surface of calvarium (graphic) [2 of 7]
478: Upper calvarial vault [3 of 7]
479: Lower calvarial vault [4 of 7]
480: Upper skull base [5 of 7]
481: Skull Base [6 of 7]
482: Sagittal image of skull and brain (T1-weighted MRI) [7 of 7]

21) Cerebral Hemispheres:
483: Lateral surface of brain
484: Cerebral Hemispheres, CT (normal) [1 of 6]
485: Basal Ganglia and Thalamus, CT [2 of 6]
486: Frontal and temporal lobes, CT [3 of 6]
487: Cerebral Hemispheres, CT (normal) [4 of 6]
488: Cerebral Hemispheres, CT (normal) [5 of 6]
489: Cerebral Hemispheres, Axial CECT (normal) [6 of 6]
490: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [1 of 9]
491: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [2 of 9]
492: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [3 of 9]
493: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [4 of 9]
494: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [5 of 9]
495: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [6 of 9]
496: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [7 of 9]
497: Cerebral Hemispheres, MR (normal) [8 of 9]
498: Sagittal view of cerebral hemispheres, MR [9 of 9]

22) Meninges and CSF:
499: Cranial leptomeninges , graphic display [1 of 8]
500: Cranial Meninges (normal) [2 of 8]
501: Cranial Meninges (normal) [3 of 8]
502: Tentorial Incisura [4 of 8]
503: Cranial Meninges (normal) [5 of 8]
504: Cranial Meninges (normal) [6 of 8]
505: Cranial Meninges (normal) [7 of 8]
506: Cranial Meninges (normal) [8 of 8]

23) Cerebral Arteries:
507: Circle of Willis, graphic (normal anatomy) [1 of 6]
508: Circle of Willis, graphic (normal anatomy) [2 of 6]
509: Circle of Willis (normal anatomy) [3 of 6]
510: Circle of Willis (MRA) [4 of 6]
511: Circle of Willis (MRA) [5 of 6]
512: Circle of Willis (normal anatomy) [6 of 6]
513: Carotid arteries, graphic (normal) [1 of 5]
514: Carotid arteries (normal) [2 of 5]
515: Carotid arteries (normal) [3 of 5]
516: Carotid arteries (normal) [4 of 5]
517: Carotid arteries (normal) [5 of 5]

24) Neuro, Brain:
518: 44 year old African American male presented with a sudden onset of a severe headache and slurred speech. [1 of 3]
519: 44 year old African American male presented with a sudden onset of a severe headache and slurred speech. [2 of 3]
520: Intracranial Hemorrhage, Spontaneous [3 of 3]
521: Subdural Hematoma, graphic [1 of 4]
522: 55 year old female presents to the emergency room after a car accident [2 of 4]
523: 55 year old female presents to the emergency room after a car accident [3 of 4]
524: 55 year old female presents to the emergency room after a car accident [4 of 4]
525: Subdural Hematoma [1 of 3]
526: Subdural Hematoma [2 of 3]
527: Subdural Hematoma [3 of 3]
528: 44 year old with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia presents with a headache. [1 of 3]
529: 44 year old with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia presents with a headache. [2 of 3]
530: Cerebral AVM [3 of 3]
531: Neuroblastoma, metastasis 
532: Glioblastoma Multiforme, graphic [1 of 2]
533: Glioblastoma Multiforme [2 of 2]
534: Meningioma, graphic [1 of 2]
535: 77 year old female presents with a chronic headache [2 of 2]
536: Hematoma
537: Fatal Head Trauma

25) Musculoskeletal, Bone:
538: Joint Injury Classification
539: Acromioclavicular dislocation
540: Glenohumeral dislocation 
541: Hill-Sachs Fracture 
542: Reverse Hill-Sachs Fracture 
543: Reverse Hill-Sachs Fracture
544: Radial Head Fracture
545: Radial Head Fracture
546: Fracture of Femoral Neck
547: Fracture of Femoral Neck
548: Plateau Fracture [1 of 2]
549: Plateau Fracture [2 of 2]
550: Salter-Harris Fractures [1 of 3]
551: Salter-Harris Fractures [2 of 3]
552: Salter-Harris Fractures [3 of 3]

25) Pediatrics:
553: Duodenal Atresia
553a: Duodenal Atresia
554: Croup [1 of 2]
555: Croup [2 of 2]
556: Epiglottitis [1 of 2]
557: Epiglottitis [2 of 2]
558: Foreign body in Bronchus [1 of 3]
559: Foreign body in Bronchus [2 of 3]
560: Foreign body in Bronchus [3 of 3]