ГМ. Изображения. Опухоли 1. Астроцитомы. Глиобластома. Глиосаркома. Глиоматоз. Аденомы гипофиза. Опухоли пинеальной области (герминома, тератома). Опухоли шишковидной железы. Параганглиома.

Астроцитомы. Глиобластома. Глиосаркома. Глиоматоз. Аденомы гипофиза. Опухоли пинеальной области (герминома, тератома). Опухоли шишковидной железы. Параганглиома.


minDsc132905+.jpgminDsc40484+.jpgminDsc47116+.jpgminDsc135612+.jpgF. 47 yr. Small low grade frontal astrocytoma (incidental MRI finding).M. 35 yr. Small low grade frontal astrocytoma in premotor area M. 33 yr. Frontal mesial low grade diffuse astrocytoma F. 30 yr. Low grade frontal astrocytoma with early anaplasia (foci of contrast enhancement)     minDsc78887+.jpgminDsc74468+.jpgminDsc36540a+.jpgminDsc35953++.jpgM. 44 yr. Poorly circumscribed low grade frontal astrocytomaM. 36 yr. Recurrent frontobasal low grade astrocytoma, 6 yr followup M. 7 yr. Low grade solid-cystic astrocytoma of hemispheric white matterM. 43 yr. Low grade diffuse astrocytoma of left hemisphere infiltrating from temporal lobe through thalamus    minDsc74780+.jpgminDsc93859+.jpgminDsc67622+.jpgminDsc38747b+.jpgM. 43 yr. Diffuse temporal astrocytoma, transtentorial herniation and midbrain compression M. 52 yr. Diffuse temporal astrocytoma infiltrating brainstemM. 39 yr. Diffuse low grade temporal astrocytoma with anaplastic recurrence after 4 yearsM. 32 yr. Anaplastic solid-cystic
frontal gemistocytic
astrocytoma (WHO grade III)    minDsc67708+.jpgminDsc32426a+.jpgminDsc44554+.jpgminDsc98515+.jpgF. 10 yr. Anaplastic astrocytoma of centrum semiovaleM. 53 yr. Paramedian anaplastic astrocytoma with contralateral extension via corpus callosumM. 68 yr. Anaplastic astrocytoma of corpus callosum infiltrating from hippocampus to hypothalamus via fornixF. 54 yr. Low grade astrocytoma of insular region    minDsc78187+.jpgminDsc94339+.jpgminDsc50554+.jpgminDsc37228a+.jpgM. 34 yr. Low grade astrocytoma of insular regionM. 38 yr. Low grade astrocytoma of insular regionF. 40 yr. Low grade astrocytoma of insular region extending into frontal and temporal lobesM. 52 yr. Low grade astrocytoma of thalamus with secondary infiltration of hippocampus and insula    minDsc32441a+.jpgminDsc44524+.jpgminDsc86178+.jpgminDsc125801+.jpgM. 5 yr. Diffuse low grade astrocytoma of thalamus and basal gangliaF. 51 yr. Low grade astrocytoma of left thalamus extending into centrum semiovale, corpus callosum and right hippocampusF. 43 yr. Bilateral thalamic astrocytomaF. 11 yr. Diffuse astrocytoma of right thalamus with anaplastic foci    minDsc75358+.jpgminDsc59277+.jpgminDsc48286+.jpgminDsc47691+.jpgM. 37 yr. Anaplastic thalamic astrocytomaF. 46 yr. Low grade periaqueductal astrocytoma M. 21 yr. Low grade periaqueductal astrocytoma M. 8 yr. Anaplastic astrocytoma of pons     minDsc60478+.jpgminDsc72603+.jpgminDsc131787+.jpgminDsc53100+.jpgF. 41 yr. Low grade astrocytoma of pons and medullaM. 36 yr. Diffuse astrocytoma of brain stemF. 11 yr. Exophytic anaplastic astrocytoma of lateral medulla oblongataM. 32yr. Low grade astrocytoma of cervical spinal cord


