Изображения. ОГК. Грудная клетка 4. Gillian Lieberman + Туберкулёз. +

Изображения.  Грудная клетка 4. Gillian Lieberman

Left pneumothorax producing deep sulcus sign on supine viewsLeft pneumothorax producing deep sulcus sign on supine views

Findings: A pneumothorax is air between the visceral and parietal pleura. Air is lucent (jet black) on plain film. A...

Pneumothorax and Pelvic Fracture s/p MVA on CT ScansPneumothorax and Pelvic Fracture s/p MVA on CT Scans

Findings: The axial chest CT demonstrates a pneumothorax anteriorly. The coronal abdominal CT demonstrates a right pelvic...

Tension Pneumothorax on CXRTension Pneumothorax on CXR

Findings: The CXR shows a right tension pneumothorax with air in the pleural space, secondary lung collapse, and a flattened...

Bilateral subcutaneous emphysemaBilateral subcutaneous emphysema

Findings: Air is lucent (jet black) on plain film. There is streaky air in the subcutaneous tissue bilaterally.

Pneumomediastinum, Deep Cervical Emphysema, and Subcutaneous Emphysema on CXRPneumomediastinum, Deep Cervical Emphysema, and Subcutaneous Emphysema on CXR

Findings: This patient developed a “spontaneous” pneumomediastinum during an asthma attack. The CXR demonstrates lucencies...

Right skin folds mimicking pneumothoraxRight skin folds mimicking pneumothorax

Findings: Elderly or cachectic patients have loose skin which may fold. A skin fold presents as a line which may be confused...

Lung Laceration and Pneumothorax on CT ScansLung Laceration and Pneumothorax on CT Scans

Findings: This patient received a stab wound to the left chest. The CT scans demonstrate the resultant subcutaneous...

Right inferior pneumothorax with underlying lung infiltrateRight inferior pneumothorax with underlying lung infiltrate

Findings: Black air without lung markings is noted in a subpulmonic location- highlighted in the box. The right lung shows...

Lung Contusion, Rib Fractures, and Aberrant Air Collections on CXR and CT ScanLung Contusion, Rib Fractures, and Aberrant Air Collections on CXR and CT Scan

Findings: The CXR demonstrates aberrant air collections: pneumomediastinum, deep cervical emphysema, and subcutaneous...

Right hydropneumothorax on upright viewRight hydropneumothorax on upright view

Findings: The presence of both air and fluid within the pleural space is called a hydropneumothorax. A hydropneumothorax...

Left skin fold mimicking pneumothoraxLeft skin fold mimicking pneumothorax

Findings: Elderly or cachectic patients have loose skin which may fold. A skin fold presents as a line which may be confused...

Pneumothorax vs. skin foldPneumothorax vs. skin fold

Findings: A pneumothorax presents as a white visceral pleural line with black on either side and absent peripheral lung...

A right pneumothorax on upright viewA right pneumothorax on upright view

Findings: Pneumothorax: air within the pleural space Typically located in a non-dependent location Primary Sign: white...


Findings: Air in the mediastinum is called pneumomediastinum. Pneumomediastinum may rupture into the pleural space and cause...

Right pneumothorax on left lateral decubitus viewRight pneumothorax on left lateral decubitus view

Findings: If in doubt, a nondependent lateral decubitus view may be performed to help identify a pneumothorax. A...

Left inferior pneumothoraxLeft inferior pneumothorax

Findings: A pneumothorax is air between the visceral and parietal pleura. Air is lucent (jet black) on plain film. Air in...

Pneumopericardium vs. pneumomediastinumPneumopericardium vs. pneumomediastinum

Findings: Pneumopericardium presents radiologically with a black line (air) adjacent to the heart border and then a white...

Subcutaneous emphysema and air within the pectoralis muscleSubcutaneous emphysema and air within the pectoralis muscle

Findings: Air is lucent (jet black) on plain film. There is streaky air in the subcutaneous tissue on the right. Notice the...

Boerhaave's Syndrome on CXR and BaSwBoerhaave's Syndrome on CXR and BaSw

Findings: The CXR shows aberrant air secondary to the perforated esophagus; subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum....


