Extrathoracic soft tissue Rx: Foreign body Rx: Status asthmaticus, Cutaneus emphysema Rx: Obesity, clavicular fracture Rx: Cutaneus emphysema Rx: Pleural effusion, Splenomegaly Rx: Dysmorphism Rx: Myotonic dystrophy Rx: Soft tissue oedema, Pericardial effusion Rx: Obesity Rx: Mucopolysaccharidosis, Skeletal dysplasia Rx: Pneumomediastinum, VACTERL association Rx: Foreign body Rx: Pneumothorax Rx: Foreign body Rx: Foreign body Rx: Fork rib Rx: Foreign body Rx: Central lobe pneumonia Rx: Obstructive lung disease, spleen Rx: Pericardial effusion Rx: Skin fold, catheter complications. Rx: IRDS, skin fold Rx: Diaphragmatic herniation Rx: Soft tissue emphysema Rx: Poland syndrome Rx: Massive soft tissue emphysema Chest skeleton Rx: Fremdkörper-Aspiration Rx: Lung fibrosis Rx: Sero pneumothorax Rx: Pneumonia, Spinal muscular atrophy Rx: Obesity, clavicular fracture Rx: Pleural effusion, Splenomegaly Rx: Foreign body, Spina bifida Rx: Fallot’s Tetralogy, Scoliosis Rx: Tetralogy of Fallot , foreign body Rx: PDA, viral infection, foreign body Rx: Total atelectasis, foreign material Rx: Dysmorphism Rx: Funnel chest, foreign body Rx: Myotonic dystrophy Rx: Mucopolysaccharidosis, Skeletal dysplasia Rx: Pneumomediastinum, VACTERL association Rx: Lung Hypoplasia Rx: Pectus excavatum Rx: Scoliosis Rx: Funnel chest, Inferior lobe pneumonia Rx: Aspiration pneumonia, funnel chest, scoliosis Rx: Thorax deformity, Tetralogy of Fallot Rx: Atelectasis, rib hypoplasia Rx: Fork rib Rx: Missing first rib Rx: Rib malformation Rx: Interstitial Pneumopathy, Sternum Rx: Inferior lobe pneumonia, fork rib. Rx: Pectus carinatum (pigeon chest), basal pneumonia Rx: Complex cardiac disease Rx: Rib deconfiguration, Neuroblastoma Rx: Old rib fracture Rx: Butterfly-shaped vertebra Rx: Clavicle Fracture Rx: Thymus Rx: Clavicle fracture, micro aspirations Rx: Fractured Clavicle Rx: Osteogenesis imperfecta, fractured rib Rx: Pectus carinatum, Viral infection Rx/MRT: Osteomyelitis Rx: Fork rib Rx: Viral infection, fork rib Rx/CT: Fractured spinal column Rx/CT/Sz: Ewing’s Sarcoma of the rib Rx: Serial fracture of the ribs Сб, 31/08/2013 - 21:20 #1 Катенёв Валенти... Не на сайте Был на сайте: 6 лет 3 месяцев назад Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Публикации: 54876 Diaphragm Rx: Diaphragmatic herniationRx: Diaphragmatic herniaRx: Hiatus herniaRx: Diaphragmatic herniationRx: Diaphragmatic herniationRx: Paraoesophageal herniaRx: Phrenic nerve lesion Pleura Rx: Sero pneumothoraxRx: Spontaneous pneumothoraxRx/CT: Tension pneumothoraxRx: Pleural effusion, traumaRx: Pleural effusion, SplenomegalyRx: Subpulmonary effusionRx: Pulmonary oedemaRx: Inferior Lobe PneumoniaRx: Situs inversusRx: Central lobe pneumoniaRx: Pleural pneumoniaRx: Inferior lobe atelectasis, Pleural pneumoniaRx: PleuropneumoniaRx: PneumoniaRx/CT: Pleuropneumonia with pneumatoceleRx: Massive soft tissue emphysema Trachea & Bronchi Rx: AspirationRx: Lung HypoplasiaRx: LaryngotracheitisRx/MRT: Descended aorta on the right.Rx: Diaphragmatic herniationRx: RSV-BronchiolitisRx/CT: Non Hodgkin lymphomaRx: Laryngotracheitis Сб, 31/08/2013 - 21:21 #2 Катенёв Валенти... Не на сайте Был на сайте: 6 лет 3 месяцев назад Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Публикации: 54876 Lung Rx: Plötzlicher Hustenanfall beim Essen von ErdnüssenRx: VirusinfektRx: Fremdkörper-AspirationRx: ThoraxkontusionRx: AspirationRx: Cystic fibrosisRx: Spontaneous pneumothoraxRx: Pneumonia, Spinal muscular atrophyRx: Status asthmaticus, Cutaneus emphysemaRx/CT: Tension pneumothoraxRx: Aortic valve replacementRx: Cystic FibrosisRx: Fallot’s tetralogy, Inferior lobe pneumoniaRx: PDA, viral