minDsc40798+.jpgminDsc36632+.jpgminDsc42855+.jpgminDsc52066+.jpgGlioblastoma multiforme with unusual presentation and rapid courseBilateral frontal glioblastoma multiforme Left frontal giant cell glioblastoma Glioblastoma multiforme of pontine tegmentum    minDsc64952+.jpgminImg-050429-0063+.jpgminDsc170166+.jpgminDsc170079+.jpgGlioblastoma multiforme of cerebellumTemporoparietal glioblastoma multiforme F. 59 yr. Left sided temporal glioblastoma multiforme Same case 9 months after surgery and radiotherapy - pseudotumoral radiation necrosis         minDsch22274+.jpgminDsch24412+.jpgmin110804-4+.jpgminDsch37201+.jpgF. 27 yr. Giant cell glioblastomaF. 5 months. Glioblastoma multiforme of left cerebral hemisphere (presumably congenital)F. 58 yr. Giant cell glioblastoma with a component of conventional glioblastoma multiformeF. 64 yr. Glioblastoma multiforme of pineal




min090110-47.jpgminDsch15649+.jpgminDsc152815+.jpgmin130416-32.jpgM. 56 yr. Left temporal gliosarcoma. TextM. 4 d. Congenital gliosarcoma at foramen of Monro, hydrocephalus, spontaneous ventricular bleedingM. 49 yr. Gliosarcoma of left frontal lobeF. 48 yr. Right temporal gliosarcoma. Original MRI    min130422-13.jpg   Same, recurrence 4 months after surgery

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M. 68 yr. Granular cell astrocytoma of brain. CT, MRIs 2011. Case summary, text. Same, MRI, post-operative followup after one year. 
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Gliomatosis cerebri secondary to pontine anaplastic astrocytomaGliomatosis cerebri secondary to left temporal oligoastrocytoma F. 6 yr. Gliomatosis cerebri (anaplastic diffuse astrocytoma of rapid growth). 1st MRISame, after 40 days. Multiple foci of contrast enhancement
Gliomatosis cerebri initiating as left hemispheric
Early CT, 6/2004
Same, focus of annular enhancement in right hemisphere.
MRI 4/2006
Same after two months: tumor dissemination in right hemisphere.
MRI 6/2006
F. 46 yr. Bilateral frontal gliomatosis involving genu of corpus callosum. Text
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M. 42 yr. Primary extracerebral meningeal glioma.
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Пилоцитарная астроцитома


Cerebellum - classical cases
F. 8 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of cerebellum. CTM. 21 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of cerebellum. CTM. yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of cerebellum. CTF. 20 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of vermis
M. 3 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of vermisF. 5 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of cerebellar hemisphereM. 14 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of cerebellar hemisphereF. 23 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of cerebellar hemisphere. 17-year follow-up
Cerebellum - atypical cases
M. 73 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of vermis in the 8th decade.M. 72 yr. Infiltrating cystic pilocytic astrocytoma of vermis in the 8th decade.F. 37 yr. Aggressive pilocytic astrocytoma of cerebellum with extensive meningeal infiltrationF. 15 yr. Bilobed, solid and cystic pilocytic astrocytoma of cerebellum with abundant vascular proliferation
M. 58 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of cerebellar vermis with ventricular seeding. 3-year follow-upM. 63 yr. Cerebellar pilocytic astrocytoma with atypia and high Ki-67 index
F. 66 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of cerebellar vermis in the 7th decade   
Midbrain /Quadrigeminal plate
F. 9 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of quadrigeminal plateF. 20 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of midbrainM. 68 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of midbrain tegmentum and pons with cerebellar extension
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Зрительный нерв. Пилоцитарная астроцитома


F. 9 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of optic nerveM. 11 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of optic nerve. Extension to optic chiasm
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Пилоцитарная астроцитома


