Изображения. ОГК. Педиатрия. Возрастная норма. Патология. Бернский университет, 2011. PediRad. +

Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Новорожденный. Норма

1. a. Expiratory state: the transparency of the lung is diffusely decreased.
1.b. Inspiratory state, the lung is transparent, the heart is normal sized. Ribs run horizontally in infants.
2. Thymus has a contour on both sides. Healthy newborn.   
Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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25. US examination, longitudinal view. Above the right kidney, in the adrenal region a solid, slightly inhomogeneous mass can be seen. Neuroblastoma.
26. MRI examination, axial T2 weighted image. Irregular, large solid, inhomogeneous retroperitoneal tumor is seen. Neuroblastoma. (with the courtesy of Dr. Gábor Rudas)   
Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Публикации: 54876

Опухоль Вильмса

27. A solid, echogenic mass arising from the right kidney. Wilms tumor. Abdominal US.
28. MRI examination axial, T2weighted sequence. A solid mass arising from the right kidney and filling out the right side of the abdomen, with peripheral follicular cystic components. Wilms tumor. (with the courtesy of Dr. Gábor Rudas)
29. CT-examination after iv. contrast administration. Mostly hypodense mass arising from the left kidney. Wilms tumor. (with the courtesy of Dr. Z. Karádi)   
Катенёв Валентин Львович аватар
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Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15
Публикации: 54876


37. a-d) X-ray of the right humerus. a. Rarefaction in the proximal-medial part of metaphysis of the right humerus – early osteomyelitis. b. Two weeks after the lytic area has grown. c. 1 month later sclerotic regeneration has begun. d. 4 months after almost complete healing. Osteomyelitis, infant.