Изображения. Костно-суставная система. Патология 4. Gillian Lieberman
Ankle: Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus on Plain Film and MRI Scan
Findings: Frontal plain film: There is a bony defect in the medial aspect of the talar dome. Coronal MRI: Edema sensitive T2...
Calcific Tendonitis of the Longus Colli Muscle on Plain Film, CT, and MRI Scans
Findings: The plain film and CT scans show a calcific focus anterior to C2. The MRI scan shows increased signal in C2 and...
Elbow: Olecranon Bursitis in Gout on Plain Film
Findings: This patient shows enlargement of the olecranon bursa and a spur off the olecranon process. Bilateral enlarged...
Femur: Nonossifying Fibroma (NOF) on CT Scans
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate an eccentric, cortically based lesion with a well-defined sclerotic border in the distal...
Foot: Bilateral Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) on Plain Films
Findings: Left foot: This patient presents with soft tissue swelling, marginal erosions, and subluxation at the 5th MTP...
Ankle: Focal Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (PVNS) on Plain Film and MRI Scans
Findings: The plain film shows a round soft tissue mass in the anterior aspect of the ankle joint. The MRI scans show a low...
Arm: Soft Tissue Calcification on Plain Film
Findings: This patient demonstrates intramuscular calcification presenting as calcareous fascial sheets and subcutaneous...
Elbow: Comminuted Fracture of Distal Humerus from Gunshot with Internal Fixation on Plain Film
Findings: This patient presents with a comminuted fracture of the distal humerus from bullet shrapnel. ...
Femur: Avascular Necrosis (AVN) of Both Femoral Heads on Plain Film
Findings: There is bilateral femoral head flattening, collapse, fragmentation, and increased density. These are the classic...
Foot and Spine: Lover's Fracture on CT Scans
Findings: This patient demonstrates a fracture through the calcaneus and a vertebral compression fracture at the...
Findings: There are periarticular erosions at the 1st MTP and IP joints associated with cloudy increased soft tissue density...
Ankle: Achilles Tendon Rupture on Plain Film and MRI Scan
Findings: The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body. It is formed from the conjoined tendons of the...
Arm: Sclerosing Osteomyelitis on Plain Film
Findings: There is a densely sclerotic lesion with small lucency in the diaphysis. The bone is enlarged in the...
Elbow: Biceps Tendon Rupture on MRI Scan
Findings: The T2 MR image with fat saturation shows a ruptured distal biceps brachii tendon. The tendon is wavy and there...
Femur and Tibia: Multiple Exostoses / Osteochondromata on Plain Films
Findings: This patient demonstrates multiple exostoses, synonymous with osteochondromata. Exostosis / exostoses may be...
Finger: Sarcoidosis on Plain Films
Findings: The plain films show soft tissue nodularity and bony destruction centered around the PIP of the middle finger. The...
Foot: Calcified Tophi in Gout on Plain Film
Findings: This patient shows the classic appearance of soft tissue gouty tophi. The deposits of sodium biurate crystals in...
Arm: Biceps Tendinopathy on MRI Scans
Findings: The axial MRI of the shoulder shows increased T2 signal in the long head of the biceps tendon in the bicipital...
Clavicle: Hyperparathyroidism / Renal Osteodystrophy on Plain Film
Findings: Renal osteodystrophy presents with one of the following triad: Diffuse Osteosclerosis, Secondary...
Ewing Sarcoma with Metastases on MRI Scans
Findings: The abdominal MRI demonstrates a mass centered on the right iliac crest and multiple bone metastases. The head MRI...
Findings: Renal osteodystrophy presents with one of the following triad: Diffuse Osteosclerosis, Secondary...
Findings: This patient shows the classic radiologic features of severe osteoarthritis: Eccentric joint space narrowing,...
Findings: The axial MRI of the shoulder shows increased T2 signal in the long head of the biceps tendon in the bicipital...
Findings: Renal osteodystrophy presents with one of the following triad: Diffuse Osteosclerosis, Secondary...
Findings: The abdominal MRI demonstrates a mass centered on the right iliac crest and multiple bone metastases. The head MRI...
Findings: There is a comminuted intra-articular fracture at the volar base of the fourth middle phalanx. ...