Findings: Pneumopericardium is air in the pericardial sac between the visceral and parietal pericardium. Pneumopericardium...

Right tension pneumothorax with collapsed lungRight tension pneumothorax with collapsed lung

Findings: A tension pneumothorax is life threatening and requires urgent decompression. Radiologically, a tension...

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Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876

Патология грудной стенки

Hiatus herniaHiatus hernia

Findings: There is an air-fluid level evident in the large sliding esophageal hiatus hernia.

Osteogenesis Imperfecta in the Chest and Legs on Plain FilmsOsteogenesis Imperfecta in the Chest and Legs on Plain Films

Findings: There is diffuse osteopenia, fractures, and bowing deformities of many bones. The femur, tibia, and fibula are...

Bilateral subcutaneous emphysemaBilateral subcutaneous emphysema

Findings: Air is lucent (jet black) on plain film. There is streaky air in the subcutaneous tissue bilaterally.

Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC): Bone Metastases on CT and Radionuclide (RN) ScansRenal Cell Carcinoma (RCC): Bone Metastases on CT and Radionuclide (RN) Scans

Findings: The CT demonstrates a mass with bony destruction of the left third rib. The RN scan shows increased radiotracer...

Pectus excavatum deformityPectus excavatum deformity

Findings: Pectus excavatum causes density in the lung adjacent to the right heart border. There is no infiltrate; the lung...

Pneumothorax and Pelvic Fracture s/p MVA on CT ScansPneumothorax and Pelvic Fracture s/p MVA on CT Scans

Findings: The axial chest CT demonstrates a pneumothorax anteriorly. The coronal abdominal CT demonstrates a right pelvic...

Chest: Sternomanubrial Dislocation on Plain FilmChest: Sternomanubrial Dislocation on Plain Film

Findings: This patient presents with a sternomanubrial dislocation as demonstrated: There is posterior dislocation of the...

Bullets and Shrapnel in the Chest on Plain Film and CT ScansBullets and Shrapnel in the Chest on Plain Film and CT Scans

Findings: This patient presents with two 9 mm bullets as outlined on plain film and CT scans: Bullet 1 is just deep to the...

Subcutaneous emphysema and air within the pectoralis muscleSubcutaneous emphysema and air within the pectoralis muscle

Findings: Air is lucent (jet black) on plain film. There is streaky air in the subcutaneous tissue on the right. Notice the...

Diaphragmatic Rupture with Nasogastric Tube Displacement on Plain Film and CT ScansDiaphragmatic Rupture with Nasogastric Tube Displacement on Plain Film and CT Scans

Findings: This patient presents with an abnormal position of a nasogastric tube (NGT) overlying the left hemithorax. This...

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Публикации: 54876

Сердечно-сосудистая недостаточность, застой

CHF with upper zone redistributionCHF with upper zone redistribution

Findings: CHF frequently presents radiologically with cardiomegaly and/or pleural effusions. The effusions may be bilateral....

CHF with interstitial edemaCHF with interstitial edema

Findings: CHF frequently presents radiologically with cardiomegaly and/or pleural effusions. The effusions may be bilateral....

CHF with alveolar edemaCHF with alveolar edema

Findings: CHF frequently presents radiologically with cardiomegaly and/or pleural effusions. The effusions may be bilateral....

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Публикации: 54876
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency on CT ScanAlpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency on CT Scan

Findings: There are multiple bilateral basal bullae with vascular pruning and loss of lung parenchyma.  ...

Cystic Bronchiectasis in Williams-Campbell Syndrome on CT ScansCystic Bronchiectasis in Williams-Campbell Syndrome on CT Scans

Findings: The CTs demonstrate bronchiectasis in fourth and higher-order bronchi. There are signet ring signs of...

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) on CT ScansIdiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) on CT Scans

Findings: The non-enhanced axial CTs demonstrate subpleural honeycombing with apico-basilar gradient, traction...

Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma on CT ScansBronchioloalveolar Carcinoma on CT Scans

Findings: Both CT scans demonstrate a RLL ground glass opacity. There has been mild enlargement over the 1 year period,...