infection, foreign bodyRx: Multifocal pneumoniaRx: Total atelectasis, foreign material Rx: Inferior lobe pneumoniaRx: DysmorphismRx: Pulmonary oedemaRx: Meconium aspiration Rx: LeukaemiaRx: Alveolar proteinosisRx: Pneumomediastinum, VACTERL associationRx: Cystic fibrosis, ObstructionRx: PneumothoraxRx: Posterior superior lobe pneumoniaRx: Obstructive bronchitisRx: Inferior Lobe PneumoniaRx: Lung HypoplasiaRx: Superior lobe pneumoniaRx: Inferior lobe pneumoniaRx: Multifocal pneumoniaRx: Funnel chest, Inferior lobe pneumoniaRx: Aspiration pneumonia, funnel chest, scoliosisRx: Middle lobe pneumoniaRx: Atelectasis, rib hypoplasiaRx: Inferior lobe pneumoniaRx: Lateral middle lobe pneumoniaRx: Pneumonia of LingulaRx/CT: Immune deficiencyRx: Central lobe pneumoniaRx: Central lobe pneumoniaRx: Multifocal pneumoniaRx: Pleural pneumoniaRx: Round pneumoniaRx: Inferior lobe atelectasis, Pleural pneumoniaRx: Superior lobe pneumoniaRx: Inferior lobe pneumoniaRx: Superior lobe pneumoniaRx: Viral infection, Lobus venae azygosRx: Pulmonary OedemaRx: Cystic FibrosisRx: Exacerbation of asthmaRx: Interstitial Pneumopathy, SternumRx: Obstructive lung disease, spleenRx: Inferior lobe pneumonia, fork rib.Rx: Pectus carinatum (pigeon chest), basal pneumonia Rx: Round pneumoniaRx: Central lobe pneumonia, atelectasisRx: Mediastinum, pneumoniaRx: Cystic FibrosisRx: Situs inversus, Kartagener syndromeRx: Sero pneumo thoraxRx: Meconium aspiration Rx: Oesophageal atresiaRx: Aortic isthmus stenosis, PneumothoraxRx: IRDS, skin foldRx: Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome (IRDS)Rx: PneumothoraxRx: IRDS, Bronchopulmonary dysplasiaRx: Acute Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome (IRDS)Rx: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (CLD)Rx: wet lungRx: AspirationRx: Tension pneumothoraxRx: Meconium aspirationRx: Diaphragmatic herniaRx: Diaphragmatic herniationRx: Tension pneumothoraxRx: Clavicle fracture, micro aspirationsRx: Thymus, virus infection Rx: Aspiration pneumoniaRx: Ventricular septal defectRx: Lobus cardiacusRx: Obstructive airways infectionRx: PneumoniaRx: Double Outlet right VentricleRx: RSV bronchiolitisRx: VirusinfektRx: Complex cardiac patientRx: PneumoniaRx: Viral infection, superinfectionRx: Inferior lobe pneumonia on leftRx: Obstructive bronchitisRx: Viral infectionRx: Obstructive bronchitisRx: Heterotaxia, complex cardiac diseaseRx: Viral infectionRx: Body posture and lung volumeRx: Central pneumoniaRx: Thymus, Viral infectionRx: Pulmonary oedema, PDA, Amplatzer deviceRx: central pneumoniaRx: Chemical pneumonitisRx: Inferior lobe atelectasisRx: Pectus carinatum, Viral infectionRx: Nut aspirationRx: Viral infectionRx: Virus infection, thymusRx: Viral infectionRx: Peanut aspirationRx: Soft tissue emphysemaRx: Inhalation of a nutRx: Obstructive lung diseaseRx: RSV-BronchiolitisRx: Middle lobe pneumoniaRx: Viral infectionRx: Middle Lobe PneumoniaRx: Multifocal PneumoniaRx: Coarctation of the aorta, PneumothoraxRx: Inferior lobe infiltrateRx: Round PneumoniaRx: Middle lobe atelectasisRx: Fork ribRx: Superior lobe pneumoniaRx: Middle lobe pneumoniaRx: Inferior lobe pneumoniaRx: TuberculosisRx: AtelectasisRx: Lingula pneumoniaRx: Inferior lobe partial atelectasisRx: Pneumonia, oesophagus Rx: Pneumonia, thymusRx: Viral infectionRx: Viral infection, plate atelectasisRx: Viral infection, fork ribRx: PneumoniaRx/CT: Pleuropneumonia with pneumatoceleRx: Inferior lobe pneumoniaRx: atypische PneumonieRx: Inferior Lobe PneumoniaRx: Superior Lobe PneumoniaRx: Atypical pneumoniaRx: Inferior lobe pneumoniaRx: Accessory lung lobeRx/CT/MRT: Osteosarcoma metastasisRx/CT/MRT/PET: Metastatic Rhabdomyosarcoma of