Findings: There is a sclerotic line in the superior calcaneus secondary to a stress fracture. Discussion: Stress...
Findings: There is extensive arterial calcification There is preservation of bone mineral density. There are compression...
Findings: The plain film shows a round soft tissue mass in the anterior aspect of the ankle joint. The MRI scans show a low...
Findings: This patient demonstrates intramuscular calcification presenting as calcareous fascial sheets and subcutaneous...
Findings: This patient presents with a comminuted fracture of the distal humerus from bullet shrapnel. ...
Findings: There is bilateral femoral head flattening, collapse, fragmentation, and increased density. These are the classic...
Findings: This patient demonstrates a fracture through the calcaneus and a vertebral compression fracture at the...
Findings: There are periarticular erosions at the 1st MTP and IP joints associated with cloudy increased soft tissue density...
Findings: This patient shows the classic radiologic features of severe osteoarthritis: Diffuse joint space narrowing,...
Findings: The frontal CXR and magnification view show a well-defined mass in the left chest wall. The mass has fatty...
Findings: The medial sesamoid demonstrates two portions. Discussion: A sesamoid bone is a floating bone in a...
Findings: The plain film demonstrates a nonossifying fibroma in the femur. Discussion: A non-ossifying fibroma...
Findings: This patient demonstrates the medial cortical margin of the 2nd metatarsal base is malaligned with the medial...
Findings: There is a marginal erosion of the 5th metatarsal. There is a calcaneal erosion and adjacent soft tissue...
Findings: This patient demonstrates soft tissue swelling and bone destruction of the distal phalanx of the great toe due to...
Findings: Hand: There is acro-osteolysis of the distal tufts of all 5 fingers. There is also ankylosis of the PIP joint of...
Findings: Plain film: This patient demonstrates radiocarpal and intercarpal joint space narrowing and erosions. C+ MRI: This...
Findings: This patient presents with bilateral periarticular osteopenia, intercarpal, MCP, PIP joint space narrowing, and...
Findings: The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body. It is formed from the conjoined tendons of the...
Findings: There is a densely sclerotic lesion with small lucency in the diaphysis. The bone is enlarged in the...
Findings: The T2 MR image with fat saturation shows a ruptured distal biceps brachii tendon. The tendon is wavy and there...
Findings: This patient demonstrates multiple exostoses, synonymous with osteochondromata. Exostosis / exostoses may be...
Findings: The plain films show soft tissue nodularity and bony destruction centered around the PIP of the middle finger. The...
Findings: This patient shows the classic appearance of soft tissue gouty tophi. The deposits of sodium biurate crystals in...
Findings: This patient shows the classic radiologic features of osteoarthritis: Joint space narrowing, Subchondral...
Findings: There is 5th DIP synphalangism. There is a healing 3rd metatarsal stress fracture. Discussion: Pedal...
Findings: This patient presents with erosions, marrow edema and joint effusion of the 3rd MCP joint. Discussion:...
Findings: Renal osteodystrophy presents with one of the following triad: Diffuse Osteosclerosis, Secondary...
Findings: Plain Film: There is a pedunculated mass arising from the proximal femur medially. The cortex and medulla of the...
Findings: This patient demonstrates synovial enhancement and erosions of the 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform. On...
Findings: There is marked joint space narrowing of many DIP and PIP joints. The joint space narrowing with associated...
Findings: Spina ventosa is the term for an expansile, lytic lesion of a distal phalanx. Spina ventosa was originally used to...
Findings: This patient shows the classic radiologic features of endpoint osteoarthritis: Joint space obliteration,...
Findings: This patient shows the classic radiologic features of severe osteoarthritis: Diffuse joint space narrowing,...
Findings: Knee views: There is an oblique fracture through the upper third of the fibula. Ankle views: There is abnormal...
Findings: This patient demonstrates a transverse fracture line at the base of the 5th metatarsal, called a Jones...
Findings: The sagittal STIR (edema sensitive) MR image shows a thickened plantar fascia with edema. Contrast this with the...
Findings: There is marked deformity of all the metacarpals and phalanges with bony expansion due to multiple...
Findings: Post-menopausal females. Affects same joints as primary osteoarthritis: 1st CMC, DIP, PIP joints. Presents...