Mesothelioma on CXR and CT ScanMesothelioma on CXR and CT Scan

Findings: CXR: There is a moderate-sized right pleural effusion. CT: There is right lung atelectasis and pleural effusion....

Left upper lobe collapseLeft upper lobe collapse

Findings: Lobar collapse presents as a wedge shaped density and signs of volume loss. LUL collapse presents as a left upper...

Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis on CT ScansPulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis on CT Scans

Findings: The CTs demonstrate extensive, patchy, bilateral, ground glass opacities, with superimposed intralobular and...

Pulmonary Lymphangiomyomatosis (LAM) on CT ScanPulmonary Lymphangiomyomatosis (LAM) on CT Scan

Findings: There are bilateral pulmonary cysts, largely replacing normal parenchyma.   Discussion: Pulmonary...

Chronic Allergic Alveolitis on CT ScansChronic Allergic Alveolitis on CT Scans

Findings: There are patchy bilateral ground glass infiltrates, small nodules, and bronchiectasis.   Discussion:...

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) on CT ScanIdiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) on CT Scan

Findings: The non-contrast axial CT demonstrates honeycombing in the right lower lobe, thickened walls, ground glass...

Lung Laceration and Pneumothorax on CT ScansLung Laceration and Pneumothorax on CT Scans

Findings: This patient received a stab wound to the left chest. The CT scans demonstrate the resultant subcutaneous...

Multiple Pulmonary Emboli (PE) with Infarct on CT ScansMultiple Pulmonary Emboli (PE) with Infarct on CT Scans

Findings: The CT scans show multiple filling defects within the contrast enhanced pulmonary arteries compatible with...

Pulmonary AVM on CXR and CT ScansPulmonary AVM on CXR and CT Scans

Findings: The CXR and CTs demonstrate a dilated feeding branch of the right pulmonary artery leading to a pulmonary...

Radiation-Induced Lung Injury on Plain Film and CT ScanRadiation-Induced Lung Injury on Plain Film and CT Scan

Findings: Patient 1: This patient’s CXR demonstrates a geographic configuration of interstitial opacities in the right...

Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma: Pneumonic Type on CT ScansBronchioloalveolar Carcinoma: Pneumonic Type on CT Scans

Findings: The CT scans demonstrate diffuse ground-glass opacities and consolidation in the RLL. There is anterior bulging of...

Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonitis on CT ScansIdiopathic Interstitial Pneumonitis on CT Scans

Findings: There is bilateral peripheral/subpleural honeycombing.

Lung collapse vs. pleural effusionLung collapse vs. pleural effusion

Findings: A whiteout of a hemithorax is frequently due to a large pleural effusion or total lung collapse. The direction of...

Pulmonary AVM on CXR and CT and Pulmonary AngiogramsPulmonary AVM on CXR and CT and Pulmonary Angiograms

Findings: The CXR demonstrates a dilated pulmonary artery leading to a three centimeter opacity superimposed over the right...


Aspergilloma aka Mycetoma on CXR and CT ScanAspergilloma aka Mycetoma on CXR and CT Scan

Findings: The CXR demonstrates left apical thickening with an adjacent pulmonary parenchymal process. The CT scan confirms...


Malignant Mesothelioma on CT ScanMalignant Mesothelioma on CT Scan

Findings: The CT demonstrates right circumferential pleural thickening with nodulation. The mediastinum is shifted to the...

Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis on CT ScansLangerhans Cell Histiocytosis on CT Scans

Findings: The CTs demonstrate multiple nodular densities predominating in both upper lung fields. Some nodules have...

Near Drowning on Plain Film and CT ScansNear Drowning on Plain Film and CT Scans

Findings: The abdominal plain film and abdominal CT scans demonstrate a persistent nephrogram and enhancement of the walls...

Aspergillus Pneumonia on CXR and CT ScanAspergillus Pneumonia on CXR and CT Scan

Findings: The CXR demonstrates cardiomegaly and bilateral interstitial infiltrates. The CT demonstrates cardiomegaly with...

Echinococcus aka Hydatid Pulmonary Cyst on CXR and CT ScanEchinococcus aka Hydatid Pulmonary Cyst on CXR and CT Scan

Findings: The CXR and CT demonstrate a thin-walled cystic lesion with a solid focus and air crescent.  ...