the ProstateRx/CT: Lung sequestrumRx: Goodpasture’s syndromeRx/CT/MRT: Immune deficiencyRx/CT: Lung hypoplasiaRx/CT: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), course.Rx/CT: BronchiectasisRx/CT: Bulla Сб, 31/08/2013 - 21:23 #3 Катенёв Валенти... Не на сайте Был на сайте: 6 лет 3 месяцев назад Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Публикации: 54876 Heart & vasculature Rx: St. n. ASD-VerschlussRx: Aortic valve replacementRx: Fallot’s Tetralogy, ScoliosisRx: Fallot’s tetralogy, Inferior lobe pneumoniaRx: Tetralogy of Fallot , foreign bodyRx: PDA, viral infection, foreign bodyRx: Foreign material, bicuspid valve replacementRx: Meconium aspiration Rx: Soft tissue oedema, Pericardial effusionRx: Pulmonary valve insufficiency, Pulmonary valve repRx: Pectus excavatum Rx: Ventriclular septal defectRx: Thorax deformity, Tetralogy of FallotRx: Viral infection, Lobus venae azygosRx/MRT: Descended aorta on the right.Rx: CardiomyopathyRx: Tetralogy of Fallot , multiple interventionsRx: Complex cardiac diseaseRx: Pneumo pericardiumRx: Pericardial effusionRx: Aortic valve stenosisRx: Pulmonary stenosisRx: Aortic isthmus stenosis, PneumothoraxRx: Tetralogy of FallotRx: Transposition of the great vesselsRx: Pneumo pericardiumRx: Ventricular septal defectRx: Double Outlet right VentricleRx: Tetralogy of FallotRx: Complex cardiac patientRx/MRT: Kawasaki syndromeRx: Congestive cardiomyopathyRx: Ventricle septum defectRx: Heterotaxia, complex cardiac diseaseRx: Ventricular Septal DefectRx: Pulmonary oedema, PDA, Amplatzer deviceRx: Persisting Ductus arteriosusRx: Complex cardiac patientRx: Amplatzer-DeviceRx: Coarctation of the aorta, PneumothoraxRx: Phrenic nerve lesion Rx/MRT: Aortic isthmus stenosisRx/MRT: Aneurysm of the Ductus arteriosus botalliRx/CT/MRT: Immune deficiencyRx/CT: Scimitar syndrome * Rx/CT: Coarctation of the aorta Сб, 31/08/2013 - 21:25 #4 Катенёв Валенти... Не на сайте Был на сайте: 6 лет 3 месяцев назад Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Публикации: 54876 Thymus Rx: Normal findingsRx: Fractured ClavicleRx: AspirationRx: PneumothoraxRx: Tension pneumothoraxRx: Butterfly-shaped vertebraRx: Clavicle FractureRx: ThymusRx: Thymus, virus infection Rx: ThymusRx: ThymusRx: Tumour with aspect of thymusRx: Thymus, Viral infectionRx: ThymusRx: Virus infection, thymusRx: Pneumonia, thymus Mediastinum Rx: Fremdkörper-AspirationRx/MRT: Hodgkin's lymphomaRx: PneumothoraxRx: Hodgkin's diseaseRx: Paraoesophageal herniaRx: LeukaemiaRx: Pneumomediastinum, VACTERL associationRx: Foreign bodyRx: Cystic fibrosis, ObstructionRx: Pectus excavatum Rx: Situs inversusRx: Foreign bodyRx: Exacerbation of asthmaRx: Mediastinum, pneumoniaRx: Foreign bodyRx: Pneumo pericardiumRx: Situs inversus, Kartagener syndromeRx: Diaphragmatic herniaRx: Hiatus herniaRx: Diaphragmatic herniationRx/CT: NeuroblastomaRx: Tumour with aspect of thymusRx/CT: Non Hodgkin lymphomaRx/MRT: Mediastinal lymphomaRx/US: B-ALLRx/CT: Metastatic “Midline Carcinoma”Rx/CT/US: Wilm’s tumorRx/CT/Sz: NeuroblastomaRx/CT/MRT/PET: Hodgkin’s lymphoma Сб, 31/08/2013 - 21:27 #5 Катенёв Валенти... Не на сайте Был на сайте: 6 лет 3 месяцев назад Зарегистрирован: 22.03.2008 - 22:15 Публикации: 54876 Esophagus & gastrointestinal tract Rx: Paraoesophageal herniaRx: Foreign bodyRx: Oesophageal atresiaRx: Duodenal obstructionRx: Esophageal atresiaRx: Hiatus herniaRx: ThymusRx: Cavernous Organ PerforationRx: Voluminous stomachRx: Ph-monitor-tubeRx: Interposition of ColonRx: Foreign body ingestionRx: Pneumonia, oesophagus Rx: Hiatus hernia, Status after oesophageal atresia
Trachea & Bronchi
Heart & vasculature
Esophagus & gastrointestinal tract