Findings: The CT shows an effusion with relatively high attenuation; hemorrhage has an attenuation exceeding 35 Hounsfield...
Findings: The MRI scans show multiple low signal intensity lesions in the femoral neck. Discussion: PVNS is a...
Findings: This patient demonstrates bilateral symmetric joint space narrowing and erosions at the radiocarpal,...
Findings: There is dramatic calcification of most arteries to the hand compatible with severe atherosclerosis. The...
Findings: This patient is s/p left total hip replacement. There are multiple foci of left heterotopic ossification. There is...
Findings: The plain films show lucency at the bone-cement interface surrounding the femoral stem. Greater than 2 mm of...
Findings: Wrist: There is chondrocalcinosis. There is also scapholunate widening from calcification and disruption of the...
Findings: All the bones demonstrate diffusely decreased mineral density with diffuse cortical thinning. There is a fracture...
Findings: The plain films show a severed distal phalanx of the thumb. The flexor pollicis longus tendon is seen attached to...
Findings: The plain film demonstrates cystic areas in the femoral head and the acetabulum with joint space narrowing from...
Findings: The plain films demonstrate external circumferential erosions of the femoral neck with relative sparing of the...
Findings: The CT scans demonstrate a fractured hyoid bone, gas bubbles in an abscess producing mass effect, and narrowing of...
Findings: The plain films demonstrate a well-defined cortically based lesion arising from the posterolateral cortex of the...
Findings: This patient is S/P fractures of the medial and lateral malleoli with internal fixation. There are now fractured...
Findings: Frontal view: There is a subtle vertical fracture through the radial head. Lateral view: The anterior fat pad is...
Findings: AVN frequently affects the heads of the femur and humerus. Early AVN may present with a crescentic lucency below...
Findings: There are bilateral markedly comminuted calcaneal fractures. There are compression fractures of L1, L3, and L4...
Findings: The T1 sagittal MR image shows a hyperintense lesion in the calcaneal body containing a central area of low signal.
Findings: Frontal and lateral views of the foot show a soft tissue ulcer with adjacent osseous destruction. ...
Findings: Enchondroma / enchondromata may be single or multiple. Multiple enchondromatosis is also called Ollier's disease....
Findings: Post-menopausal females. Affects same joints as primary osteoarthritis: 1st CMC, DIP, PIP joints. Presents...
Findings: There is a well-defined oval sclerotic lesion arising from the outer table of the skull Discussion: An...
Findings: There is a calcified/ossified mass arising from the left iliac crest. There is a dense periphery suggestive of the...
Findings: There is a sclerotic, non-expansile lesion of the proximal diaphysis with arcs and rings suggestive of a chondroid...
Findings: There is a pedunculated mass arising from the proximal femur medially. The cortex and medulla of the stalk are...
Findings: AVN: altered signal with low signal crescent in the humeral head There are areas of heterogenous intensity in the...
Findings: The Proton Density image shows no intact fibers to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Discussion: A...
Findings: There is a lucent lesion in the proximal tibia with a non-sclerotic well-defined border which extends to the...
Findings: Frontal and lateral views show a large mass centered in the distal femur. There is a large soft tissue component...
Findings: Humerus: there are multiple subtle “punched-out” lesions, characteristic of multiple myeloma. Femur: there is...
Findings: There is a lesion in the posterior distal femoral metaphysis with well-defined borders containing “fluid/fluid”...
Findings: The sagittal MRIs show a low signal lesion eroding the posterior aspect of the lateral femoral condyle. The...
Findings: The CT scan shows multiple low attenuation metastases. The MRI scan shows multiple high signal metastases. The...
Findings: The plain film shows a large knee joint effusion. The MRI shows low signal “blooming” material adjacent to the...
Findings: This patient shows the classic radiologic features of moderate osteoarthritis: Eccentric joint space narrowing,...
Findings: This patient presents with low signal synovial proliferation surrounding the anterior cruciate...
Findings: This patient shows the classic radiologic features of severe lumbar osteoarthritis: Joint space narrowing,...
Findings: The distal femur demonstrates an eccentric, sclerotic lesion with periosteal reaction in the form of a Codman...