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Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876
Left lower lobe collapseLeft lower lobe collapse

Findings: Lobar collapse presents as a wedge shaped density and signs of volume loss. LLL collapse presents as a left lower...

Melanoma: Lung Metastases on CT ScanMelanoma: Lung Metastases on CT Scan

Findings: The CT demonstrates innumerable bilateral lung nodules.

Partial right upper lobe collapsePartial right upper lobe collapse

Findings: Lobar collapse presents as a wedge shaped density and signs of volume loss. RUL collapse presents as a right upper...

Pulmonary Embolism on CT AngiogramsPulmonary Embolism on CT Angiograms

Findings: The CT scans demonstrate extensive bilateral pulmonary emboli involving the main pulmonary arteries, segmental and...

Right effusion causing white out of the hemithoraxRight effusion causing white out of the hemithorax

Findings: Complete opacification or “white out” of the hemithorax is usually caused by a large pleural effusion or complete...

Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma on Plain FilmsBronchioloalveolar Carcinoma on Plain Films

Findings: The presentation CXR shows hazy opacification of the RLL. The six month follow up CXR shows worsening of the RLL...

Hand and Chest: Scleroderma on Plain Film and CT ScanHand and Chest: Scleroderma on Plain Film and CT Scan

Findings: Hand: There is acro-osteolysis of the distal tufts of all 5 fingers. There is also ankylosis of the PIP joint of...

Lingular consolidationLingular consolidation

Findings: Infiltrates in the lingula silhouette out the upper left heart border.

Methacrylate Pulmonary Emboli on CT ScansMethacrylate Pulmonary Emboli on CT Scans

Findings: The CT scans demonstrate high density material in the pulmonary vasculature with resultant decreased distal...

Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis on Plain Film and CT ScanPulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis on Plain Film and CT Scan

Findings: There are bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities. There is a “crazy paving” pattern on CT, which is caused by...

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Публикации: 54876
Partial right upper lobe collapsePartial right upper lobe collapse

Findings: Lobar collapse presents as a wedge shaped density and signs of volume loss. RUL collapse presents as a right upper...

Pulmonary Embolism on CT AngiogramsPulmonary Embolism on CT Angiograms

Findings: The CT scans demonstrate extensive bilateral pulmonary emboli involving the main pulmonary arteries, segmental and...

Right effusion causing white out of the hemithoraxRight effusion causing white out of the hemithorax

Findings: Complete opacification or “white out” of the hemithorax is usually caused by a large pleural effusion or complete...

Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma on CT ScansBronchioloalveolar Carcinoma on CT Scans

Findings: Both CT scans demonstrate a RLL ground glass opacity. There has been mild enlargement over the 1 year period,...


Mesothelioma on CXR and CT ScanMesothelioma on CXR and CT Scan

Findings: CXR: There is a moderate-sized right pleural effusion. CT: There is right lung atelectasis and pleural effusion....

Left upper lobe collapseLeft upper lobe collapse

Findings: Lobar collapse presents as a wedge shaped density and signs of volume loss. LUL collapse presents as a left upper...

Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis on CT ScansPulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis on CT Scans

Findings: The CTs demonstrate extensive, patchy, bilateral, ground glass opacities, with superimposed intralobular and...

Pulmonary Lymphangiomyomatosis (LAM) on CT ScanPulmonary Lymphangiomyomatosis (LAM) on CT Scan

Findings: There are bilateral pulmonary cysts, largely replacing normal parenchyma.   Discussion: Pulmonary...

Right lung collapse causing white out of the hemithoraxRight lung collapse causing white out of the hemithorax

Findings: Complete opacification or “white out” of the hemithorax is usually caused by a large pleural effusion or complete...

Thyroid Carcinoma on Radionuclide (RN) Iodine ScanThyroid Carcinoma on Radionuclide (RN) Iodine Scan

Findings: The I-131 full body scan demonstrates foci of increased radiotracer uptake in the neck and both lungs.

Right tension pneumothorax with collapsed lungRight tension pneumothorax with collapsed lung

Findings: A tension pneumothorax is life threatening and requires urgent decompression. Radiologically, a tension...