Hypothalamus, diencephalon, basal region of cerebral hemispheres
F. 11 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of hypothalamic regionM. 21 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of optic chiasm and hypothalamic region, anaplastic recurrenceF. 6 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of optic chiasm growing into third ventricleF. 25 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of optic chiasm with third ventricle extension
F. 21 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of chiasmatic region and third ventricleM. 12 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of basal cerebral hemisphereF. 6 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of basal cerebral hemisphere recurring after 4 monthsF. 49 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of deep cerebral hemisphere with explosive growth in 4 months
Cerebral hemispheres (cortical-subcortical)
M. 16 yr. Right temporal pilocytic astrocytomaF. 15 yr. Right temporal pilocytic astrocytomaF. 15 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of isthmus of cingulate gyrusM. 21 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of frontal pole
M. 46 yr. Cystic frontal pilocytic astrocytoma
with abundant vascular proliferation
M. 62 yr. Anaplastic pilocytic astrocytoma of right frontal lobeM. 24 yr. Occipital pilocytic astrocytoma featuring grossly abnormal vessels, leptomeningeal and parenchymal infiltration and ventricular seeding. Case summary. Text: pilocytic astrocytomas
M. 55 yr. Temporal pilocytic astrocytoma   
M. 37 yr. Intraventricular
pilocytic astrocytoma
M. 38 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of thoracic/lumbar spinal cordF. 10 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of cervical/thoracic spinal cordM. 28 yr. Pilocytic astrocytoma of brain stem and cervical spinal cord
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Плеоморфная ксантоастроцитома


Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma of left premotor areaLeft parieto-occipital pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomaLeft frontal pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomaPleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma with lipomatous differentiation
Complex glioneuronal tumor:
Left parietal pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma.F. 14 yr. Solid-cystic temporal
M. 15 yr. Occipital paraventricular pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma Same, recurrence after five years
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Subependymal glial nodules Subependymal glial nodules, cerebellar calcifications,
sclerosis of diploe
Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma and calcified nodulesSubependymal giant cell astrocytomaSubependymal giant cell astrocytoma and calcified nodules, cortical tubersM. 28 yr. Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA) unassociated with tuberous sclerosis.
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Аденомы гипофиза


Microadenoma (prolactinoma)Microadenoma (prolactinoma)Microadenoma (prolactinoma)Macroadenoma
Macroadenoma (prolactinoma)Partly cystic macroadenoma Cystic macroadenoma showing sedimentation levelCystic macroadenoma: two-year follow-up
Macroadenoma - regression in response to clinical treatmentGH-secreting macroadenoma causing acromegalyPituitary oncocytoma (null cell adenoma, oncocytic variant)M. 49 yr. Giant invasive pituitary adenoma infiltrating skull base and nasopharynx
F. 44 yr. Ectopic invasive pituitary adenoma centered in sphenoid sinus, spilling into left nasal cavity. Normal sella turcica. TextM. 44 yr. Oncocytoma (null cell adenoma) of pituitary
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Опухоли пинеальной области (герминома, тератома)


M. 19 yr. Germinoma of pineal M. 29 yr. Germinoma of pinealM. 21 yr. Germinoma of pinealM. 19 yr. Germinoma of pineal
M. 9 yr. Germinoma of pinealM. 28 yr. Germinoma of pinealF. 12 yr. Germinoma of hypothalamic regionM. 21 yr. Germinoma of hypothalamic region infiltrating dorsum sellae, cavernous sinuses and compressing optic chiasm
M. 9 yr. Germinoma of pineal. Seeding of cranial subarachnoid space and lumbar nerve roots. Two-year follow-up. F. 16 yr. Germinoma of hypothalamic region disseminating to IV ventricle  
M. 5 yr. Teratoma (dermoid cyst) of pineal - CTSame, MRIM. 13 yr. Teratoma of pineal. Free lipid droplets in lateral ventricles
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Опухоли шишковидной железы


F. 24 yr. Pineocytoma. TextF. 56 yr. PineocytomaF. 20 yr. Pineoblastoma. TextM. 15 yr. Pineoblastoma
F. 14 yr. PineoblastomaF. 64 yr. Glioblastoma multiforme of pineal. TextM. 9 yr. Pineal cyst. TextF. 58 yr. Three-lobed cyst of pineal
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Carotid body paragangliomaF. 52 yr. Gangliocytic paraganglioma of cauda equinaF. 54 yr. Paraganglioma of cauda equina
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Низкодифференцированные астроцитомы


Анапластическая астроцитома



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