Findings: There is a complex tear of the medial meniscus with a radial tear of the body and posterior horn as well as an...
Findings: This patient shows the classic radiologic features of mild osteoarthritis: Mild eccentric joint space...
Findings: This patient shows the classic radiologic features of patellofemoral osteoarthritis: Joint space narrowing,...
Findings: This plain film demonstrates linear netlike sheets of intramuscular calcification Discussion:...
Findings: Plain Film: The right innominate bone shows increased density, increased size, and coarsened trabeculae. CT: There...
Findings: There is a lucent cystic lesion in the proximal humerus. A cortical step-off due to facture is seen. There is...
Findings: Chondrocalcinosis is the term used for calcification of cartilage. Chondrocalcinosis occurs relatively frequently...
Findings: The MRIs show abnormal increased signal contacting the inferior articular surface in the posterior horn of the...
Findings: There is loss of cartilage on the posterior patella and the anterior femur. The femur shows marrow edema at the...
Findings: There is marked wasting of the muscle and soft tissue. The tibia and fibula are decreased in diameter with...
Findings: The proximal fifth phalanx shows increased density, increased size, and coarsened trabeculae. The femoral head,...
Findings: There is extensive thick periosteal reaction along the tibia and fibula. Discussion: Caffey disease is...
Findings: There is an intra-medullary lesion in the distal femoral metaphysis containing the typical stippled calcification...
Findings: This patient shows classic radiologic features of osteoarthritis: Diffuse joint space narrowing, Subchondral...
Findings: Frontal Radiograph: This patient shows a curvilinear osseous fragment at the lateral margin of the tibial plateau....
Findings: This patient presents with a fractured interlocking screw of a medullary rod used for internal fixation of a...
Findings: Week one: There is disorganized, exuberant periosteal reaction surrounding the 3rd metatarsal fracture. Week...
Findings: There is thin, smooth periosteal reaction involving both femurs. Discussion: Physiologic periosteal...
Findings: The cross table lateral view of the knee shows a fat-fluid level in the suprapatellar bursa. This finding is...
Findings: Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell dyscrasia with uncontrolled proliferation of the plasma cells involved in the...
Findings: Plain Film: There are thick, fluffy, symmetric periosteal reactions along shafts of multiple metacarpals and...
Findings: There is thick, solid periosteal reaction in the third proximal phalanx. There are marginal erosions. ...
Findings: There is a bone lesion in the fibula with a spiculated, perpendicular, hair-on-end periosteal...
Findings: There is a smooth, thick periosteal reaction with a lucent central nidus in the tibia. Discussion: A...
Findings: A nonossifying fibroma is a benign tumor. It is an extension of a fibrous cortical defect. The lucent lesion is...
Findings: This patient shows the classic location and appearance of supraspinatus tendon calcification found with calcific...
Findings: The CXR shows gas in the soft tissues of the right upper chest wall, i.e. subcutaneous emphysema, overlying the...
Findings: There is a lesion in the mid-femoral shaft demonstrating spiculated sunburst periosteal reaction. ...
Findings: The plain film demonstrates an anterior dislocation of the humeral head. The CTA scans s/p reduction show...
Findings: Frontal plain film: The left AC joint shows abnormal widening (normal < 8 mm) and a normal coracoclavicular...
Findings: The coronal and axial MRI scans following injection of intra-articular contrast show contrast abnormally tracking...
Findings: The CT and MRI demonstrate a destructive lytic lesion in the posterior elements of T5, extending into the spinal...
Findings: There is a lytic lesion of the humeral head and proximal shaft, which shows partial cartilaginous matrix and...
Findings: The axial chest CT demonstrates a pneumothorax anteriorly. The coronal abdominal CT demonstrates a right pelvic...
Findings: This patient presents with an anterior dislocation of the humeral head with respect to the glenoid as demonstrated.
Findings: Frontal plain film: There is abnormal widening of the acromioclavicular distance (normal < 8 mm) and abnormal...
Findings: The coronal MRI shows a rupture of the supraspinatus tendon from the humerus. There is fluid in the tendon gap...
Findings: These plain films demonstrate multiple osteolytic lesions of the pelvis. There is destruction of a right...