Subpulmonic effusion on upright and decubitus viewsSubpulmonic effusion on upright and decubitus views

Findings: This patient demonstrates the typical findings on frontal CXR: 1) Apparent elevation of hemidiaphragm 2) Blunting...

Wegener's Granulomatosis on Plain Film and CT ScanWegener's Granulomatosis on Plain Film and CT Scan

Findings: CXR: There are bilateral perihilar interstitial opacities. CT: There are bilateral diffuse ground-glass opacities,...

Round pneumoniaRound pneumonia

Findings: A pulmonary infiltrate due to pneumonia may infrequently present as a round mass- like density. The differential...

Talcosis on CXR and CT ScanTalcosis on CXR and CT Scan

Findings: The CXR and CT scans demonstrate multiple bilateral diffuse tiny nodules.   Discussion: Talcosis is a...

Right lower lobe consolidationRight lower lobe consolidation

Findings: A right lower lobe infiltrate usually silhouettes out the right hemidiaphragm on frontal and/or lateral views. A...

Sarcoidosis on CXR and CT ScanSarcoidosis on CXR and CT Scan

Findings: The CXR demonstrates the typical 1,2,3 hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy and bilateral reticular nodular...

Thyroid Carcinoma on CXR and CT ScanThyroid Carcinoma on CXR and CT Scan

Findings: The CXR demonstrates a superioanterior mediastinal mass causing tracheal displacement to the right. There are...

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Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876
Right inferior pneumothorax with underlying lung infiltrateRight inferior pneumothorax with underlying lung infiltrate

Findings: Black air without lung markings is noted in a subpulmonic location- highlighted in the box. The right lung shows...

Right upper lobe consolidationRight upper lobe consolidation

Findings: The right upper lobe is densely consolidated demonstrating air bronchograms pathognomonic of alveolar...

Superior Vena Cava (SVC) Syndrome on CT ScansSuperior Vena Cava (SVC) Syndrome on CT Scans

Findings: The CT scans demonstrate a right upper lobe spiculated lung cancer with metastases to the mediastinum, SVC...

Right middle lobe pneumonia vs. collapseRight middle lobe pneumonia vs. collapse

Findings: Both right middle lobe pneumonia and right middle lobe collapse present as wedge-shaped densities overlying the...

Spiculated Lung Nodules on CXR and CT ScanSpiculated Lung Nodules on CXR and CT Scan

Findings: The CXR and CT demonstrate a single dominant nodule in both upper lobes. The margins are spiculated and therefore...

Tuberculosis (TB): Pulmonary Sequelae on Plain FilmTuberculosis (TB): Pulmonary Sequelae on Plain Film

Findings: The CXR demonstrates subtle increased markings of the right upper lobe with a calcified granuloma.  ...

Aspergilloma aka Mycetoma on CXR and CT ScanAspergilloma aka Mycetoma on CXR and CT Scan

Findings: The CXR demonstrates left apical thickening with an adjacent pulmonary parenchymal process. The CT scan confirms...


Malignant Mesothelioma on CT ScanMalignant Mesothelioma on CT Scan

Findings: The CT demonstrates right circumferential pleural thickening with nodulation. The mediastinum is shifted to the...

Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis on CT ScansLangerhans Cell Histiocytosis on CT Scans

Findings: The CTs demonstrate multiple nodular densities predominating in both upper lung fields. Some nodules have...

Near Drowning on Plain Film and CT ScansNear Drowning on Plain Film and CT Scans

Findings: The abdominal plain film and abdominal CT scans demonstrate a persistent nephrogram and enhancement of the walls...

Pulmonary emboli with infarction, Hampton’s Hump on CT ScanPulmonary emboli with infarction, Hampton’s Hump on CT Scan

Findings: Mediastinal windows: there are bilateral filling defects in the pulmonary arteries. Lung windows: there is a...

Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC): Metastases to the Lung on CXR and CT ScanRenal Cell Carcinoma (RCC): Metastases to the Lung on CXR and CT Scan

Findings: The CXRs and CT demonstrate large bilateral lung nodules.   Discussion: These cannonball metastases...

