Изображения. МПС. Мочеполовая система 2. Патология. Из коллекции Джиллиан Либерман. +

Изображения.  Мочеполовая система 2. Патология. Джиллиан Либерман

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) on MRI ScanAutosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) on MRI Scan

Findings: The MRI scans demonstrate hepatic cysts and enlarged kidneys with multiple renal cysts.   Discussion:...

Ectopic Ovarian Pregnancy on USEctopic Ovarian Pregnancy on US

Findings: The US demonstrates a gestation sac in the left ovary.   Discussion: An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy...

Horseshoe Kidney on CT ScansHorseshoe Kidney on CT Scans

Findings: There is a horseshoe kidney. The isthmus is directly inferior to the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA).  ...

Intussusception of the Duodenum on CT ScansIntussusception of the Duodenum on CT Scans

Findings: There is a long-segment intussusception of the 1st through 3rd parts of the duodenum, evidenced by the classic...

Ovary: Endometrioma with Loculations on CT ScanOvary: Endometrioma with Loculations on CT Scan

Findings: The CT demonstrates bilateral thick-walled multiloculated adnexal cystic masses. The cysts are filled with a fluid...

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) on Plain Film and IVUAutosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) on Plain Film and IVU

Findings: The abdominal plain film demonstrates bilaterally enlarged kidneys with dystrophic calcifications. The IVU...

Ectopic Pregnancy on USEctopic Pregnancy on US

Findings: The US demonstrates an extrauterine gestation sac with single fetal pole with a heartbeat.   Discussion:...

Humerus: Avascular Necrosis (AVN) with Iron Overload on MRI ScanHumerus: Avascular Necrosis (AVN) with Iron Overload on MRI Scan

Findings: AVN: altered signal with low signal crescent in the humeral head There are areas of heterogenous intensity in the...

Left Renal Vein (LRV) Entrapment on CT ScanLeft Renal Vein (LRV) Entrapment on CT Scan

Findings: The CT scan demonstrates moderate compression of the left renal vein between the aorta and the superior mesenteric...

Ovary: Normal Follicular Phase on USOvary: Normal Follicular Phase on US

Findings: The sonograms demonstrate the normal appearance of the right ovary with multiple anechoic follicles during the...

Renal Fracture on CT ScansRenal Fracture on CT Scans

Findings: The CT scans demonstrate that only part of the right kidney is functioning and visualized. There is extravasated...

Renal Cell Cancer with Venous Invasion on CT ScanRenal Cell Cancer with Venous Invasion on CT Scan

Findings: There is a large enhancing solid renal mass. There is invasion of the renal vein, IVC, and surrounding soft...

Spine: Hyperparathyroidism / Renal Osteodystrophy on Plain FilmSpine: Hyperparathyroidism / Renal Osteodystrophy on Plain Film

Findings: Renal osteodystrophy presents with one of the following triad: Diffuse Osteosclerosis, Secondary...

Transitional Cell Cancer (TCC) on IVUTransitional Cell Cancer (TCC) on IVU

Findings: This patient demonstrates a stricture and a polypoid filling defect.   Discussion: There is a...

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) on CT Scan and USAutosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) on CT Scan and US

Findings: The CT demonstrates an enlarged kidney and liver containing multiple cysts, one of which is calcified. The US...

Cystic Renal Cancer: Bosniak IV and Simple Cysts on CT ScanCystic Renal Cancer: Bosniak IV and Simple Cysts on CT Scan

Findings: The CT demonstrates two simple renal cysts and one cystic renal cancer. The renal cancer has invaded the...

Hands: Hyperparathyroidism / Renal Osteodystrophy on Plain FilmHands: Hyperparathyroidism / Renal Osteodystrophy on Plain Film

Findings: Renal osteodystrophy presents with one of the following triad: Diffuse Osteosclerosis, Secondary...

Intrauterine Device (IUD) with Pregnancy on Plain Film and USIntrauterine Device (IUD) with Pregnancy on Plain Film and US

Findings: This pregnant patient demonstrates an IUD embedded in the uterine myometrium on plain film and US.  ...

Ovary: Endometrioma on USOvary: Endometrioma on US

Findings: The US demonstrates a well-defined ovarian mass with a thick wall containing homogeneous low level echoes and...

Perirenal Hematoma from Renal Angiomyolipoma on CT ScansPerirenal Hematoma from Renal Angiomyolipoma on CT Scans

Findings: The CT scans demonstrate a fat-containing lesion in the lower pole of the left kidney. There is a large left...

Solid Renal Mass: Central on Renal USSolid Renal Mass: Central on Renal US

Findings: The US demonstrates a solid mass located centrally in the right kidney.   Discussion: Ultrasound is the...

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) on CT ScansAutosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) on CT Scans

Findings: This patient presents with marked enlarged kidneys bilaterally with multiple well-defined round macrocysts. ...

Diverticulitis of the Sigmoid Colon with Colovesical Fistula on CT ScansDiverticulitis of the Sigmoid Colon with Colovesical Fistula on CT Scans

Findings: The sigmoid shows diverticula and is attached to the dome of the bladder. A fistulous tract is seen filled with...