Findings: There is a laminated (aka onionskin) periosteal reaction in the lateral cortex of the distal femur. ...
Findings: The CT scans from two different patients with Poland syndrome demonstrate the classic aplasia of pectoralis major...
Findings: The Y View shows anterior displacement of the humeral head. The center of the humeral head should be in the...
Findings: The plain film shows calcification in the region of the supraspinatus tendon. The coronal MRI of the shoulder...
Findings: The MRIs show increased signal in the supraspinatus tendon near its humeral attachment consistent with...
Findings: This patient demonstrates fusion of both sacroiliac joints compatible with advanced sacroiliitis. There are...
Findings: Usually originates in the metaphysis and extends into the epiphysis, frequently abutting the joint...
Findings: The left image demonstrates a Hill-Sachs deformity of the posterior aspect of the superolateral humeral head. The...
Findings: This patient shows the classic radiologic features of osteoarthritis of the shoulder: Joint space narrowing,...
Findings: The plain film demonstrates multiple similar sized osseous bodies in the superior aspect of the shoulder...
Findings: The plain film shows the facet of C4 perched on the facet of C5 with abnormal anterolisthesis at C4/C5. The...
Findings: C3-4 is congenitally fused C4-6 are surgically fused. There are osteophytes as labeled. Discussion:...
Findings: There is a sclerotic focus with minimally irregular borders in the right sacral ala Discussion: A bone...
Findings: Frontal and lateral views of the scapula show an expansile lesion in the coracoid process of the scapula...
Findings: This patient presents with a posterior dislocation of the humeral head with respect to the glenoid as...
Findings: This patient demonstrates multiple focal areas of increased radiotracer uptake (hot spots) on RN bone scan, which...
Findings: There is ossification of the anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL) seen on the lateral view, bridging more than...
Findings: CSF is dark on T1 and bright on T2. This patient presents with abnormal bone marrow signal of T3 to T6...
Findings: The lower thoracic vertebrae demonstrate a loss of central vertebral height, termed H-shaped...
Findings: CSF is dark on T1 and bright on T2. This patient presents with abnormal bone marrow signal and compression...
Findings: Renal osteodystrophy presents with one of the following triad: Diffuse Osteosclerosis, Secondary...
Findings: This patient demonstrates a sclerotic vertebral body of normal size at L2, also termed an ivory vertebra. There is...
Findings: There is a well defined mass in the soft tissues of the anterior thigh. The lesion is hypointense to muscle on...
Findings: AVN frequently affects the heads of the femur and humerus. Early AVN may present with a crescentic lucency below...
Findings: There is a lucent lesion in the distal femur with well-defined borders. Discussion: An aneurysmal bone...
Findings: The sagittal MRI demonstrates a focal low density lesion in the intercondylar notch. The axial MRI shows that the...
Findings: Sagittal and axial T2 weighted MR images with fat saturation show a large mass centered in the distal femur, with...
Findings: The plain film demonstrates an intramuscular calcification presenting as calcareous tumor-like...
Findings: The distal femur demonstrates solid periosteal thickening. A lucent central nidus is evident on CT...
Findings: There is hair-on-end periosteal reaction along the posterior cortex of the scapula. Discussion:...
Findings: The CT demonstrates a mass with bony destruction of the left third rib. The RN scan shows increased radiotracer...
Findings: The axial CT image of the scapula shows enlargement of the coracoid process by a lesion containing stippled...
Findings: Patient 1: normal Patient 2: there is a full-thickness defect of the supraspinatus with 2cm of tendon retraction....
Findings: This patient demonstrates diffusely increased symmetric uptake in all bones. (This is easy to miss.) The kidneys...
Findings: This patient presents with areas of increased radiotracer uptake (hot spots) in the spine. Discussion:...
Findings: This patient presents with sacroiliitis. There are multiple symmetric fine syndesmophytes bridging squared...
Findings: This patient demonstrates sclerosis of the right L1 pedicle secondary to Hodgkin's lymphoma. There is an unrelated...
Findings: Coronal and axial contrast enhanced CT images of the thigh show a rim-enhancing fluid collection within the vastus...
Findings: These radiographs show chondrocalcinosis of the knee menisci. There is complete loss of the lateral...