Right middle lobe consolidationRight middle lobe consolidation

Findings: An infiltrate in the RML silhouettes out the right heart border. On frontal view, RML consolidation has a straight...

Silicosis and Progressive Massive Fibrosis (PMF) on CT ScansSilicosis and Progressive Massive Fibrosis (PMF) on CT Scans

Findings: There are bilateral hilar masses with adjacent fibrosis. There are bilateral nodular densities.  ...

Tuberculosis (TB): Pulmonary Lesions on PET CTTuberculosis (TB): Pulmonary Lesions on PET CT

Findings: There are bilateral pulmonary lesions with radiotracer uptake, which proved to be secondary to TB.  ...

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Рак молочной железы, лимфангит карциноматозный


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Публикации: 54876


Calcified granulomas</p> <p>

ID: 13268 Tuberculosis Dr Hani Alsalam - 19 Mar 2011 frontal chest radoiograph shows bilateral calcified (healed) granulomas ...

Tuberculosis</p> <p>PA and lateral chest radiographs show left lower lobe collapse/consulidation associated with left lung airspace disease.

ID: 7893 Tuberculosis Dr Hani Alsalam - 21 Dec 2009 12 year-old-female with history of recurrent chest infection for 3 years...

ID: 16097 Tuberculosis Dr Hani Alsalam - 18 Dec 2011

Tuberculosis - cervical lymph nodes (cropped image)</p> <p>

ID: 12171 Tuberculosis - cervical lymph nodes and lung Dr Alexandra Stanislavsky - 27 Oct 2010 CT of the neck demonstrates a large, centrally necrotic, lobulated mass ...

Tuberculosis</p> <p>

ID: 10206 Tuberculosis - involving multiple sites Dr Hani Alsalam - 22 Jul 2010 Tuberculosis with right supraclavicular and the chest wall abscesses as ...

ID: 12569 Tuberculosis - left upper lobe Dr Frank Gaillard - 17 Dec 2010 Chest x-ray demonstrates consolidation in the left upper lobe. Two dense...

Ghon lesion - TB - gross pathology</p> <p>Image courtesy of Yale Rosen, M.D.. Please see case description page for licence and original file information.

ID: 8646 Tuberculosis gross pathology - Ghon lesion Dr Yale Rosen - 19 Feb 2010 Sub-pleural fibro-calcific nodule (Ghon focus)Author: Yale Rosen, M.D.Or...

TB anterior chest wall</p> <p>At presentation July 2009.

ID: 8737 Tuberculosis of the chest wall Dr Hani Alsalam - 26 Feb 2010 A 21-year-old patient presented with right anterior chest wall swelling....

Bilateral consolidation</p> <p>

ID: 13241 Tuberculosis with consolidation Dr Jeremy Jones - 17 Mar 2011 Bibasal consolidation widespread reticulonodular change and a subcarinal...

Mediastinal abscess (TB)</p> <p>

ID: 8407 Tuberculosis with mediastinal abscess Dr Frank Gaillard - 28 Jan 2010 Mediastinal abscess (TB)

Psoas abscess and left sided renal cyst</p> <p>

ID: 6408 Tuberculosis with psoas abscess Dr Jeremy Jones - 21 Jun 2009 This patient with known TB presented with back pain and problems mobilis...

Small bowel obstruction</p> <p>Dilated, thick walled small bowel with thickening of the large bowel wall also.

ID: 13236 Tuberculosis with small bowel obstruction Dr Jeremy Jones - 17 Mar 2011 The abdominal film demonstrates subacute small bowel obstruction with mu...

ID: 13931 Tuberculous discitis + osteomyelitis Dr Frank Gaillard - 1 Jun 2011 This case demonstrates typical appearances of tuberculous discitis / ost...

ID: 22415 Tuberculous Enteritis Dr Franco Ruales - 30 Mar 2013

Axial CT</p> <p>

ID: 2659 Tuberculous neck nodes Dr Frank Gaillard - 7 May 2008 CT through the neck and chest demonstrates large nodes particularly on t...

ID: 13396 Tuberculus osteomyelitis of sternum Dr Maulik S Patel - 5 Apr 2011 Xray - Sternum - No bony abnormality noted.US - Cortical erosion present...