Heterotopic Pregnancy on USHeterotopic Pregnancy on US

Findings: The US demonstrates three gestational sacs, two within the uterus and one in the adnexa.   Discussion: A...

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs): Lippes Loop and Chinese Ring on Plain Film and USIntrauterine Devices (IUDs): Lippes Loop and Chinese Ring on Plain Film and US

Findings: Patient 1: This patient demonstrates a correctly positioned Lippes loop IUD on plain film and US. The patient is...

Ovary: Endometrioma with Calcification on USOvary: Endometrioma with Calcification on US

Findings: The US shows a cystic mass with variable echotexture and enhanced through-transmission. The mass contains an...

Renal Abscess with IVC Thrombosis on CT ScansRenal Abscess with IVC Thrombosis on CT Scans

Findings: The CT scans show a heterogeneous, hypodense lesion in the right kidney. There is extension of the abscess into...

Solid Renal Mass: Exophytic Mass on Renal USSolid Renal Mass: Exophytic Mass on Renal US

Findings: There is a solid mass projecting off of the renal margin i.e. exophytic in the right kidney.  ...

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) on Plain Films, UGI, and BEAutosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) on Plain Films, UGI, and BE

Findings: The plain film, UGI, and BE demonstrate mass effect from a markedly enlarged left kidney. There are surgical...

Fibroid in Uterine Fundus on USFibroid in Uterine Fundus on US

Findings: The sonograms demonstrate a heterogeneous fundal fibroid.   Discussion: US is the modality of choice for...

Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Был на сайте: 6 лет 4 месяцев назад
Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876
Hydrocele on Scrotal USHydrocele on Scrotal US

Findings: There is an anechoic halo surrounding the right testis compatible with a right hydrocele. The right and left...


Renal Mass on IVURenal Mass on IVU

Findings: There is a large mass located centrally within the right kidney which obliterates the central calyces.  ...

Ovary: Normal Luteal Phase on USOvary: Normal Luteal Phase on US

Findings: The US demonstrates a normal ovary with corpus luteum during the luteal phase.

Transitional Cell Cancer (TCC) on Retrograde PyelogramTransitional Cell Cancer (TCC) on Retrograde Pyelogram

Findings: The single view from a right retrograde pyelogram demonstrates stenotic and amputated calyces.  ...

Acute Pyelonephritis on USAcute Pyelonephritis on US

Findings: The kidney is enlarged with inhomogenous echotexture and loss of corticomedullary differentiation.  ...

Clavicle: Hyperparathyroidism / Renal Osteodystrophy on Plain FilmClavicle: Hyperparathyroidism / Renal Osteodystrophy on Plain Film

Findings: Renal osteodystrophy presents with one of the following triad: Diffuse Osteosclerosis, Secondary...

Fibroid Uterus on USFibroid Uterus on US

Findings: The sonograms demonstrate an enlarged fibroid uterus.   Discussion: Fibroids, or leiomyomas, are ...

Intrauterine Device (IUD) in Abdominal Cavity with Pregnancy on Plain Film and MRI ScansIntrauterine Device (IUD) in Abdominal Cavity with Pregnancy on Plain Film and MRI Scans

Findings: This patient presents with an IUD in the abdominal cavity on plain film and an intrauterine pregnancy.  ...

Ovarian Enlargement in Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) on USOvarian Enlargement in Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) on US

Findings: The US demonstrates a markedly enlarged left ovary containing numerous enlarged follicles.   Discussion:...

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS) with Dilated Pelvic Vessels on USPelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS) with Dilated Pelvic Vessels on US

Findings: The US demonstrates numerous dilated pelvic vessels adjacent to the left ovary.   Discussion: PCS is...

Simple Renal Cyst on CT and USSimple Renal Cyst on CT and US

Findings: The CT scan demonstrates a nonenhancing homogenous near-water-density mass with an imperceptible wall compatible...


Hands: Hyperparathyroidism / Renal Osteodystrophy on Plain FilmHands: Hyperparathyroidism / Renal Osteodystrophy on Plain Film

Findings: Renal osteodystrophy presents with one of the following triad: Diffuse Osteosclerosis, Secondary...

Complex Renal Cyst: Bosniak III on CT ScanComplex Renal Cyst: Bosniak III on CT Scan

Findings: The CT scan demonstrates a large cystic mass with multiple septations i.e. multilocular complex cyst.  ...

Intrauterine Device (IUD) on Plain FilmIntrauterine Device (IUD) on Plain Film

Findings: This patient demonstrates a copper IUD in the right pelvis.   Discussion: The position of this IUD on...

Ovary: Endometrioma on MRIOvary: Endometrioma on MRI

Findings: The MRI scan demonstrates a left adnexal cystic mass with fluid/fluid levels and inhomogeneous signal.  ...

Penile Implant on Plain FilmPenile Implant on Plain Film

Findings: This patient demonstrates an inflatable / pump penile implant on pelvic plain film.