Findings: Plain Film: The frontal view of the knee shows a lucent region in the proximal tibia abutting the articular...
Findings: The presentation views demonstrate an acute fracture of the patella. The follow up view demonstrates generalized...
Findings: There is diffuse osteosclerosis with loss of coticomedullary differentiation. Discussion: Diffuse...
Findings: There is diffuse osteopenia, fractures, and bowing deformities of many bones. The femur, tibia, and fibula are...
Findings: Bilateral femurs: There is symmetric periosteal reaction of the femoral diaphyses with sparing of the epiphyses....
Findings: The femoral shaft shows spiculated periosteal reaction in sunburst pattern. There is widespread cortical...
Findings: The plain films demonstrate an anteriorly dislocated humeral head with respect to the glenoid fossa There are...
Findings: Frontal plain film: The AC joint is normal (normal < 8 mm) and the coracoclavicular distance is normal (normal <...
Findings: The Y-View shows posterior displacement of the humeral head in relation to the glenoid (center of “Y”). The...
Findings: Lateral Skull: There are multiple large well-defined (“punched out”) lucent lesions throughout the skull. Frontal...
Findings: This patient presents with a left paracentral disc herniation at L4-5 which compresses the thecal sac and...
Findings: This patient demonstrates a round punched-out osteolytic lesion characteristic of multiple myeloma. ...
Findings: This patient demonstrates mobility and marked widening of the joint space between the anterior arch of C1 and the...
Findings: This patient presents with a left paracentral epidural defect (lucency) at L4-5 effacing the nerve...
Findings: There is dense ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament. Discussion: OPLL can lead to...
Findings: This patient presents with marked narrowing of the spinal canal at L4-5. There is significant facet joint...
Findings: This patient demonstrates a solitary exostosis, synonymous with osteochondroma. Exostosis / exostoses may be...
Findings: Frontal: the lunate is triangular, termed “piece of pie” appearance. Lateral: the lunate is in relatively normal...
Findings: This patient presents with a large right paracentral disc extrusion at the L4-5 level, which compresses the right...
Findings: Symmetric, smooth contoured, contrast-filled thecal sac surrounding the cauda equina. Discussion: The...
Findings: This patient presents with marked rotary scoliosis convex to the left, better seen on frontal view. The distortion...
Findings: Osteosarcoma has a bimodal distribution: 15-25 yo and over 55 yo (in patients with Pagets Disease) Osteosarcoma is...
Findings: This patient demonstrates lytic destruction of the left L1 vertebral body with a sizeable accompanying soft tissue...
Findings: This patient presents with widening of the sacroiliac joints with adjacent sclerosis compatible with...
Findings: This patient demonstrates spondylolysis at L5. There is grade II spondylolisthesis of L5 on S1. ...
Findings: This patient demonstrates a transverse sclerotic band in the distal tibia, compatible with a stress...
Findings: This patient presents with a fracture of the L4 pars interarticularis called spondylolysis. There is forward...
Findings: This patient demonstrates multiple osteolytic lesions as labeled due to renal cell cancer metastases. The...
Findings: This patient is S/P bilateral total hip replacements. The head of the right femoral prosthesis is superiorly...
Findings: There is an avulsion fracture of the ulnar aspect of the base of the 1st proximal phalanx. Discussion:...
Findings: The plain films demonstrate multiple asymmetric spinal syndesmophytes. There is bilateral sacroiliitis and...
Findings: This patient demonstrates a thickened first extensor compartment with high-signal edema consistent with De...
Findings: Usually originates in the metaphysis and extends into the epiphysis, frequently abutting the joint...
Findings: The MRIs show abnormal widening of the distance between the scaphoid and lunate (scapholunate interval). The...
Findings: The plain films demonstrate a kitchen knife embedded in the patient’s hand. Discussion: This patient...
Findings: Osteosarcoma has a bimodal distribution: 15-25 yo and over 55 yo (in patients with Pagets Disease) Osteosarcoma is...
Findings: This patient shows a fracture through the hook of the hamate. This fracture is difficult to diagnosis without...
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Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
Calcaneal Cyst
Chondrosarcoma Rib
Fibrous Dysplasia Hip
Solitary Bone Cyst
Synovial Sarcoma