Simple Renal Cyst on CT ScanSimple Renal Cyst on CT Scan

Findings: There is a nonenhancing homogenous near-water-density mass with an imperceptible wall compatible with a simple...

Acute Bacterial Pyelonephritis on CT ScanAcute Bacterial Pyelonephritis on CT Scan

Findings: There are multiple wedge-shaped low-attenuation areas in the left kidney.   Discussion: Wedge-shaped,...

Clavicle: Hyperparathyroidism / Renal Osteodystrophy on Plain FilmClavicle: Hyperparathyroidism / Renal Osteodystrophy on Plain Film

Findings: Renal osteodystrophy presents with one of the following triad: Diffuse Osteosclerosis, Secondary...

Fibroid Uterus on MRIFibroid Uterus on MRI

Findings: The MRI scans d emonstrate a well-demarcated heterogeneous signal uterine fibroid.   Discussion:...

Intraperitoneal Bladder Rupture on CT ScansIntraperitoneal Bladder Rupture on CT Scans

Findings: The contrast enhanced CTs demonstrate low attenuation ascites around the liver and spleen due to extravasated...

Near Drowning on Plain Film and CT ScansNear Drowning on Plain Film and CT Scans

Findings: The abdominal plain film and abdominal CT scans demonstrate a persistent nephrogram and enhancement of the walls...

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS) with Dilated Pelvic Veins on MRIPelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS) with Dilated Pelvic Veins on MRI

Findings: The MRI shows a markedly dilated L ovarian vein measuring 9mm. There is also marked dilation of the L adenexal...

Shock Bowel on CT ScansShock Bowel on CT Scans

Findings: The IV contrast enhanced abdominal CT scans show dilated fluid-filled bowel loops with thickened enhancing...

Tuberculosis (TB): Genitourinary TB on CT and MRI ScansTuberculosis (TB): Genitourinary TB on CT and MRI Scans

Findings: The CT and MRI scans show a complex cystic mass in the right kidney with a focus of calcification.  ...

Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876

Пролапс мочевого пузыря во влагалище


Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Дермоидная киста яичника

ID: 17066 Ovarian dermoid Dr Frank Gaillard - 14 Mar 2012 This case demonstrates typical multi-modality appearances of a mature ov...

Ovarian dermoid</p> <p>

ID: 9862 Ovarian dermoid Dr Natalie Yang - 28 May 2010 Being the most common fat containing mass arising from ovary, ovarian de...

Ovarian dermoid</p> <p>

ID: 10229 Ovarian dermoid Dr Jeremy Jones - 24 Jul 2010 Right sided pelvic mass that contains fat and calcification. This ...

ID: 14212 Ovarian dermoid Dr Abhishek Keraliya - 7 Jul 2011

ID: 9864 Ovarian dermoid Dr Natalie Yang - 28 May 2010 This case illustrates the typical MRI features of a large ovarian dermoi...

Ovarian dermoid</p> <p>Uterus long axis - Normal

ID: 13547 Ovarian dermoid Dr Maulik S Patel - 21 Apr 2011 Transabdominal US - Uterus normal. Left adnexal cystic lesion note...

ID: 19554 Ovarian dermoid Dr Maulik S Patel - 23 Sep 2012 Ovarian tumor - dermoid

Dermoid</p> <p>

ID: 5174 Ovarian dermoid Dr Natalie Yang - 14 Dec 2008 Ovarian dermoid.

ID: 22606 Ovarian dermoid cyst Dr Ahmed Abd Rabou - 10 Apr 2013 Fat suppression technique e.g. STIR and FAT SAT are used to differentiat...

ID: 24177 Ovarian dermoid cyst Dr Ahmed Abd Rabou - 30 Jul 2013

ID: 18119 Ovarian dermoid cyst Dr Philippe Goldstein - 10 Jun 2012 Eventually the main difficulty in this case was not to mistake the cyst ...

ID: 14844 Ovarian dermoid cyst Dr Sajoscha Sorrentino - 30 Aug 2011

ID: 22084 Ovarian dermoid cyst Dr David Puebla - 9 Mar 2013 Ovarian teratomas include mature cystic teratomas (dermoid cysts), immat...

ID: 22870 Ovarian dermoid cyst Dr Ahmed Abd Rabou - 30 Apr 2013

ID: 17544 Ovarian dermoid cyst Dr Roberto Schubert - 24 Apr 2012

ID: 18440 Ovarian dermoid cyst (Kyste dermoïde de l'ovaire) Dr Rahmoun Fateh - 6 Jul 2012 Related article :Dermoid cyst

ID: 17582 Ovarian dermoid cyst (MRI) Dr Roberto Schubert - 27 Apr 2012

The Rokitansky nodule

ID: 19028 Ovarian dermoid cyst with Rokitansky nodule Dr Alexandra Stanislavsky - 2 Aug 2012 Related articles: ovarian dermoid cyst Rokitansky nodule

Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Публикации: 54876
Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876

Многокамерная кистозная нефрома

Cystic nephroma
Cystic nephroma